Second and third generation Excerpt from the WSU Crop Protection Guide. Mating disruption is a standard control for codling moth applied to roughly 90% of apple acres in Washington. Apply the first spray when 250 degree-days have accumulated from the first biofix, unless high levels of moths are being caught, in which case spray at 160 degree days. Eggs begin to be deposited between 225-275 degree-days. Use pheromone trap catches to detect an increase in moth flight activity around 1060 degree-days from the first biofix, which signals the start of the next flight and is the second biofix. Peak emergence is usually 17 to 21 days later, though this depends on temperature. While at rest, these moths hold their wings roof-like over the body. If a treatment is justified based on accumulated moth captures, then moth capture accumulation is started over for the next time period, based either on the expected residue of the pesticide or over the next 250 degree-days. However, depending on how the orchard is designed, an area larger than that represented by an individual trap may need to be treated. Check with your certifier about the exact status of all materials. Calyx entries are difficult to detect without cutting the fruit. Where codling moth populations are low, it may be possible to delay the treatment decision until 525 degree-days. Another parasite, Ascogaster quadridentata, was introduced to the United States from France as a biological control for codling moth. Under low-rainfall conditions, Calypso provides about 2-3 weeks protection from codling moth damage; Assail, Confirm, Exirel, Imidan, Intrepid, and Rimon provide about 10 to 14 days protection. The codling moth egg is oval, flat and, when first laid, almost transparent. May cause a greasy appearance to some fruit if applied close to harvest or with high seasonal volumes. Successful management of codling moth is dependent upon many factors such as size and extent of the codling moth population, number, … Most conventional insecticides are toxic to the natural enemies of codling moth. Repeat applications of. Pupae are brown and about 0.75 inch l… See the discussion above regarding the kind of traps and lures to be used in monitoring codling moth adults. COMMENTS: Attach dispensers to branches in the upper third of tree canopies. Count the number of moths in each trap and remove moths. Another tool in a mating disruption program is the use of pheromone traps with the regular (1 mg) lures to verify the effectiveness of the mating disruption dispensers. Immature apple maggot is a headless, legless maggot with dark mouth hooks at the front end. This damage aside though the Codling Moth does little other damage to an apple tree. Mating disruption is a standard control for codling moth applied to roughly 90% of apple acres in Washington. on any label when tank mixing products that contain the same a.i. Use the online tool to find your sunset temperature. Larvae are fully grown in three to four weeks, at which time they leave the fruit in search of sheltered places to spin cocoons. When mature the codling moth larvae exits the fruit and searches for a sheltered location on the tree or at the base of the tree and spins a cocoon. If 650 degree-days have accumulated between the peak of the second generation flight and August 22, most of the codling moth will not go into diapause but will pupate and emerge in August to early September, depending on climate. It was not until synthetic organic insecticides became available in the late 1940s that the codling moth could be maintained at very low levels in commercial orchards. Codling moth is a key pest of apple, which attacks the fruit directly causing economic damage at low population densities. Codling moth damage can be confused with apple maggot damage. Its head is black, and the body is creamy white. There are two types of damage caused by the larvae of the codling moth. Growers should not overlook including granulosis virus in their codling moth management program. Check traps one to two times a week until biofix is set and once a week thereafter. The codling moth pupa is brown and about 1/2 inch (12 mm) long. Start accumulating moth catch at 1175 degree-days. Can also be used in smaller blocks to lower codling moth numbers over time. Pheromone traps can be used to monitor adult activity. Do not apply more than 9 oz/acre per season. Codling moth overwinters as a full-grown larva. The longer of two intervals is the minimum time that must elapse before harvest. Residual at 3.4 oz/acre rate is about 14 days. Trichogramma sp. To assess codling moth damage, examine fruit at the end of the first generation, in early July, and again before harvest. These insecticides kill codling moth eggs that were deposited on top of residues. Traps should be examined frequently until first moths are captured and then weekly thereafter. On average, the first emergence of codling moth adults starts at 175 (°F) degree days from January 1, so there is no need to use moth capture in pheromone traps to initiate the accumulation of degree-days. Control and Treatment of Codling Moth. Remove host trees in nearby abandoned orchards (apple, pear, and walnut) to destroy reservoirs of codling moth. Injury is caused when larvae feed on fruit. Most fruit damage typically occurs in the upper half of trees, so sampling this region is critical. Mating disruption is the preferred tool because of its low toxicity to people, natural enemies, and the environment, but it may need to be supplemented with insecticide sprays, especially during the first few years. The codling moth virus and horticultural oil are effective organic insecticide, but they have to be applied frequently. Management Strategies: Monitoring: It is sometimes very damaging to pear. The newly hatched larva is only about 1/10 inch (2 to 3 mm) long. Always read the label before using any pesticide. By the first half of the 20th century, the codling moth was a major pest in all apple growing districts of North America. Control timing strategies used in the first generation can be applied in the second generation. Preharvest interval (PHI) is the number of days from treatment to harvest. It is a legal document. Codling moth is the cause of what is often referred to as 'maggoty apples'. Eggs are laid individually on leaves or fruit and are very difficult to find, especially in a commercial orchard. After a total of 30 moths have been captured, or if the trapping surface becomes dirty, the trap bottom or insert should be replaced. The term ‘mating disruption’ is often associated with this control technique. The first adult moths begin to emerge around the time of full bloom of Red Delicious. The larger the contiguous block of mating disruption, the more effective it will be. Eggs require 8 to 14 days to incubate. Pears have some natural resistance to attack by codling moth when fruit are small because of their hardness, however, pears can become heavily infested in late summer as they mature. Not all registered pesticides are listed. Codling moth larva and damage to a At first glance, it seems a nondescript dull gray, but closer inspection shows the wings are crossed with fine alternating gray and light-colored bands. Tank mixing with 1% oil (volume by volume) increases efficacy: oil suppresses egg hatch and spinosad kills young larvae that ingest it. WA 38 First Commercial Season Storage & Packing Observations, WA 38 Optimization of Light Interception…, Pear Psylla Management using Reflective Plastic Mulch, Pear Psylla Insecticide Bioassay – Egg Mortality, Pear Psylla Management – Postharvest Sprays, Pear Psylla – Summer Generations Overview and Management, Management of Little Cherry & X-disease for Backyard Producers. Homeowners can use many of these same techniques but on a smaller scale. Larvae may enter through the sides, stem end, or calyx end of the fruit. Some insecticides applied at this time will also kill leafroller larvae that are present in the orchard. Otherwise, to help prevent the development of insect resistance, limit applications to one generation per year. These moths are small, usually gray or brown, and their wings have bands or mottled areas. To implement a threshold-based decision program it is essential to use one monitoring trap for every 2.5 acres. Reapply the dispensers according to the manufacturer's guidelines if the product residual will not last through harvest or through the end of the last generation. Apply a spray when 200 to 250 degree-days have accumulated from the third biofix unless trap catches are high, in which case treat at 160 degree-days. The recommended treatment threshold is a total 5 moths, so if 6 or more moths have been captured, then the area associated with the trap should be treated at the 425 degree-day timing. COMMENTS: Use only in orchards with low-to-moderate populations or as a supplement to mating disruption. Replace lures at intervals specified by the manufacturer.). If treatment is needed, use the guidelines in the section below to determine the best time to spray. It is about 1/12-inch (2 mm) long. Oils are mildly effective against codling moth eggs and work by smothering them; they need to be reapplied frequently during egg-laying period, which is anytime moths are flying. COMMENTS: Use only in orchards with low-to-moderate populations. Oriental fruit moth- The codling moth is distinguished from these worms by the absence of an anal comb. The most effective spray timing for each generation is outlined below. Stings are entries where larvae bore into the flesh a short distance before dying. The codling moth can destroy over 80 percent of your crop if neglected. Hang lower density products such as the CM-Ring in a uniform pattern (e.g. Andris (emeritus), UC Cooperative Extension Fresno County, W.J. However, pheromones alone are often insufficient to provide adequate crop protection, thus supplemental pesticides applications are usually needed. Supercharged traps do not attract moths from far, so place as many traps as you can monitor in areas of the orchard that are known hot spots and areas vulnerable to wind where pheromone concentration is likely to be reduced. Wings are mottled gray with a distinctive copper-colored band at the tip of each forewing (Figure 1).. One or more holes plugged with frass on the fruit's surface are a characteristic sign of codling moth infestation. Avoid placing traps at the very edge of a block. It causes two types of fruit damage: stings and deep entries. With the exception of Japan and part of mainland Asia, it is found wherever apples are grown throughout the temperate regions of the world. The number of traps used, their location, trap maintenance and the quality of the pheromone trap are all critical elements to the successful use in a threshold-based decision program. No endorsement is implied. Establishing a biofix for codling moth was a challenge in many orchards, therefore, WSU scientists developed a no-biofix model that accurately predicts the development of codling moth by accumulating degree-days from January 1 of each year. When flight activity increases around 1100 to 1200 degree-days from the third biofix, establish the fourth biofix. Apple trees naturally grow very tall which makes it hard for the home gardener to inspect for and manage pests in the tree canopy. Continue to monitor the generations with traps and accumulate degree-days until the crop is harvested or populations decline below damaging levels in September. Make application shortly before first biofix. Biology and Life History. Mature larvae migrating down the tree in search of shelters to spin cocoons enter these bands. Examples include high spots and orchard edges; five to six rows inside the orchard is a good location. There are two types of damage: stings and deep entries. The eggs are smaller than a pinhead, disk-shaped, and opaque white when first laid. Deep entries are often characterized by brown frass, or excrement, extruding from an enlarge entry hole or a new hole destined to as an exit for the mature larva. The first date that moths are found in traps for three consecutive trap checks and sunset temperatures have reached 62°F is first biofix. May also be tank-mixed with acetamiprid (Assail) for increased efficacy of both materials. Permit required from county agricultural commissioner for purchase or use. In most traps an insert with a sticky surface is where moths are captured. A larvicide; larvae must ingest to become infected by this virus. Apply them only to plants, animals, or sites listed on the labels. If pesticides are spilled on skin or clothing, remove clothing and wash skin thoroughly. First generation eggs are laid primarily on leaves, although some may be found on fruit. However, with the no-biofix model degree-days there is no reset of degree-days to zero. If degree-day accumulation data indicates a third generation will occur, use pheromone traps to establish a third biofix point around 1100 to 1200 degree-days from the second biofix. First generation The apple maggot fly is 1/5–inch long and active from late June to September. Pupation occurs during bloom. In our region, most larvae pupate and, in two to three weeks, emerge as second-generation adults. Functions as both an ovicide and larvicide. For large blocks, also place a few puffers towards the middle of the orchard on the upwind side. The number of dispensers applied per area depends on the type of product used. An IPM program uses a combination of tools for codling moth management, including insecticides, mating disruption, and cultural controls. Visible damage occurs to fruit when the young codling moth caterpillars burrow through the skin. May cause outbreaks of mites, especially in orchards with chronic mite problems; addition of 1% oil (volume by volume) and limiting applications to a single application may help mitigate mite problems. Both types of inserts should be changed if they become contaminated with dust or other debris. Apply at 100 DD from first biofix and again in 10 to 18 days if flights are extended. In pear, deep entries are most often noticed when frass appears at the calyx end of the fruit. Never exceed the maximum a.i. The second is when the larvae has tunnelled into the fruit core and been able to feed in the seed cavity. Some inserts are coated with a sticky adhesive that requires stirring occasionally to maintain its effectiveness in capturing moths. Traps should be placed in the orchard before the accumulation of 175 degree-days (or at the pink stage of apple bud development). Capture of codling moth adults in pheromone traps can be used to estimate population levels and help make control decisions. Both of the two commercially available products, Cyd-X and Carpovirusine, are effective. For dilute application, rate is per 100 gal water to be applied in 300 to 500 gal water/acre, according to label; for concentrate applications, use 80 to 100 gal water/acre or lower if the label allows. Make first application at 200 to 250 DD. Codling moth larvae are pink or creamy white caterpillars with mottled brown heads that tunnel through apples directly to the core. This is one of the largest families of moths, with about 950 North American species. Check fruit for damage after each generation and treat with insecticides if needed to ensure a low level of damage at harvest. The tip of each forewing has a coppery-tinged, dark brown band that distinguishes codling moth from other moths found in apple orchards. These two insecticides are best used together as a tank mix application. Typical Damage to Apple fruit by the Codling Moth Grub - Caterpillar. When placing puffers, put them on the inside of the canopy of edge trees or on the outside of trees in the second row. Codling moth has the greatest potential for damage of any apple pest, yet it can be … Damage is done by the larvae, which are cream-colored caterpillars that tunnel fruit and produce wormy apples (Figure 1). The moth holds its wings tent-like over its body when at rest. All codling moth management programs should be supplemented with cultural controls. Together with this, remove infected fruits as soon as they are seen and destroy before the emergence of the larva. If by 525 degree-days the moth capture threshold has not been exceeded, then a control treatment should not be applied. Newly hatched larvae are white with black heads. Pheromone mating disruption has been shown to significantly reduce the amount of insecticides required to control codling moth in apple orchards. If the threshold is exceeded, apply a control treatment as soon as possible. While larvae of the third generation enter fruit, causing severe levels of crop loss in some instances, most do not complete development before winter conditions arrive or fruit is harvested. Sprayable pheromones are available but not currently recommended for pome fruit orchards because of their very short residual. In orchards with moderate-to-high codling moth populations or if the orchard is in the first year of mating disruption, supplement the mating disruption with an insecticide spray of Altacor, Delegate, Assail, Imidan, or Warrior at 250 degree-days after the biofix to target hatching eggs from the first peak of the overwintered moth flight. If needed, apply the second spray when the residual of the previous spray ends. These small wasps can parasitize a high percentage of eggs under favorable conditions. Its wing span ranges from 1/4” to 5/16”. If the moth is female, the abdomen can be squeezed to eject the bursa pouch and give some idea of whether the moth is unmated, mated once, or more than once. It chews its way to the fruit core or young walnut meats, making both fruits and nuts inedible; damaged nuts usually fall from the tree well before maturity. Codling moth are prone to attack apples, pears, stone fruit and walnuts. Codling moth has two to four generations each season. The lure used in a trap should be changed on the interval recommended by the company providing the product. Codling moth granulosis virus. Degree-day models, that accurately predict the development of insects, have been used for several insects, including the codling moth. If moth captures do not exceed 3 moths, a control treatment should not be necessary, and the accumulation of moth catch from zero again. Once biofix is reached, calculate degree-days using a lower threshold of 50°F and an upper threshold of 88°F. The adult codling moth is about 1/2 inch (12 mm) long. This lure is sold commercially as the "DA" lure and is available alone and in combination with pheromone ("combo lure"). Fruit damage from oriental fruit moth - Fruit damage from oriental fruit moth and codling moth is similar, but codling moth larvae usually feed on the fruit seeds, … Make the second and third, if needed, application when the residual effectiveness of the previous spray has ended; this will vary, depending on the chemical used. However, if damage is not clearly localized, or is localized but more than a few percentages, then a larger area or the entire orchard may need to be sprayed. Functions as a larvicide (must be ingested for it to be effective). Some growers, especially organic growers, have banded trees with cardboard strips as a means of monitoring presence and density of codling moth and as part of a control program. Second generation larvae cause the most damage. Highly toxic to bees; do not spray directly or allow to drift onto blooming crops or weeds where bees are foraging. No thresholds have been established for these supercharged traps but 5 moths/week can be considered a relatively high trap count. This biological event was referred to as the “biofix,” because it represented a biological fix point to initiated the codling moth model. Hang 1 mg pheromone traps in the orchard in mid-March (or at bloom in foothill orchards) about 6 to 7 feet high, with one trap every 10 acres and at least two traps per orchard. If you are catching high levels of moths per trap per week, spray at 160 degree-days. Mature size = 3/8 inch long. The insecticide Entrust (spinosad) is also an effective organic insecticide, but the number of applications per season is restricted by the label. Use traps baited with CM-DA combo lures high in the canopy to monitor population development. Fruit damage can occur even when no moths are caught in traps, so always check fruit for damage towards the latter half of each generation (900 to 1000 degree-days from biofix) and whenever moths are being caught in traps. Residual at the 5 oz/acre rate is about 21 days. The caterpillars of this insect can damage a high proportion of the fruits on apple trees in gardens. Proper pruning and orchard sprayer calibration will improve spray coverage. Trap placement within the orchard and tree will influence moth captures. It is best to place a trap in the center of each 2.5 acre section to be monitored, however, traps may be placed toward an outside border that is impacted by known history of pest high pressure. Biology. These two sprays should provide control during the entire egg hatch period. If trap catches are low or the weather turns too cool for moth activity, you can delay treatment, but continue to monitor. Traps should be checked once a week after the first moths are caught. Larvae are whitish with a black head when immature, and pinkish with brown heads when mature. However, a small percentage of first generation larvae enter diapause, a state of arrested development, and do not emerge as adults until the following spring. You, the grower, are responsible for safe pesticide use. Moths are most active on warm evenings, but are inactive at temperatures below 60 °F. Placement of dispensers should be in the upper third of the tree canopy. The interval between successive insecticide treatments should be determined by the length of the active residue of the insecticide used. The larva ranges in color from cream to pink, with a brown head capsule and a speckled shield behind the head. Insects are cold-blooded animals and thus how fast they develop from egg to adult is driven by the temperatures they are exposed to. Organically acceptable tools for the control of codling moth include cultural control in conjunction with mating disruption and sprays of approved oils, codling moth granulovirus (Cyd-X), the Entrust formulations of spinosad, and kaolin clay (Surround). Depending on climatic conditions and location in the state, there are two to four generations of codling moth each year. Control of this insect can be difficult due largely to the feeding habits of the insect, but several measures may be used in home orchards to effectively manage codling moth. For low populations, applying a supplemental spray to the first generation may not be necessary. Codling moth originated in Asia Minor but has been a principal pest of apple and pear in North America for more than 200 years. 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