Q. CAO play an important role in supporting all army operations—offense, defense, stability, and defense support of civil authorities. (2) Ability of federal, regional, state and local civil government(s) to provide this assistance. This study investigates the operational aspects of the Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) operations within the Department of Defense. DSCA takes on many forms including support for domestic emergencies and disasters, law enforcement support, and support for special security events. (9) Activities performed by the Civil Air Patrol in support of civil authorities or qualifying entities when approved by the Air Force as auxiliary missions in accordance with section 9442 of Reference (d) and DoD 3025.1-M (Reference (w)) except as restricted by paragraph 4.j. Figure 4-3. The mechanisms for regulating this support exist in law, policy, and directive. Within the primary research construct, focus was the Army Reserve. Homeland Defense (HD) and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) DOD protects the homeland through two distinct but interrelated missions, HD and DSCA. DOD is the federal agency with lead responsibility for HD, which may be executed by DOD alone (e.g., BMD) or include support from other USG departments and agencies. Start studying JKO J3ST-US010 Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Phase I Course Pre Test. This research utilized DOTMLPF design methodology to assess the current and desired operating environments, as well to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (see DoDD 5410.18 and DoDI 5410.19 (References (t) and (u))). Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) is the method by which DOD provides federal military support to civilian authorities during homeland emergencies. … 2. Some of them are the Insurrection Act, Homeland Security Act, Stafford Act, Economy Actand the Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5. Comment: Thirty-nine of the 84 public comments question the Constitutionality of the Department of Defense supporting civil authorities domestically. All civil support operations buttress the capabilities of civil authorities within the United States. Session Title: Defense Support for Civil Authorities (DSCA) Time: 3 h. Objectives: X.1 Provide a background overview and brief history of military assistance in international and domestic disaster response and recovery operations. Defense Support of Civil Authorities Defense support of civil authorities is support provided by US Armed Forces, Department of Defense (DOD) civilians, DOD contract personnel, DOD component assets, and National Guard forces (when the Secretary of Defense, in … Planning Chapters Chapter 5 provides DSCA planning factors for response to all hazard events. A: Save Lives, Alleviate Suffering, Protect Property 4. The offense is the most direct means of seizing, retaining, and exploiting the initiative to gain a physical and psychological advantage. Constitutional and policy basis for defense support of civil authorities (DSCA) a. We coordinate DoD's domestic efforts in support of other Federal Departments and Agencies, States, and local authorities. It explains the personnel recovery capability phases. Response activities should support the incident priorities established by the incident commander. Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) is the process by which military assets can be requested by civilian authorities, often by state or regional offices of emergency management. • Describes defense support of civil authorities in support of homeland security and homeland defense. The basis for the use of military forces to assist civil authorities stems from our core national values. What does the Acronym DSCA stand for? A: Defense Support for Civil Authorities 3. What are the two examples of these priorities?-Life safety and mission continuation . We don't need this. A recent example of the use of DSCA is the military response to Hurricane … Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 gives the Secretary of Defense responsibility for providing military support to civil authorities when the President directs him to … This directive defines DSCA as: There are numerous other directives, policies and laws that shape the militaries role in conducting operations in support of other federal agencies. Chapter 6 discusses the personnel recovery considerations for defense support of civil authorities operations. Defense Support of Civil Authorities is the process by which United States military assets and personnel can be used to assist in missions normally carried out by civil authorities. When local and state authorities are overwhelmed by major incidents, what program can they use to request federal assistance?-Defense Support of Civil Authorities crisis response is called Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA). (9) Activities performed by the Civil Air Patrol in support of civil authorities or • Explains how the Department of Defense supports a comprehensive all hazards response to a catastrophic incident. Examples of Defense Support of Civil Authorities Historically, defense support of civil authorities has been used in situations such as: Response to natural disasters Special events, such as presidential inaugurations Border security Oil spill response The COVID-19 response For example, in 2017 DOD supported the federal COVID-19: Defense Support of Civil Authorities April 2, 2020 The U.S. military has a long history of providing support to civil authorities, particularly in response to disasters or emergencies (examples include responding to yellow fever epidemics in 1873 and 1878). “Hurricane Sandy is a great example of the diversity of support DoD provides, as well as the complexity of responding to an event in a major urban area that crosses state lines,” Rosenblum said. Chapter 4 is a brief review of the Joint Operation Planning Process and mission analysis. Specifically, DOD Instruction 3025.21 “Defense Support of Civilian X.2 Review the resources available for domestic emergency management, defining ADRP 3-28 explains how the Army, including all Components, conducts DSCA missions and National Guard civil support missions as part of unified land operations. Strategy for Homeland Defense and Defense Support of Civil Authorities recognizes DOD is often expected to play a prominent role supporting civil authorities and must be prepared to provide rapid response when called upon. A4: Defense support for civil authorities is a long-standing military mission with a well-developed body of doctrine and guidance. A: Defense Support of Civil Authorities 2. Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) is a total force effort by all federal military forces – to include DOD civilians, contract personnel and reserve component forces and assets. What is the Primary Purpose of DSCA? The In the offense, the decisive operation is a sudden action directed toward enemy weakness… Offensive operations impose the commander’s will on an enemy. What does ADP 3-28 cover? Phases of disaster response ..... 4-8 Figure 4-5. The provision of DSCA is codified in Department of DefenseDirective 3025.18. Example: DOD-2008-0085-006 “The U.S. Constitution outlines the use of military force within our borders. ADRP 3-28 focuses on achieving unity of effort among Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) in the post 9-11 era has received intense scrutiny with regard to the military‘s ability to effectively respond to natural or man-made disasters. Q. Defense support of civil authorities core tasks with examples ..... 4-11 Figure 4-6. DEFENSE SUPPORT TO CIVIL AUTHORITIES by COLONEL Thomas J. Langowski, U.S. Army, 54 pages. 2 In an effort to facilitate defense support of civil authorities … DOD defines civil support (CS) as “Department of Defense support to US civil authorities for domestic emergencies and for designated law enforcement and other activities.”7 DOD routinely executes CS by providing support upon request to law enforcement agencies and National Security Special Events (NSSEs) such as the Presidential Inauguration. Example of United States Northern Command joint task force command and control 4-6 Figure 4-4. Each of these affect the way the military responds to a request for assistance from an interagency partn… (U) The NCO Common Core Competency Operations is the army's framework for exercising mission command. ADP 3-28 & ADRP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities 1. The Department of Defense provides defense support of civil authorities (DSCA) when requested by a civil authority and approved through a formal process outlined in DoD policy. Q. Q. DOD MANUAL 3025.01, VOLUME 3 DEFENSE SUPPORT OF CIVIL AUTHORITIES: PRE-PLANNED DOD SUPPORT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, SPECIAL EVENTS, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, AND OTHER NON-DOD ENTITIES Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Effective: August 11, 2016 Change 1 Effective: April 13, 2017 … "Support provided by U.S. Federal military forces, National Guard, DoD civilians, DoD contract personnel, and DoD component assets, in response to requests or assistance from civil authorities for special events, domestic emergencies, designated law enforcement support, and other domestic activities. However, little is understood about collaboration and These missions have included: responses to natural and man-made disasters, law enforcement support, special events, and other domestic activities. Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) is the method by which DOD provides federal military support to civilian authorities during homeland emergencies. (3) Impact of existing cooperative national, regional, state and local civil-military agreements. This request is in response to critical incidents, including natural and human caused disasters. Although the CA core competencies provide capabilities across the range of military operations, they are most directly aligned in support of the six primary stability tasks: Establish civil … After returning from Afghanistan in November 2013, the 43rd Sustainment Brigade was given the mission to conduct defense support of civil authorities (DSCA) in the event of … Specific to pandemics, some roles and missions for various DOD components are laid out in (CBRN) threats, some of which are supporting the current DOD Instruction (DODI) 3025.24, DOD Public Health and Medical Services in Support of Civil Authorities. UNCLASSIFIED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 06 January 2021 (U) WHAT IS THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ON THE DEFENSE SUPPORT OF CIVIL AUTHORITIES CASE STUDY THROUGH THE NCO COMMON CORE COMPENTENCY (NCOCCC) OF OPERATIONS? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. DSCA Handbook: Tactical Level Commander and Staff Toolkit [open pdf - 7 MB] "The DSCA [Defense Support of Civil Authorities] Handbook is divided into five major sections--the Tactical Level Commander and Staff Toolkit on this side of the handbook with four sections, background, planning, staff annexes, and reference annexes; and the Liaison Officer Toolkit on the reverse side. We need leaders who have respect for our Constitution and our Liberty.” Joint Publication 3-28, which governs DSCA within the DOD, states, “DOD resources are provided only when response or recovery requirements are beyond the capabilities of local, state, and federal civil authorities, and … Mission Command is the exercise of authority … Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Session X Slide Deck Session X Slide X-1. It concludes with the commander and staff’s focus during defense support of civil authorities. It discusses characteristics of defense support of civil authorities tasks. Session Objectives X.1 Provide a background overview and brief history of military assistance in international and domestic disaster response and recovery operations. Homeland Defense and Global Security. Chapter 6 is a review of safety and operational/composite risk What We Do When requested, DoD provides essential support to civil authorities in response to a crisis or a natural disaster, or in support of special events when local, and proscribing defense support to civilian authorities, reflecting over two centuries of past military engagement with civil authorities, responses to present emergencies and disasters, and future anticipated political, fiscal, and security realities. X.2 … , defines defense support of civil authorities as “DoD support, including Federal military forces, the Department’s career civilian and contractor personnel, and DoD agency and component assets, for domestic emergencies and for designated law enforcement and other activities.” Doctrine Publication (ADP) 3-28 for the Army’s contribution to defense support of civil authorities (DSCA). Examples are: (1) Federal, regional, or state and local civil policies/plans regarding this type of operation. An offensive operation is an operation to defeat or destroy enemy forces and gain control of terrain, resources, and population centers. These (8) Sensitive support in accordance with DoDD S-5210.36 (Reference (v)). • Discusses permissible types of military support to law enforcement agencies and law enforcement considerations. relationships involved in Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DoD) response to a disaster. In a paper concerning DSCA, LTC Rumbaugh confirmed this reliance on DOD by noting a gradual expansion of DOD‟s role in civil support operations over time causing increased strain on the military in the current environment of fighting two wars. Rumbaugh also pointed out how DOD civil support “. . . is now taken for granted by the American people.”

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