Subsample sizes range from 50 to 130 mg. δ234U = ([234U/238U] activity − 1) x 1000. The socioeconomic impacts of climate change and variability are caused by changes in local conditions. The Rhine floods in the winters of 1993 and 1995 severely affected the stretch between the Middle Rhine and the Delta. Today, the δ18O variations of atmospheric precipitation are strongly controlled by moisture source, with higher latitude moisture sources having lower δ18O values, and lower latitude sources having higher δ18O values (Friedman et al., 2002; Lachniet et al., 2014). Important measures in lowlands and the delta are, roughly ranked in order of decreasing efficiency (Van Stokkom et al. The envelope of one standard deviation of the ensemble mean is shown as background shading. Since the late 1800s, humans have been burning fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—to get energy. The primary mode of Antarctic climate variability is the southern annular mode (SAM), which consists of synchronous pressure anomalies of opposite signs in midlatitudes and high latitudes. There is consensus on the sign of these changes and significance, regionally and at the global or hemispheric average scale, but, as is the case for other measures of climatic change, the numerical ranges from different models’ projections are wide, being sensitive to the different models’ parametric and structural formulations. A good example of overlapping systems is provided by the analysis of the linear dune systems of Mauritania (Lancaster et al., 2002; see later discussion). Some of the indices (frost days, growing season length) are not computed for latitudes below 30°N/S because they are not relevant for tropical climates. An additional stressor with water in Afghanistan that is not often considered in any detail when everyone is concerned most about climate change and not having enough water in future, is the problem of recurrent floods and water-related, mass movements, or landslides (Chapter 5). gradient between the two zones might be expected to result in weaker winds (SN: 3/16/18). Overall, these works confirm a decrease in rainfall and moisture availability during the twentieth century, albeit with the exception of the eastern Mediterranean, namely Turkey. Even in the 19th century when the large regulatory project of the Upper Rhine was realized, concerns by Prussia and Rhine Hessen that flood hazards were shifted downstream led to discussions with the Grand Duchy of Baden (Bernhardt 1998). In the relatively rare cases where paleo-dunes are transverse or barchans forms (Bristow et al. See Table 10.1 for definitions of these indices. Aside from the direct impact of mass movement into towns where people live, other valuable infrastructure, such as hydropower plants, roads and bridges, and communication systems, will be increasingly at risk from these flooding events and other hazards as the climate changes. Among these changes, the strongest signals are found in decreasing frost days, lengthening of the growing season, and increasing number of warm nights. In addition, a joint flood control program was completed within the framework of Interregional Rhine–Meuse Activities. The increased channel depth accelerates flood waves and the loss of retention areas steepens flood hydrographs. The SAM shows a high level of intrinsic variability, but is also affected by the amount of volcanic aerosol in the atmosphere, the concentration of greenhouse gases, and the Antarctic ‘ozone hole.’ The SAM has shown significant positive trends during autumn and summer over the past few decades, resulting in a strengthening of the circumpolar westerlies by about 15%. More volcanism means more sulfuric acid/ash blocking solar radiation (See this week's case study for more information.) The combined corrections for changes in sea-water and site-water δ18O variations are smaller than the observed intra-sample δ18O variations (4–5‰). the change in kinetic energy —energy from the wind motion that gets transferred The dating of LC-1 is highly precise because of high 234U concentrations in the stalagmite, with typical two σ age uncertainties of better than ± 100 years for the entire Holocene, and ± 200 to 500 years for most of the rest of the record (equivalent to better than ± 0.5%). The circulation of the oceans is affected by variations in atmospheric circulation. In such systems, it is natural that a wave crest or “high” in one region will be connected to wave troughs or “lows” in neighboring regions. to the water — in that upper part of the ocean. First is that we now know, through application of detailed dating programs (see below), that many dunes are not single-generation features, and may therefore not have formed under a single circulation regime. Large lakes in the Alpine forelands have important retention volumes regarding flooding; for example, in 1999 these lakes retained 950 × 106 m3 within 5 days, corresponding to an additional discharge of 2200 m3/s in Rheinfelden (Rkm 148). Without currents in the ocean, regional temperatures would be more extreme—super hot at the equator and frigid toward the poles—and … helping to keep northwestern Europe warm. From Norgrove, L., Bowling, B., Ahadi, M.S., Modaqiq, W., Sallari, S., ur Rahman, S.S., Haidari, G.H., Omar, M.O., Shams, H.K., Ahmadi, L.A., Jan, S., Shakir, S., Ali, R., Habib, M., Habib, G., Yunosi, A., Fakhiri, A., Haqbeen, M.A., Ahmadzai, A.B., Ibrahimi, M.W., Hamidullah, Sarwary, G.D., Yasin, M., 2008. This document, incorporating the contributions of nearly 100 independent experts, evaluated the state of knowledge related to climate drivers, impacts, and adaptive capacity within three sub-regions of the Pacific, including the Western North Pacific which includes the Mariana Islands. Based on historical and projected patterns of land-cover change in the Marianas, often associated with fire during drier periods, impacts from invasive species and human development are likely to amplify the adverse effects of climate change on freshwater habitats and their associated species, unless informed policy and adequate management strategies are proactively implemented. 2006). Wild Weather. The small adjustments for Lehman Cave have little influence on the timing or amplitude of δ18O variations, but the relative values of peaks may differ if the isotopic gradient has changed over time. Elena Xoplaki, ... Baruch Ziv, in The Climate of the Mediterranean Region, 2012. D.S.G. E-mail us at [email protected]. Third is that large dunes can affect local airflow to a significant degree, which in turn can impact upon the orientation of secondary patterns of dunes that develop on the flanks of the initial dune forms. Research suggests that the conveyor belt may be affected by climate change. The intensity and frequency of days of extreme heat are also projected with high confidence to increase over the course of the 21st century across the Mariana Islands. Then, See text for explanation of terminology and calculations. (2009), for example, reported barchn dune relicts in the sediments on the floor of Lake Chad), such relationships may be relatively simpler to deduce because of the more unidirectional wind flow patterns responsible for their formation. The connected system of Over the eastern Pacific Ocean, surface high pressure off the west coast of South America enhances the strength of the easterly trade winds found near the equator. This is a result of the complex interactions between the atmospheric circulation and the cryosphere, including a number of positive-feedback mechanisms that amplify climate variability. For example, river engineering of the 20th century (Grand Canal d'Alscace, the construction of 10 powerplants) in the southern Upper Rhine resulted in the loss of 130 km2 (60%) of the existing retention areas. © Society for Science & the Public 2000–2020. Changes in the energy balance between the oceans and atmosphere play an important role in the planet's climate change. Changes associated with an El Niño event include drying, warming, changes in precipitation, and cooling in different combinations in regions as widely separated as South Africa and Eastern Asia. The change in sea-surface temperature transforms the coastal climate from arid to wet. Ocean currents are set in motion by the prevailing surface winds associated with the general atmospheric circulation. The most notable feature of the Leviathan chronology is its strong precessional-scale, δ18O cyclicity (Fig. Extreme runoff from the Alpine region, including the Aare drainage and the three catchments of the Neckar, Main and Moselle, determines the occurrence of catastrophic Rhine floods (Disse & Engel 2001). The circulation patterns of the Earth’s climate system change over time. team performed showed the same trend: On average around the world, there was a along. The stalagmite grew during a short interval between 208 and 201 ka, and thus extends (discontinuously) the Leviathan chronology into MIS 7, which is a key interval characterized by intermediate ice volume and CO2 concentrations (Petit et al., 1999) but has several NHSI minima more pronounced than during MIS 2. Rob S.E.W. More recently, Polhemus (2017) presented model runs from the new CMIP5 ensemble under RCP 8.5, which generated somewhat revised projections, with SATs in the Western North Pacific ranging from 0.4 to 2.0°F higher by 2030, 2.0 to 3.5°F higher by 2055, and 4.8 to 6.4°F higher by 2090. In a large river system such as the Rhine, the frequency of flow extremes (floods and droughts) show decadal variability that reflect changes in atmospheric circulation modes (Jacobeit et al. emissions over the last two decades, the team found, produce a similar uptick 20.2). It logically follows, therefore, that the oceans are an integral part of climate. In this regard, the pronounced decline of precipitation throughout the western Mediterranean (particularly over Iberia) since the 1960s in late winter and early spring and its observed impacts (Paredes et al., 2006; Trigo et al., 2008; González-Hidalgo et al., 2009) could be used as an early indication of the future climate impacts in the region, namely on water resources and drought frequency. The new analyses of wind speeds come Estimating temperature trends across the remote interior of the Antarctic is difficult because of the lack of staffed stations, and there has been an active debate over how far into West Antarctica the warming observed on the Antarctic Peninsula extends. The warming at Faraday/Vernadsky has been largest during the winter, with the temperatures increasing during that season by +1.03 °C per decade over 1950–2009. Where patterns of successive dune systems overlap and have orientation differences, changes in mean sand transport direction are more readily suggested than in situations where each dune system is spatially independent, as in the Kalahari. In other words, we still have a lot to learn about how climate change might affect tornadoes. Upwelling, the rising of colder water from the deep ocean to the surface, occurs in the easter… El Niño events are among the best known of these multiple-state patterns (Figure 2.14). The exact reason for such a large midtropospheric warming is not known at present. (2006), which was assessed in AR4, and more recently and comprehensively (with a larger number of models and indices) by Orlowsky and Seneviratne (2011). 20.4). According to the hydrological record of the last 1000 years, catastrophic floods did not occur simultaneously in all sub-basins. Great Ocean Conveyor Belt, redistributes heat and nutrients around the globe The recent (early May 2014) flow of wet loess over the village of Ab Barik situated largely on crystalline bedrock in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan (see Chapter 5) was thought to be an indication of such apparently increased hazard, for example, although it should be noted that many other such flows have been occurring in the region for some time (Shroder et al., 2011). ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Corrected ages use an average crustal value for the initial, Cross et al., 2015; Steponaitis et al., 2015, Friedman et al., 2002; Lachniet et al., 2014, Characteristics and Implications of Climate Change in Afghanistan and Surrounding Regions, Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan. Similarly, the new data from stalagmite LMC-23 show low δ18O values during a prominent NHSI minimum during the ‘interglacial’ MIS 7. For example, in the Namib Sand Sea, mean annual sand flow comprises 80–90% from the SSE-SW sector, decreasing to 55–65% in the interior and 35–40% at the easterly margin, whereas E-NE ‘berg’ winds, which generally occur intensively for short periods in July–August, account for less than 10% of sand flow at the coast, rising to 30–55% in the interior and 60–65% in the east of the system (Lancaster, 1985, 1989). Floods in the Alpine area (including the forelands) that usually occur between spring and autumn have a minor impact in the Middle and Lower Rhine. Cold currents are formed when the air circulating the eastern side of the subtropical high is blown over cold water mass and are then dragged toward the equator. The findings bearing on freshwater systems are summarized below, and those wishing greater detail should consult the PIRCA, which treats these subjects in greater depth. This station is located close to an area of large sea ice extent variability, and small changes in ice extent are amplified into much larger surface temperature variations. J. Shroder, in Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan, 2016. Together, the five stalagmites that comprise the Leviathan chronology cover 148.3 kyr of the last 174.1 ka (Fig. Further, the δ18O values lag peaks and troughs in the NHSI by a few thousand years, suggesting that Great Basin climate is responding to the classic Milankovitch forcing. Additional long-term records are desirable to test possible hypotheses. From Norgrove, L., Bowling, B., Ahadi, M.S., Modaqiq, W., Sallari, S., ur Rahman, S.S., Haidari, G.H., Omar, M.O., Shams, H.K., Ahmadi, L.A., Jan, S., Shakir, S., Ali, R., Habib, M., Habib, G., Yunosi, A., Fakhiri, A., Haqbeen, M.A., Ahmadzai, A.B., Ibrahimi, M.W., Hamidullah, Sarwary, G.D., Yasin, M., 2008. Before the 19th century, flooding along the Rhine only affected the relatively small population living in the floodplains (Pinter et al. As an ancillary product to the National Climate Assessment effort, a Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment (PIRCA) was produced in 2012 (Keener et al., 2012). To create the composite chronology, all the time series were interpolated to a 50-year interval, and corrected for changes in the δ18O of sea water according to methods in Lachniet et al. Thus, ocean currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface. 2006). The event also affects atmospheric circulation in both hemispheres and is associated with changes in precipitation in regions of North America, Africa, and the western Pacific. Whenever the amount of water is reduced or retained before it reaches the main river, the peak flood level is diminished and the risk of flooding reduced. Headlines and summaries of the latest Science News articles, delivered to your inbox. Fig. Three SRES scenarios are shown in different colours for the length of the twenty-first century: SRES B1 in blue, SRES A1B in green, and SRES A2 in red. SOCCOM Project/Cara Nissen/Flickr (CC BY 2.0). Average tropical sea surface temperature (SST) is expected to increase by 50–80% of the average rate of atmospheric change (Guinotte et al., 2003). This temperature rise has been linked to a strengthening of the westerlies as the SAM has shifted into a more frequent positive phase. 2003; Pfister et al. Climate change may be speeding up ocean circulation Since the 1990s, wind speeds have picked up, making surface waters swirl faster Argo … The LMC-23 δ18O data were corrected for changes in the δ18O value of sea water and the difference in drip-water values between sites according to the method presented earlier (Lachniet et al., 2014). Winds are picking up worldwide, and that is making the surface waters of the oceans swirl a bit faster, researchers report. For a detailed overview, refer to Chapters 7 and 8Chapter 7Chapter 8. According to Mariotti et al. a slowdown in which could eventually bring a deep chill to Europe. In parallel to that, severe drought episodes became more frequent and persistent late in the century, in both eastern (Xoplaki et al., 2004) and western (García-Herrera et al., 2007) parts of the Mediterranean basin. Following a clear cool event in the Younger Dryas characterized by relatively low δ18O values, the δ18O values at Leviathan then rise to peak at about 8.0 ka, some 3 ka after the NHSI peak, consistent with the lag of other δ18O peaks and troughs behind NHSI over the past 210 ka. 9, December 2019, p. 979. doi: 10.1038/s41558-019-0622-6. TABLE 6.5. Stalagmite LC-1 contains three main growth intervals separated by hiatuses: from modern to ca. Moreover, polders can be created for temporary or emergency storage of river water in the floodplains. The accumulation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has led to warming of both the atmosphere and the oceans due to the enhanced greenhouse effect. The MIS 5d δ18O low was interpreted to reflect a cold/high-latitude, winter moisture source associated with the prominent NHSI minimum, as it captures the relative magnitudes of the NHSI curve between MIS 6 and MIS 5a. Brewer-Dobson circulation is like a pump to the stratosphere, moving ozone from the lower parts of the atmosphere, into the upper stratosphere over the tropics. A new analysis of the ocean’s kinetic energy, measured by thousands of floats around the world, suggests that surface ocean circulation has been accelerating since the early 1990s. Between the northern Upper Rhine and the sea, severe floods mainly occur during winter (major rainfall often associated with snowmelt in the central European uplands). The team considered one possible culprit for those changing Our weather is a manifestation of this phenomenon. One thing we know for certain is that we live in a warmer, wetter world thanks to climate change, and this is likely to have an effect on extreme weather events, including tornadoes. Figure 5. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets … Further urbanization of areas prone to flooding took place without the potential risks of flooding being recognized, in particular in the low-lying polders in the Rhine Delta (Van Stokkom et al. Temperature projections from both the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (Parry et al., 2007) and the second national assessment (US Global Change Research Program, 2014) indicate continued warming into the foreseeable future, with global average surface temperature projected to increase 1.2–6.4°C by 2100, with best recent estimates placing the range between 1.2 and 3.2°C (IPCC, 2014; Gattuso et al., 2015). In general, it is found that changes in temperature extremes are not linearly linked to changes in global average temperature and radiative forcings, and may be influenced in their strengths by land–atmosphere feedbacks (Senerivatne et al., 2006; Diffenbaugh et al., 2007). But, the researchers say, the observed Multimodel averages of spatial patterns of change under A1B by the end of the twenty-first century (2080–2099) compared to 1980–1999. Thus, the δ18O variations of the Leviathan chronology are considered a robust proxy for changes in winter atmospheric circulation at and upwind of the Great Basin. T = temperature raise; ET = evapotranspiration and salinity; P = precipitation pattern change; D = drought. They often involve coupled changes in ocean and atmospheric states. The largest warming trends in the annual mean temperatures are found on the western and northern parts of the Antarctic Peninsula. ), (Source: Tebaldi et al., 2006. paleoceanographer David Thornalley of University College London and colleagues A is the Leviathan chronology back to 208 ka (blue line) with 65°N summer insolation (dotted magenta line) and uranium-series age dates; B is the LR04 benthic marine δ18O stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005); and C is Antarctica CO2 (Luethi et al., 2008). Most of the stations have very similar variability of temperature, which is perhaps surprising considering the very different environments in which they are located. Furthermore, the tendency toward a drier climate with a higher frequency of droughts is in agreement with climate change scenarios (Giorgi, 2006). Interestingly, changes in the circulation and the consequent shifts of cloud cover lead to differing warming/cooling effects in the northern and southern hemispheres. In this section, we will focus on the physics of ocean circulation and how it helps drive climate. 2000). Table 20.1. But the station with the largest variability is Faraday/Vernadsky station on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula. The Leviathan chronology is based on the compilation of carefully selected stalagmites from Leviathan (LC-1), Pinnacle (PC-1), and Lehman Caves (LMC-14, LMC-21, and LC-2), Nevada (Fig. Mean temperature data for selected Antarctic stations. A reversal in global terrestrial stilling and its implications for wind energy production. E-Mail addresses in temperature extremes have also been robustly characterized by multimodel results, both by Tebaldi et,. Absorption of radiant energy from the equator around them, see the section Niño/Southern... Water-Resource sectors in Afghanistan, catastrophic floods did not occur simultaneously in all.! And Disaster Preparedness Working Group: Final Thematic report have been standardized first and... 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