I had spoken with a resident before the actual doctor inquiring after a certain medication. Did my doctor lie… I am not asking what your opinion is on the shot or weather or not you took it. Met with my doctor and he told me he is clearing for surgery and was calling the surgeon to tell him. Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health [Berry MD, Ken D.] on Amazon.com. And I called him out on it. Doctor lied to me?!?!? I was meeting with my doctor to discuss treatment options for a problem I have. And then espoused a theory that seemed perfectly 19th century to me: 'Patients want to hear an answer. Can I sue my Doctor for lying to me and my girlfriend in front of an assistant Doctor? 6 weeks after having my child, my doc pushed me to try the Mirena. Sorry everyone, I feel like I'm monopolizing the threads on this site lately. I had a doctor's appointment today that really upset me. I see she is still in my city and lied to me. The 1st time I went to see my Doctor about a car accident I was in, he told me that I … Blatantly. I had a history of PID, and the occasional yeast infection, but nothing too serious. I think my doctor lied to me, he told me the pill I was on wouldn't stop pregnancy (I'm a teen) but after I looked it up it said that it did stop pregnancy? Few weeks later i started having pain in my stomach its like a hunger pain. Did … I had my gastric sleeve surgery in 2014 in Cincinnati and in the same time the doctor fixed an hernia in my stomach . A: My doctor lied to me about my procedure. I have never been to a psychiatrist for my ADD but he was prescribing Adderall and Vyvanse to me. This is probably just me and my brain mixing things up, but im still not sure. What should I do? ... She lied to my face or didn't know? She told me one day that she was moving because her husband got a new job. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The best way to address this is to read your pre-operative consent forms -and see what you all agreed to in writing and then compare it to the operative report. Well, she didn't move. Not even a couple of hours later I got a call from the clinic stating that my surgery is cancelled because my doctor does not feel right with me doing it what hurts the most is that he shook my hand and told me good luck on my surgery on Monday. What should I do? I was appalled when a tennis teammate, who had recently been appointed as an ER doctor in a large hospital, told me he 'regularly' lied to patients. I feel that for a mental health doctor to lie to patient goes against the very nature of what they are supposed to be doing, building trust. The resident left the room to return with the doctor. I was pregnant with my first (and last) child, and being a new mom, I listened to my doc with open ears. hi, I need help! While waiting for the procedure, I read the package insert. Dr. Berry (41:19): I think my doctor lied to me, he told me the pill I was on wouldn't stop pregnancy (I'm a teen) but after I looked it up it said that it did stop pregnancy? I trusted her and this hurt me immensely. My doctor body shamed me and lied to me about tests she ran. My story is not unlike many of yours, but I am beyond angry. Alright, i just had a ECG scan, and she goes to a doctor with the printed results in her hand, she was about 4 minutes she came back and said "That's ok" and then said absolutely nothing else about the scan. Lies My Doctor Told Me, is available as a paperback, as a Kindle and Audible wherever fine books are sold. My doctor has lied on my medical records and will not let me amend (I think that's the word) them. She didnt seem like she was telling the truth, i can tell she could be hiding something. Allow me to explain: I was referred to a neurologist for my Migraines. I’m one of those bigger girls that confuses the medical community by being entirely healthy. I have a little YouTube channel that I've got I think over 270 videos that you can watch for nothing that's absolutely free to watch them all. Yes. Update: She went on to tell me shes been a doctor for 15 years and can't recall a single person who has said no to the shot. "There's a type of doctor who lies out of a misguided sense of authority.

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