If the electronic circuit uses the transistor as a switch, then the biasing of the transistor either use PNP transistor or an NPN transistor that we must have to see. But a digital high logic signal controls this switch as compared to traditional push buttons. One of the most common uses for transistors in an electronic circuit is as simple switches. Transistor switches are used for a wide variety of applications such as interfacing large current or high voltage devices like motors, relays or lamps to low voltage digital IC’s or logic gates like AND gates or OR gates. One of the most fundamental applications of a transistor is using it to control the flow of power to another part of the circuit -- using it as an electric switch. By looking at the questions answered on the subject, people tend to use a ratio Ic/Ib much smaller than the parameter h FE,min found on the specific transistor datasheet. As we have seen a semiconductor offer less resistance to flow current in one direction and high resistance is another direction and we can call transistor as the device mode of the semiconductor. Switch is a very useful and important application of transistors. When using the MOSFET as a switch we can drive the MOSFET to turn “ON” faster or slower, or pass high or low currents. In most digital IC’s transistors will work as a switch to make power consumption very low. • When using the bipolar transistor as a switch they must be either “fully- OFF” or “fully-ON”. A transistor is an electronics component that is also used as a digital switch. But a digital high logic signal controls this switch as compared to traditional push buttons. In most of the applications, transistors are used as a switch in circuits. In switching application, the active region or active region of characteristics is avoided. The applications of transistor include the following. Although, it works similarly to a mere mechanical switch. Understand the working principle of a transistor as a switch, and the theory behind how it works. Virtually any general purpose NPN or PNP transistor can be used as a switch. Transistor in cutoff region will act as an open switching whereas in saturation will act as a closed switch. Some answer advise not to use a very low value of the raio Ic/Ib when dealing with fast switching applications, otherwise the transistor may not reach the fully on state in time. A transistor is used as an amplifier to amplify the current and a small change in base current makes a large change in CC (collector current). negative voltage) then the PNP transistor is in ‘ON’, now the supply voltage at emitter conducts and the output pin pulled up to the larger voltage. • Transistor Switch Base Resistance 10. We will discuss the need for proper biasing in the next chapter. A transistor is an electronics component that is also used as a digital switch. This ability to turn the power MOSFET “ON” and “OFF” allows the device to be used as a very efficient switch with switching speeds much faster than standard bipolar junction transistors. This is because a small change in base current causes a large change in collector current. Virtually any general purpose NPN or PNP transistor can be used as a switch. Learn more about Transistors as a Switch … This type solid state switching offers significant reliability and lower cost as compared with conventional relays. A transistor can be used to amplify current. As we already told, the power loss in transistor switch is very low but not zero. Like its bipolar cousin, the field-effect transistor may be used as an on/off switch controlling electrical power to a load. What is Bipolar Junction Transistor, Working as an Amplifier and Switch and their Applications; As we learned "a diode is a simple P-N Junction device and it has two doped region (N-region) and (P-region)" when a second P-N junction is formed and connected in the back to back fashion then the resulting device is formed and known as BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor).

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