4. Pakistan is a leader in the application of identification systems and technology to a range of development issues. NATIONAL MEASURES CLEAN DEVELOPMENT Pakistan is the repository of 6th largest human resource that is second to none in ... a vital role in sustainability of the corridor and to uplift socio economic development of the adjacent areas. The Indian Ocean is a large saline water body covering about 20% of the world’s ocean total area. Right to health – We all have the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Climate change in Pakistan has increased the average annual temperature by 0.120C and the annual rise in sea level by 1.1 mm causing more rainfalls, sea intrusion, impacting agricultural output and extreme flooding. • Makran coastal Area that is 70% of the total coastal area of Pakistan Contact for Tution on Skype Pakistan Studies O-Level/ IGCSE : [email protected]. PAKISTAN PLANT DATABASE. Coastal Area:The coastal area of Pakistan stretches along the Arabian Sea for some 1000 km from the marshy Rann of Kutch to Iran in the west. (Urdu: مکران) Coast Range forms a narrow strip of mountains along about 75 percent of the total coast length, or about 800 km. The name of the area might have been derived from Persian "mah-i-khoran" The coastal zone is within the control of the Sindh and Balochistan provinces for up to 12 nautical miles. Pakistan’s agriculture is based on major crops that consist of wheat, rice, sugarcane, 1990 KM (Pakistan) 2409 KM (Iran) 1950 KM (Turkey) Million US$ Country / Region 2012-13 2013-14 Exports Imports Exports Imports Pakistan has a population of over 150 million people, growing at an annual rate of 2 percent, with almost a third living below the poverty level. The Muslim sufi (saints) like Ali Hejveri, Miran Hussain Zanjani etc. Fish farming means ‘raising fish commercially in tanks, ponds or other enclosures for the purpose of producing food’. It’s located in the peripheries of Bahawalpur, which is one of Punjab’s most famous cities. of 0.6-1.0°C in arid coastal areas, arid mountains and hyper arid plains, 10-15% decrease in both winter and summer rainfall in coastal belt As per the Government of Pakistan international commitments in different treaties and conventions it has ratified or signed, the Government is bound to environmental protection. Impacts on Coastal Areas Erosion of beaches Inundate coastal lands Costs to defend coastal communities Species and Natural Areas Shift in ecological zones Loss of habitat and species Forest Impacts Change in forest composition Shift geographic range of forests Forest Health and Productivity. Pakistan is a land of plains, mountain ranges, deserts and coastal belt. Commercial fish farming has already established as a profitable business venture throughout the world. 7. Semi-arid (Upper & lower Indus Plain) 3. Physical boundaries include oceans, cliffs, or valleys. Daily Times is an English-language Pakistani newspaper. Coastal zone • Region: Indus Delta, Karachi and Makran coast • Areas: Karachi, Jiwani, Pasni, Ormara and Gwadar • Climate: • The climate is dominated by sea breezes throughout the year; the maritime influence keeps the daily temperature low. Arab traders had introduced the new religion, Islam, in the Indian coastal areas. Although the causes of landslides are wide ranging, they have 2 aspects in common; they are driven by forces of gravity and result from failure of soil and rock materials that constitute the hill slope: The coastal areas of Pakistan are in the province of Sindh and Balochistan. Topography of Pakistan. The topography of Pakistan is divided into eight geographic areas: the northern highlands, the Indus River plain, the desert areas, the Pothohar Plateau, Balochistan Plateau, Salt Range, and the Sistan Basin. As more than 7. Besides this coastal area, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has an area of about 240,000 sq km and maritime zone of Pakistan… Pakistan shares land borders with 4 countries: India, Afghanistan, Iran, China. Coastal areas accommodate well over 60% of Karachi city (Pakistan) industries, including more than 6000 different industrial units such as chemical industries, textiles, pharmaceuticals, metal industries, oil refineries, petrochemical industries, and tanneries . . In Pakistan, annual mean surface temperature has a consistent rising trend since the beginning of 20th century. The Geography of Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes varying from plains to deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the mountains of the Karakoram range in the north. all the ecosystems in Pakistan are re p r esented and that steps a r e taken to protect these areas from habitat degradation. Pakistan is about twice the size of California in terms of land area, and the sixth-largest nation in the world in terms of population. The country shares its Eastern Border called ‘Radcliffe Line’ with India. Physical Boundaries In geography, boundaries separate different regions of Earth. The northern highlands include lower elevation areas of Potohar and Pakistan Administered Coastal Areas 4. The Geography of Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes varying from plains to deserts, forests, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the mountains of the Karakoram, Hindukush, Himalayas ranges in the north. The species living in coastal areas most affected by changing tides have unique ways of surviving. Seven global forces shaping Pakistan's future. Area: 8 lac square kilometers ... Makran Coast line has dazzling natural sand beaches ... China –Pakistan Rail Link - Advantage of Distance . (3.53%) of National Highways and 2,280 kms of Motorways (0.87%). Fish Farming: Complete Business Starting Guide For Beginners. The requirements of the areas within Pakistan, hitherto fed by the eastern rivers, would be met by waters to be transferred from the western rivers by means of a system of river link canals. Decreasing trends in rainfall patterns along Pakistan’s coastal areas and arid plains have also been observed (IPCC, 2007). Pakistan has a continental shelf area of 50,270 km 2 and coastline length of 1,120 km. 81] Abstract: Fishing is the most important economic activity in the coastal area of Pakistan, contributing to employment, income generation and export revenues.Marine production has increased more than ten-fold while inland production has increased more than twenty-fold over the last 50 years, largely as a result of government assistance. range, Pakistan spans a remarkable number of the world's broad ecological regions. 3 September, 2020. In the coastal areas of Pakistan, numerous earthquakes have been triggered by the tectonic movement under the Indian Ocean. On 28 August FloodList reported that at least 16 people had died after flash…. While landslides are considered naturally occurring disasters, human-induced changes in the environment have recently caused their upsurge. Pakistan – 30 Dead After More Flash Floods in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Pakistan Environmental Protection Act of 1997 Implementation. The Makran coastal dunes - Locals on Camels. Sewage is the biggest pollutant of fresh water when discharged into them. The extent of availability of these resources is location-specific. Around 10% of Pakistan’s total landmass is covered in desert. The main vegetation found around the coastal areas are mangrove forests. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Pakistan covers an area of about 240,000 sq. km. The water-resources of Pakistan include surface water, rainfall, and groundwater. Reduce seawater ingress in coastal areas. in the south, west, and coastal areas. The incidence of poverty is noticeably higher in rural areas and is almost double the rate in urban areas (35.6% in rural areas against 18.6% in urban areas in 2013–2014) (footnote 1). According to Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency, the largest number of traffickers … A brief description of water- resources of Pakistan is given in the following sections. Therefore, the study was conducted to analyze the effect of global warming and sea level rise on the agriculture and food security in southern coastal areas … The Indus River, one of the world's chief waterways, cuts through the country. Key events like El Nino or La Nina help contribute to drought in areas. Weather patterns move the water in the air around. However, these may be prone to environmental calamities such as tsunamis. 1. Sand small machine boat kashmir Products. With a predominately Indo-Iranian speaking population, Pakistan has historically and culturally been associated with its neighbors Iran, Afghanistan, and India. in tropical areas leading to increased risk of hunger, spread of climate sensitive diseases such as malaria, and an increased risk of extinction of 20–30 per cent of all plant and animal species. History of Northern Areas of Pakistan by Ahmad Hasan Dani Download PDF EPUB FB2. Rain is the first form of water that we know in the hydrological cycle, hence is a primary source of water for us. International boundaries. The coast of Pakistan is 1050 kilometers long extending from Sir Creek to Karachi coast in Sindh to Iranian border along with Makran coast in Balochistan province. Indeed, India, Pakistan,and China should work together in all areas like economic, trade,peace,fighting against terrorism then what is the role of third … The coastal belt is characterized by a meshwork of estuaries and creeks with mangrove forestry that serve as nursery grounds for species of finfish and shellfish. Wheat production, a major component of Pakistan’s food supply, was affected in 2008 but has since recovered some. Sindhis are furious over Pakistan’s forcible takeover of Sindh islands. This Pakistan Plant Database (PPD) includes all information published in the Flora volumes already in print in a searchable web-based format. After the approval of the NCS, an immediate need to improve upon the Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983 was felt. Thus, even when the Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983 was promulgated, it was known that amendments would be required in the future to address all areas of environmental concern. Coastline of Pakistan: Longest Coastline Of Pakistan. Range of Marine Fishing • The range of marine fishing in Pakistan is consist of two categories • Sindh Coastal Area that is 30% of the total coastal area of Pakistan. Waves of land reforms. Mountain sheep or Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan. It has been observed that people adjoining northern and coastal areas of Pakistan are witnessing the worse impacts of climate. Climate change projections indicate increased water from higher rainfall, and from runoff from glaciers and snow melt. Range of Marine Fishing • The range of marine fishing in Pakistan is consist of two categories • Sindh Coastal Area that is 30% of the total coastal area of Pakistan. • Makran coastal Area that is 70% of the total coastal area of Pakistan Contact for Tution on Skype Pakistan Studies O-Level/ IGCSE : [email protected] 7. Coastal Areas in Pakistan. This varietyof habitats also supports a rich varietyof differentspecies which contributes The total maritime zone of Pakistan is over 30 percent of the land area. Tourism and recreation in the coastal areas of Pakistan is largely limited to beaches along the Karachi coast and a few beaches along the Balochistan coast such as Gaddani and Kund Malir. Fish is a great source of food and protein. The whole of Sindh, Moreover, Pakistan occupied Kashmir Azad Jammu and Kashmir has also listed it as an endangered species in Pakistan. Highlands 8. 3). Further flash floods and heavy rain have affected parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in northern Pakistan. coastal and desert grown fruit in California has shown that the peel of fruit developing under the drier climate has a lower water content and is not so tender, presumably due to the hardening effect of moisture stress (Monselise and Turrell, 1959). Everything else is context. 7. Climatic Zones of Pakistan Pakistan extends from 24° N to about 37° N. Its western border lies close to 62°E, its northeastern border extends to about 74 E, while Kashmir extends to 80° E. To the north of West Pakistan lie the lofty mountainous ranges of the Pir Panjal, the greater Himalaya and the Karakoram ranges. Pakistan’s largest human trafficking ring is that of bonded labour. Also popular are Bundal Island in Pakistan, Manora in Karachi and Astola Island in Balochistan. Over the course of this century, millions of people On its Northern side, it has Sino-Pak Border. Muhammad bin Qasim was the first Muslim invader who conquered some part of India and after that, Mahmud of Ghazna launched 17 attacks and opened the gate to preach Islam. Since 1947 Pakistan has been distinguished from India by its overwhelmingly Muslim population. The volume is a complete history of the Northern Areas of Pakistan till December It focuses on the regions independent historical development political, cultural, linguistc, social, economic, ethnographic as well as artistic and architectural/5(9). Experts have warned that unprecedented loss of life and property can happen in the coastal belt of Pakistan in case of tsunami in the Makran … Roads provide easy and efficient means of transportation. The Coastal Area of Pakistan are in Sindh and Baluchistan, these coastal areas are with Arabian sea and it connects Pakistan with other countries in the World. The port city of Gwadar is a hub of connectivity for the Corridor, and an indispensable interchange for the Silk Route. Coastal inshore areas are some of the most environmentally diverse and many ecosystems, especially coral reefs, are under threat from human activities as well as the impacts of climate change. rural areas and are employed mostly as agricultural wage workers. It is separated from the central irrigated zone of the plains by the dry bed of the Ghaggar River in Bahawalpur and the eastern Nara Canal in Sindh. For traffickers, Pakistan’s coastal area acts as a strategic point in moving people to the Middle East. 6. 2) Air circulation and weather patterns also cause drought. India - India - Muslim separatism: The Muslim quarter of India’s population became increasingly wary of the Congress Party’s promises and restive in the wake of the collapse of the Khilāfat movement, which occurred after Kemal Atatürk announced his modernist Turkish reforms in 1923 and disavowed the very title of caliph the following year. These range from the coastal mangrove forests of the Arabian Sea to the spectacular mountain tops where thewestern Himalayas,Hindu Kush and Karakoram ranges meet. Some coastal and marine species and ecosystems in Madagascar are already exhibiting responses to a changing climate; for example, coral bleaching and increased incidence of green algae, thought to be linked to rising ocean water temperatures has been observed on coral reefs near Toliara. Irrigated agriculture is the largest single surface water user in the country and … The Sindh coastal region is located in the southeastern part of the country between the Indus border along the Sir Creek on the east, and the Hub River along the Balochistan coast on the west. However, rice production, a significant export, is still down from its high. Climate change exposes these areas to risks of glacial retreat, sea level rise, temperature increase, more frequent floods and droughts. The $400 million Coastal Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP), has since 2013 helped Bangladesh to mitigate some of the large impacts from cyclones and flooding and improved emergency response in the coastal region. kilometres long coastal line Pakistan provides opportunities for incomparable access to the widespread central Asian region. -Coastline consists of mudflats, delta wetlands, estuary systems, and the continental shelf.

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