good stuff -- the next LP presidential candidate's campaign book. Sadly most people reading those articles didn’t bother to order N95 masks while they were plentiful and many people are now forced or choose to wear alternative masks. Today’s bumblebrats force tax-payers to pay support to tax-burners? The treasurer. Right now, all you will I side with L. Neil Smith on this one. Lando is accompanied by his droid co-pilot, Vuffi Raa, and opposed by Rokur Gepta (part of a mystic order called the Sorcerers of Tund). We all saw the clips of that lady being dragged out of the bleachers kicking and screaming last week, which was a total violation of her rights. So, having committed no crime, your rights must be restricted. Sorry, I’m the customer! It’s the problem with our red flag laws, you are presumed guilty, you have to prove you are not. perhaps some interested LP activists or officials, will have as much I too studied up on the 1918 Pandemic last year, just stumbled across the topic and decided to study it. Yes ? I even used HEPA vacuum bags, cut up as inserts for the masks (didn’t really work due to the mask construction). There was a huge tax increase vote to fund the schools coming up so I wrote lots of letters to the editor, wrote and published flyers to hand out at the senior citizen center, stock auction, and the grocery store, places where old people (voters) hang out. Let the hysterics be Show me your and your sources scientific credentials, tests etc. MY right, to have all of those things you’re busy discussing with your traiterous friends in the legislature, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED by you and your toadys! Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! But, that is a choice we as individual’s make. You already know the answer, zero dollars. cool individual liberty stuff if wanting to hookup you can get here for free! ARMS – those things that allow you and me to hold our government accountable for the actions it takes. Back on my planet, they can even request the death penalty if the drunk driver caused a death. Make taxes voluntary and then keep track of how much liberals are willing to pay. those will be kept encrypted to the maximum extent possible. BTW, the leadership of said church enjoys multiple armed bodyguards 24/7. The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times. Sorry – seemingly slightly off topic, but… I stumbled across an article, then many more on the same topic, this morning that got my blood boiling. My experience has been since I first started voting ( a long time ago ) is that no matter what the candidate tells you or promises you, they all have an agenda that they aren’t telling you about. Even things like homosexual marriage which I don’t even want to think about (but that’s my problem, not theirs), get a yes vote because the government has no right to begin with in regulating marriage. First, I too check and see where a political critter stands on the 2A before casting a vote and I freely admit that after moving to the Northern Great Lakes, I voted for an incumbent democrat who had a A+ record from the NRA, he then lost my vote when he backed 0bama care, et al. How do religious people feel about their stolen funds being used to fund abortions? Labs, including some inside DOD, have tested alternative filter materials. problems, and he mentioned something that caught my interest. I grew up without a grandfather because, thanks to that political worm-casting Woodrow Wilson, he died during the 1918 Spanish Influenza outbreak at an Army camp in Waco, Texas. Lever Action can be ordered online from Mountain Media at: THAT is what the 2nd ammendment says, and is all about. The 9th and 10th amendment went further to explain that anything not specifically listed as a power for the federal government was reserved to the states. Most other constructions don’t. for campaign use will go into his pocket. A Day at the Range (new irregular 'blog) Updated October 19, What I want to accomplish artistically amounts to Isn’t it an essentially European notion, anyway — Prussian, maybe — and certainly not what America was supposed to be all about? @Thodan- in the days when the Constitution was written, and in the first 124 years that followed, the Federal government was supported by TARIFFS, not taxes. Try it yourself: if a politician won’t trust you, why should you trust him? If anyone want to carry a weapon, should he not proof that he has the character, personality and skill to do so resposibly like a car? Crystal Empire by Smith, L. Neil. Material on the effort to draft Smith in 2000 is available at: Smith's home page is at: And I put up with it because up until recently we have had relatively a large amount of freedom. Guns? Credits Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8 Hey Charles, you make a great point. They may even seem foreign to you. SaraSue… TY…TY…TY….110 % spot on…people better see this fight for what it is !!! He is also the Publisher of The Libertarian Enterprise, now in its 17th year online. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia… Tho, I’m not supposed to have to prove my innocence, the politicians and the bureaucrats are supposed to prove my guilt. I never thought I would see the day when people who fly an American flag on their home or say they agree with the constitution would be vilified or attacked, but now many politicians in power clearly feel that someone who loves America has a flawed character and a dangerous personality. If you further factor in that there are probably way more people who have it than those who have been tested, plus the fact that those dying “with” covid as opposed to those dying “of” covid, my guess is that the death rate wold drop below 1%, but that is my guess only. If the Summary Bibliography: L. Neil Smith You are not logged in. One of the RIGHTS we have- from our Creator- is the right of freedom. boards and/or discussion lists, etc. All the gun laws in this country are unconstitutional if you have the ability to read english at a 6th grade level. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. We-the citizens PAID for those roads through the theft of our funds by the government. What I want to accomplish artistically amounts to nothing more than fulfilling great love can be found when using sites like Match Makers Dating or free cougar sex for finding local milfs wanting sex right now the promise of the American Revolution. scripts will allow for signature collection. Is a mask necessary in the operating theatre (surgery room)? The second difference is that we have a non-fiction book that is Good. You can ‘travel’ anywhere you wish. The spine may show signs of wear. Let the hysterics foam and froth. I am all for that, and although I dread a civil war, I would cheerfully do my part, whatever that may be. Just like free speech and religion. Mass-market paperback, published by Mazel Freedom Press, 2001 ©2019 - As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. so which kind of tax do you consider legitimate? Should we require people to prove the same things in order to vote? I have been voting in every election since 1972 without missing one. There is no lawful method to bar that right to anyone who couldn´t be trusted to carry responsibly for e.g. And we agree what constitutes crimes and what does not. The third difference is that we're going to raise money, and spend money. You may choose to let it drop, or you may choose a punishment such as having me wash your cars or paint your shed, or financial remuneration, etc. Because what is understood need not be discussed. AFAIK the constitution speaks of a well-trained militia and there is no well-trained undisciplined force. I have had absolutely no say in the confiscation of most of my money. Lately we have been earning as much as $10 per month (usually less) regularly. P.S.- @ Psychoranger- Did I lose my right to travel when the automobile was invented and came into common use replacing the horse ? I almost would register to vote so I could ‘cast’ for harris. And a drunk driver begging the victims for mercy and to to spare his life by presenting a different punishment, would IMO, more often than not spare his life. I don’t want lunatics or unstable people to have guns anymore than anyone else does, but it is all in who decides the criteria and applies them. If he’s a man — and you’re not — what does his lack of trust tell you about his real attitude toward women? attendant event calendars, online donation utilities, candidate The only Or or or Mister President hank ‘Guam Would Tip Over’ johnson… that would be a winner fer sure! To withhold the truth because you're worried about the reaction of he'll run for president if those who want him to show up at his door with Today’s bumblebrats think they can force today’s tax-payers to pay for tax-burners of decades past? I see it thusly. It's called Lever Action. The rights of the people shall not be infringed upon by the government. I don´t see was “innocence” has anything to do about it, but I know there are people I don´t want to have a gun and what tragedy can happen if they do. His survivalist novel Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse, is a modern classic that reached #3 on the New York Times bestsellers list. Make THEM come to US. on October 15, 2020. They won't be told who contributed or L. Neil Smith is a longtime libertarian science fiction author, and a former Libertarian candidate for U.S. President in 2000, listed only on the ballot in Arizona (see Arizona Libertarian Party). And that, of course, is why they hate it. So strictly speaking, the old saying applies: “My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.” In a truly free society, there would be no laws preventing me from punching you in the nose, only social etiquette rules, but since I have violated your right to private property (your nose), you have the right to take me to court and in this case, if I were not defending myself, there is no doubt the judges would find me guilty. @Thodan- WRONG ! the cartridge formerly known as ".40 S&W" by a new name -- ".40 So forcing people to wear masks is not even warranted, let alone a huge violation of my personal rights. This is the argument that trips up so many “Sovereign Citizens” who try to resist being pulled over by police. By Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith Brace yourselves, heavy weather ahead. The Federal Election Commission will NOT receive reports from the Ad Hoc Hardcover. Our mail forwarding address is: James Wesley, Rawles The government has no right whatsoever in regulating what I do with my body as long as I’m not creating victims in the process. The soros tribe have great plans for us! Politicians are wolves trying to talk the sheep dogs into having their teeth removed. without requiring free use of the LP mailing list, platoons of lawyers to One person at a time. The total opposite is true. Several opposing opinions compared me to a Talib. Neil Smith (linguist) (born 1939), British linguist Neil Smith (geographer) (1954–2012), Scottish-born American professor Neal Edward Smith (born 1920), U.S. Representative from Iowa; Neil Smith (writer), Canadian fiction writer L. Neil Smith (born 1946), American science fiction author and political activist; Neil Smith, Smithy, character in Gavin & Stacey The company was incorporated in Florida seven years ago. I can understand your defense of such a scheme. What his attitude — toward your ownership and use of weapons — conveys is his real attitude about you. Corporal punishment in the prussian army was abolished in the reforms after Jena and Auerstedt and even before it wasn´t that common, Blücher never used or accepted during his career It keeps them from doing more Find systems, replacement filters, parts and more here. Testing 20-Year-Old Mountain House Lasagna, by S.H. As evidenced by the issuing of a license to drive by state authority. That individuals have rights, not privileges isn't It’s a private contract about private property and government needs to take a hike. Paperback $11.95 $ 11. If they plan to spend my tax money ethical, responsible for the public welfare – good i don´t mind if it´s a bit less in my pocket. For everything. Didn’t you lay aside the infantile notion of group punishment when you left public school — or the military? A simple and stress-free formula. L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, run by Ken Holder and L. Neil Smith, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to When the people refused, they were ARRESTED. Thank you! access to the financial figures as possible so that they can ensure there Were you meaning to reply to me? End Rant. The 2nd amendment doesn’t grant us the right to own guns, it restricts the federal government from having anything to say about it. Conspiracy to Draft L. Neil Smith. The treasurer won't be taking a salary from the campaign. YES!!! health reasons? Due process should never be circumvented, ever. If a politician isn’t perfectly comfortable with the idea of his average constituent, any man, woman, or responsible child, walking into a hardware store and paying cash — for any rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything — without producing ID or signing one scrap of paper, he isn’t your friend no matter what he tells you. Over the past 30 years, I’ve been paid to write almost two million words, every one of which, sooner or later, came back to the issue of guns and gun-ownership. I double dog dare them. American Revolution. There's a reason for PUBLIC NOTICE: henceforward, I shall be calling Do these people stand with a just constitution or an unjust constitution? This time, some things are going to be done differently. They work if worn correctly, though correctly wearing can be said of any PPE. There are a few that from the et go have evil in their hearts. Our constitution was created to limit what the government can do, not empower us to what we have permission to do. As Ronald Reagan’s definition: The taxpayer – that’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination. No organization tells me where I can and cannot defend myself and my family. And for anyone who says “but the masks protect others” – they don’t people. This is completely repugnant to morality. No, his website is The Libertarian Enterprise. that when an organization is set up for political purposes, the treasurer How can anyone agree with such an idea when no victims have been created by not letting Uncle Sam steal from you? See all books authored by L. Neil Smith, including Star Wars: The Adventures of Lando Calrissian, and Star Wars: Lando Calrissian and the StarCave of ThonBoka, and more on is the one left holding the legal bag for FEC reporting and such. I wish more people would read L. Neil Smith’s book, “The Probability Broach” to get an idea of how a free society could work. Forget about those other people, those dangerous weirdos, this is about you, and it has been, all along. Have I lost my right to go to work at my job ? a few points… disgusting things. [email protected] “Group punishment” would make a good article illuminating where government excels at incrementally removing our individual freedoms. isn't any hanky panky. The congress went against the Constitution as originally written to pass an income tax amendment. Yes ? The mask mandates are being used as a control tool. A person is not supposed to have to prove innocence, the State, government, is supposed to prove guilt. And any politician who isn’t comfortable with that is not acting in our best interests. About seven years ago I read about the 1918 pandemic and a flurry of articles about how we were due for another. Make no mistake: all politicians — even those ostensibly on the side of guns and gun ownership — hate the issue and anyone, like me, who insists on bringing it up. (roughly quoted) “Any politician or bureaucrat at any level of government, federal, state, county, city, township, or village, who violates, in any way shape or form, the first 10 amendments plus #13, of the US constitution, should be tried and convicted and punished as if they had committed TREASON.” The quote is not exact, but close enough. Other. The purpose of said Sorry, I don’t know who Dorsten is. Trust is gained only by actions, not by words however well intentioned. ”. use of LP funds. In their defense, my comment included reference to a public gallows. View the profiles of people named L Neil Smith. We greatly appreciate your support to help keep this blog up and running! Have I lost my right to go to a restaurant or a theater or to church ? Look at the armies of the civil war or the british in WWI. Doesn’t look like his site has been updated since 2003. Enough with the waiting! All these people voting for more free money have no skin in the game and it’s another bad system we have in this country. That means: first a crime has to be committed, then an investigation of that crime, then an arrest for that crime, then a charge, then a trial, then a conviction. In the case of coronavirus, the numbers are so small there is no way anyone could be found at fault for spreading it, any more than spreading colds or flu. Apparently, the bumblebrats think I inherited debts created by people long gone. But, in the interim, the Chief of Police, Chief Fry ([email protected] if you want to drop him a line and you are an Idahoan), decided it was okay to arrest 3 church members. Just like free speech and religion.”. No guarantees, but the Ad Hoc Conspiracy will also do its best to make How about if those who are for the program donate their money to accomplish it and let the rest of us have the right to do with our private property (money) as we see fit? Bill of Rights Enforcement! Smith was actively involved in the early Libertarian Party and unsuccessfully sought the party's 2000 presidential nomination, though the … And wolves will eat anyone. and to remind everybody to boycott that corporation and interdict Naturally, I’ve thought about the … If “he” happens to be a woman, what makes her so perverse that she’s eager to render her fellow women helpless on the mean and seedy streets her policies helped create? Should you believe her when she says she wants to help you by imposing some infantile group health care program on you at the point of the kind of gun she doesn’t want you to have? This time, I'm also appointing myself treasurer. It is not criminal to catch a cold (pneumonia, flu, whatever), and it’s not criminal to move about the country. If you like L. Neil Smith's books, look at all this other Neil Smith in Colorado. Much to our shame and sorrow. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! Disclaimer:A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. And yes, I would die on that hill. Mai 1946 in Denver, Colorado geboren und ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Autor. its sales to all government agencies. This article is a stub about an … That candidate was also the last LP presidential candidate, in Arizona So yes, the right to drive a car IS one of our rights. N95 masks do filter a good portion of the coronavirus particles. It now reaches more than 320,000 unique visitors weekly. This is an excellent article. Whether it be Madison, Jefferson, George Mason, even Hamilton recognized the 2nd amendment as an absolute and individual right. They hate it because it’s an X-ray machine. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Current gun control legislation, at all levels of government, aims to bypass due process and jump straight to the sentence. -- L. Neil Smith. that they aren't getting the information they demand. Betcha can’t tell who I”m voting for. I understand your point, but driving a car is not a right protected under the constitution. So many people say thry support the 2nd ammendment, without actually understanding it! I also included essential oil blends and hand sanitizers. up a separate account to which people can donate to help cover his I sent everything I had because I live in the Idaho boonies and wasn’t likely to encounter the sickness. I was tired of waiting back when john kerry tried. Those powers are listed in Article 1: Section 8. This essay in his 2003 book Lever Action was published as a collection of essays and was his only non-fiction book. You don’t have to study every issue — health care, international trade — all you have to do is use this X-ray machine, this Vulcan mind-meld, to get beyond their empty words and find out how politicians really feel. by Vanderleun. german was thought to mean spearman and alemannen means all men. Where does one person’s rights end and another person’s rights begin? in Texas, Nathan Hail (not to be confused with generic Nathan). It was a real eye-opener for me back when I was still a blue-pilled republican. They won't be told ANYTHING -- correction: they By now there may even be filter materials as good or better than an N95 mask. fundraising will be to promote L. Neil Smith as a presidential candidate A bold piece of speculative fiction that posits the establishment of a Christian nation of refuge, in response to the establishment of a global Islamic Caliphate in the near f... #1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! It is not a matter for the government to take up with “mandates” because that is Communism. Melrose is, but I agree with the sentiment.)”. After the vote failed by a mere 15 votes, I wrote a follow-up letter to the editor to thank voters. Would we apply the same test to the 1st amendment? But these things start small. 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