The US would: 1 Be A Hyperpower 2. Hey it’s good for us for business,” Smith said. 516. US policy made and makes the difference. And I recently read that 1 out of every 4 Canadians support U.S. annexation. What if the US purchased greenland? The last time the U.S. annexed a new land was in 1898 (Hawaii, Guam etc) so it’s about time we added to the U.S. holdings. New Governor b. Mexico, fearing another Texas incident, declares war. Bonus: The Canadians Strike Back! "The Obama Administration has been soft and cowardly on Putin's invasion of the Ukraine. At least it will prevent the issue of the US occupying those countries by Defense Scheme No. Why shouldn't Mexico also merge with the US? With the increasing amount of money being spent on border security with Mexico for a almost worthless cause, it makes perfect sense to try and annex Mexico. The world is a dangerous place, and if Canadians aren't going to do anything about it then someone who will should rule their land. WASHINGTON (AP) _ Talk about a vision thing. In the weeks and months after the quake, some have begun to question whether the event opens new opportunities for restructuring of Haiti's government and … . Texas and California) of that over which it actually had effective jurisdiction. that is actual a win, win. Source Bringing up the Catholic cleric sex abuse scandals in discussions to which they are irrelevant is emotionally exploiting the abused victims to win an argument which you know you are wrong about. Merging Canada with America would be the easiest, because of the mutually shared language and cultural similarities. War Plan Red was actually designed for a war against England and it’s Commonwealth. New Military c. New Constitution d. New Borders A significant change in the 1845 Constitution was increased a. Buchanan advocated the use of dollars and diplomacy _ not the force of arms _ to make all that happen. It's also possible that the US annexed Canada...and possibly Mexico. The British surrender Canada to the United States, but keep Newfoundland and the Labrador coast. Same question for the islands as far east as purto Rico. Because you live in North America. I think the US should annex Western Canada since it’s about half liberal half conservative, like the US as well as other similarities. We got our name (The United States of America) because we were break away colonies from Britain, that formed a Union. The US even helped itself to a great big portion of the land claimed by Mexico, and a significant portion (albeit at times indirectly, i.e. That makes you Americans. How did Mexico react when the United States annexed Texas? A half measure was the Canadian–American Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 that linked the two areas economically. To be honest, a question like this raises so many other issues about how the world would have changed, and how the USA would be a different kind of place, that focussing specifically on the effects of the First World War is difficult. By that standard, 61% of Canada is obese. What if the US annexed Cuba along with Puerto Rico and Guam after the Spanish American War? Just four decades after México won independence from Spain, the US invaded and then annexed nearly half of México. People in the US think of México as a neighbor with whom we share a border. If the United States had annexed all of Mexico, it would probably have been the same story; there would have been a flood of internal immigrants from the Eastern US into the new territory and the existing Hispanic culture would have been submerged in it. What if the US annexed Yucatan in the 1840s? However, we can have some imagination: There would be great internal challenges. Though our US history books paint the Mexican American war in a different light, it was for the most part a war based on fabrication and a policy of Eminent domain to further US interest. The idea that the US could not expand from coast to coast (like Canada) without benefiting slavery and invevitably causing a civil war doesn't make sense to me. Vladimir Putin may have taken Crimea for Russia, but in Washington on Wednesday the talk was of US annexation of Canada – all 4m square miles of it. If I understand correctly, for a lot of modern history, Mexico has been pretty heavily under the American thumb, in one way or another. In fact, ideally, we would soon begin slicing up newly-annexed Canada and organizing the regions as new states of the U.S. The Unusual Suspects Episode 3 with Patrick Bet-David, Joshua Feuerstein and Adam Sosnick. Senator John McCain demanded today that the Congress pass a Declaration of War against Canada and Mexico so that the U.S. could annex them. You guys are Americans. On this day in 1846, Gen. Stephen W. Kearny (1794-1848) established the Territory of New Mexico as a U.S… Then, as the United States rips itself apart Canada and Mexico will use this for their advantage, slowly annexing regions of the US. You may laugh now. We annexed what is now Texas from Mexico in the mid 1800's. particular. The All Mexico Movement was a very short movement in the US congress for them to annex Mexico. Mexico considered the annexation of Texas as an act of war. A high definition (1920 x 1080) wallpaper of the flag for the U.S. Annexed Canada from the Fallout universe. What would happen if the US annexed Canada after the war of 1812? ... California secedes and immediately asks to be annexed to the United States. There's more differences between Mexico and the US like language (Spanish), Mexico has 122 million people (2013), more corruption and is much poorer. Assume The French kept the British occupied to the point that they lost interest in North America. The union was formalized in the Articles of Confederation, which came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states. The same as if someone else said what state they're from. Neither the US is interested in annexing Mexico nor Mexicans are willing to loose their sovereign. Be A Regional Power 4. The Montreal Annexation Manifesto was published in 1849. The US offered to buy the territory from Mexico but, they decline; we just took it. What country threatened war if the US annexed Texas? Depending on how it divvies up, it could cause some unpredictable effects on US politics. Canada, referred to as Little America by Americans before the Great War,1Non-game 1 was a pre-War country in North America, annexed by the United States for its vast natural resources. This allowed the US to successfully capture Ottawa, dismantle the government and seize most of Canada as US Territory. Collapse under its own weight Postulate Long Term Foreign Policy 1853: Baja California and Sonora got independence from Mexico. Functionally it could have worked either like Hawaii or Puerto Rico. Annexed community pushes to reopen, repave road. United States annexes New Mexico, Aug. 22, 1846. If it had been before Santa Anna invaded in 1842 it would have precipitated a war that the U.S. and the Mayans would have won. The United States annexation of Canada occurred as the U.S. gradually eroded Canada's sovereignty, eventually incorporating Canadian provinces as U.S. territories in 2076. And while we are at it, why don't we merge the entire continent of North America with the US, and just convert all the countries to different states of the US. Had the US successfully campaigned in Canada during the War of 1812, annexing the north in its entirety.. As well as choosing to annex all of Mexico during the Mexican-American war.. The newly annexed residents will be getting city services and that means new contacts and new phone numbers for citizens to call. If Canada is a part of the US, it will almost certainly see more growth, though probably in similar areas. First of all, that is extremely unlikely. Canada only has about 35 million people (2015). Pat Buchanan once had a vision that would make the United States the largest country in the world by taking over much of Canada, buying the island of Greenland and annexing a piece of Mexico. But what if it had happened? KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- Strong rain this afternoon put the problems of one rural, residential road on … It was hoped a merger with the United States would give Canada markets for its goods, ensure national security, and provide the finances to develop the west. I have recently checked out the United North America website. 1865: The Confederacy was defeated and the USA annexed Vancouver island and the areas near the island from British Canada. But it is looked at far differently than the other country that shares a border, Canada. FREEDOM poutine. On top of all the other issue, eating Canada AND Mexico is going to a) produce a country that is basically ungovernable with the technology of the time, and b) the debate on slavery is going to go plaid.Even beyond that, if the US grabs Canada in 1812, you're definitely going to see the other European powers with territory in North America to look sideways at the US. What if the US annexed Mexico after the mex-american war? (Mexico will rightfully re-claim Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California, and Canada will rightfully reclaim … After all, Mexico is more dependent on the US than Canada is. while we take over those 2 worldwide places we are able to flow onto Venezuela for this reason freeing us from our dependence on oil from terrorist thugs. a. Mexico b. England c. Canada d. France The Texas State Constitution introduced which office a. governor b. lieutenant governor c. attorney general d. supreme court justice Upon entering the US Texas needed a a. I for one think it is a great idea. >the U.S. could have annexed the entirety of Mexico >taken all their manpower >all their resources >had an easy border to the rest of South America >could have conquered the entire continent to ourselves, bar perhaps Canada >stopped by fucking southerners from doing this I'm so fucking angry >> 1 … On May 13, 1846, the United States Congress declared war on Mexico after a request from President James K. Polk. see more. The United States of America was created on July 4, 1776, with the Declaration of Independence of thirteen British colonies in North America.In the Lee Resolution of July 2, 1776, the colonies resolved that they were free and independent states. I think the US should take Baja California and Sonora’s panhandle from Mexico in order to be able to build a dam in the Colorado river for electricity. Then when President Polk was elected it told the US … This lead to the United States to annex Canada after World War III, but this later leads to the entire United States to annex all of the Anglosphere, leading to Britain, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand to be annexed due to harsh climate change going on. The U.S. plan was titled “Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan – Red,” and it included plans for the invasion of Canada by the United States as part of a larger worldwide military action. Besides, Mexican food and drink is tasty. What if the US had Successfully Annexed Canada in the War of 1812. Canada is already falling apart from the inside with Quebec trying to gain independence, if the US annexed Canada, Quebec would have more freedom than ever. Antique US Annexed Passport 1898 Delivered in 1899 Yokohama JAPAN to Mr Arthur May Knapp Passport delivered on April 19, 1898, valid for one year - expires on April 18, 1899 In English and Japanese 2-sheet passport Bearer Arthur May Knapp: Knapp, … What if US annexed Yucatan? 1861: The American Civil War erupted with USA vs CSA which Mexico supported the USA, while Britain supported the CSA. Mexico is already, truly annexing us and we particular ought to apply all of Canada's oil. The U.S. also tried to buy Texas and what was called “ Mexican California” from Mexico , which was seen as an insult by Mexico , before war broke out. "The foundation for Canada's annexation was laid in 2059, with the establishment of the Anchorage Front Line as America's bulwark against the Chinese. But also, Canadian immigration patterns roughly mirror american ones, 1850 to 2000, but of lesser scale. Mexico had refused to recogonize Texas as Independent so the US was scared that if they annexed Texas Mexico would declare war on them. Be A Superpower 3. When he asks her if she's from America, she responds with what part of America that she's from.

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