CSIS welcomed energy industry info about alleged threats, documents show . A chronology of milestones in the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline. The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines is a project to build a twin pipeline from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia.The eastbound pipeline would import natural gas condensate and the westbound pipeline would export diluted bitumen from the Athabasca oil sands to the marine terminal in Kitimat for transportation to the Asian markets by oil tankers. The recent Federal Court of Appeal decision to quash the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline approval on the basis of inadequate consultation with affected aboriginal communities has, unsurprisingly, garnered significant attention in the media. Devyn Ens; Nov. 29, 2016 6:00 a.m. Our Town The Government of Canada has directed the National Energy Board (NEB) to dismiss the Northern Gateway Pipelines project application. Before the Northern Gateway Pipeline project is put into effect some considerations should be given to the potential negative impacts. The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines is a project to build a twin pipeline from Bruderheim, Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia. Upgrading of this non-renewable resource will be undertaken outside of Canada. The Northern Gateway Pipeline and the purpose of ‘duty to consult’. Aboriginal title and litigation biggest hurdle for Northern Gateway 2.0. Canadian indigenous groups claimed victory Tuesday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s rejection of the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline project, … even began. The route is along a highway which has … Northern Gateway’s project scope involved three major components: 1) One 91.4 centimetre (36 inch) diameter pipeline that would transport an average of 525,000 barrels of oil products per day west from Bruderheim to Kitimat; 2) A parallel pipeline, 50.8 centimetres (20 inches) in diameter that would carry an average of 193,000 In addition, the Keystone pipeline to the US will likely be back on the table after the US election. The pipeline, currently under regulatory review, would transport 525,000 bpd of oil for export and import 193,000 bpd of condensate. We show these vast policing resources being permeated and redirected towards a broader movement comprised of multiple Indigenous communities in alliance with the environmental movement. Northern Gateway represents a net loss of jobs in Canada because of the proposed increase in bitumen exports. Data were collected in 2013 from a sample of Canadian citizens ( n =2628). Enbridge (NYSE:ENB) wants to build the 730-mile Northern Gateway pipeline to ship Canadian oil to west coast port, but the chief of a reserve for indigenous people is … Oil company Enbridge Inc's Northern Gateway pipeline project will not appeal a recent Canadian Federal Court of Appeal decision that reversed its … In addition, the Keystone pipeline to the US will likely be back on the table after the US election. The Northern Gateway pipeline is a no brainer which should have already been complete several years ago. Northern Gateway is a pipeline project led by Enbridge, which would transport crude oil from Alberta to British Columbia. ), and two pipelines between Bruderheim, Alberta, and the marine terminal (Figure 1) (Enbridge, 2005; NEB, 2013a). The proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline project is a polarizing topic in Canadian politics. The Harper government has just approved the Northern Gateway pipeline. But Enbridge faces a … About Enbridge Northern Gateway pipelines. However, the statement from the province goes on to say “the position adopted by B.C. The twin pipelines are 1177 km long and will run through some of Canada's most amazing scenery. This is the most obvious argument against building this project. The push to expand pipeline links from Alberta's landlocked oil sands to Canada's Pacific coast got a boost on Tuesday when the federal government approved Enbridge Inc.'s Northern Gateway … Chp 2: Northern Gateway Pipelines. NORTHERN GATEWAY PIPELINES NAME UNIVERSITY The northern gateway pipeline project proposed by Enbridge Inc. plans to run dual pipelines from Edmonton, Alberta, to Kitimat, StudentShare Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in a matter of giving an example of the work to be done. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this afternoon. environmentalists is worried about the pipeline's impact on the northern environment, and says the Joint Review Panel report recommending approval for the pipeline is flawed. ... Kootenay environmental activists who have been opposing the Enbridge pipeline proposal are holding a public rally at Nelson City Hall to support the major event in Victoria on Monday, October 22. Underlying the debate is the assumption that the oil sands are good for Canada’s economy. on the Northern Gateway Pipeline project as currently proposed is not a rejection of heavy-oil projects,” keeping the door open to Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion to the Kinder Morgan pipeline and a $13-billion crude oil refinery near Kitimat proposed by B.C. It is reminiscent of Pierre Trudeau's National Energy Program of 1980, except in that case the program could be and was cancelled. The Northern Gateway proposal has faced fierce criticism in B.C., where the pipeline would terminate in Kitimat, above. The Canadian company, Enbridge inc, plan to build a twin pipeline from Bruderheim, Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia (figure 1). Northern Gateway pipeline approved by federal government with conditions. In the end, the federal government decided that it was in its best interest to approve the expansion of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion and the … The announcement was made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this afternoon. Discourse on the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to the B.C. The Calgary Herald reports that the decision on the controversial Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline was delayed today until late 2013, a year later than planned. Although there are positive and negative points with respect to the Northern Gateway Pipeline it is clear that the negative out way the positive. Last fall, we appeared — alongside First Nations, environmental groups, and organized labour — before the Federal Court of Appeal to make the case for why the federal government’s approval of Enbridge’s controversial Northern Gateway pipeline should be revoked. The Northern Gateway Pipeline is a twin pipeline project that the company Enbridge wants to build from Edmonton, Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia (which is in Canada). The federal government rejected the project at the end of November. The proposed Northern Gateway pipeline from Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia, posed profound challenges for Indigenous rights and ecological justice. Northern Gateway Regional Division No. Kenneth P. Green, Mark Milke. Pipeline News. But Harper wasn’t done! The case study is Canada׳s proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline (NGP), which would transport bitumen from Alberta׳s oil sands to British Columbia׳s (BC) northern coast for export. This is a project where they plan to build a pipeline that would start in Alberta and extend all the way to the west coast of British Colombia. The rejection of both Northern Gateway and Keystone XL means two of North America’s four largest pipeline projects have effectively been shelved. This 7.9 billion dollar pipeline is suppose to transfer oil from Alberta through British Columbia, and then into the Pacific where supertankers would ship it to China. Northern Gateway pipeline report draws lawsuit - British Columbia - CBC News. The Northern Gateway pipeline proposal would move oil from the tar sands in Alberta, west to Kitimat, on the coast of British Columbia. We believe the benefits and opportunities associated with the project should be given serious consideration through the regulatory review process, and we believe that all voices should be heard in that process. the Northern Gateway pipeline designed to carry oil form oil sands to the west coast is at risk as operator Enbridge faces the block for a major onshore oil spill The I work directly with the C-Suite leadership of organizations undertaking large and mega-projects, and the clients I currently work with require strict confidentiality. The conflict among different stakeholders is the third issue within the project. More Bad News For Northern Gateway Pipeline. The Northern Gateway Pipeline. This pipeline would deliver almost as much oil to the west coast as the Northern Gateway pipeline is proposed to deliver to Kitimat. Northern Gateway pipeline approval overturned. By Andy Tully - Nov 15, 2014, 6:00 PM CST. We believe the benefits and opportunities associated with the project should be given serious consideration through the regulatory review process, and we believe that all voices should be heard in that process. even began. Welcome to the Northern Gateway Alliance, a coalition of community leaders supporting the regulatory review of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project. Political Parties Against the establishment of the pipeline- Liberal Party… The Northern Gateway is smaller in scope than TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which would be able to carry 830,000 barrels per day … Welcome to the Northern Gateway Alliance, a coalition of community leaders supporting the regulatory review of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project. Anti-pipeline activists plan Northern Gateway referendum as Ottawa likely to approve B.C. The decision to kill the Northern Gateway pipeline project was not unexpected. The twin pipelines are 1177 km long and will run through some of Canada's most amazing scenery. The Government has determined that the project is not in the public interest because it would result in crude oil tankers transiting through the sensitive ecosystem of the Douglas Channel, which is part of the Great Bear Rainforest. This is the expected final step in bringing the project to an end. Enbridge plans to construct a twin pipeline from the Edmonton area to Kitimat, on B.C. Meanwhile, Northern Gateway would have been an all-new pipeline. Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline is dead, and hopefully gone for good. This is a case study example from previous work and research. The First Nations Peoples have been actively protesting against the project… Critics have also pointed out that Northern Gateway's parent company, Enbridge, has a history of environmental destruction, including a massive pipeline rupture that spilled close to one million gallons of crude oil into Michigan's Kalamazoo River and Talmadge Creek in 2010—eventually forcing the company to pay $75 million in cleanup costs. I work directly with the C-Suite leadership of organizations undertaking large and mega-projects, and the clients I currently work with require strict confidentiality. Enbridge plans to construct a twin pipeline from the Edmonton area to Kitimat, on B.C. “Even if … Activists in British Columbia have responded to the National Energy Board's approval of the Northern Gateway oil pipeline with threats of illegal activism reminiscent of the 1990s. The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline has been garnering a lot of attention in Canada, attracting varying opinions about whether it should be established within British Columbia and Alberta or not. The Northern Gateway pipeline would cross northern B.C. “Even if … Until November 26, 2016, the greatest pipeline threat to the Great Bear Rainforest had been the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines, but Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shut the project down after the First Nations took the Canadian government to court and won. newspaper publisher David Black. Enbridge Inc.’s Northern Gateway pipeline received a green light from the federal government Tuesday, putting Canada’s oil industry one step closer to tapping rising energy demand in fast-growing Pacific markets The pipeline was approved with 209 conditions. The Enbridge Pipelines involve two pipelines from Bruderheim Alberta (near Edmonton), to a new marine terminal in Kitimat, British Columbia. 's coastal waters if the Enbridge Northern Gateway oilsands pipeline proceeds. A chronology of milestones in the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline. The proposed pipeline would have run 1172 kilometers and carried 525,000 barrels a day of diluted bitumen to the west coast for export by tankers mostly to Asian markets. In order to access the Pacific Coast via the Northern Gateway Pipeline, Enbridge is required to build an 1,100-kilometre dual pipeline from Alberta to the coast. The 1,177-kilometre pipeline would bring tar sands bitumen from Alberta to Kitimat, BC, for shipment to Asian and U.S. markets. The Northern Gateway played a crucial role in that election: Alberta’s former premier Jim Prentice had previously been employed by the pipeline company Enbridge to … Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Not Worth the Gamble 09/10/2010 02:40 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011 With the preliminary hearings having commenced for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency's Joint Review Panel on Enbridge Inc.'s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline from Alberta's tar sands to the British Columbia coast, it would be illustrative for British Columbians to look … Upgrading of this non-renewable resource will be undertaken outside of Canada. coast got off to a raucous start with name calling, accusations and concerns that Canada’s economy is at stake even before the hearings in Kitimat, B.C. Although Northern Gateway is expected to cost nearly 8bn Canadian dollars (£4.4bn), the Canadian company which proposed the pipeline, Enbridge, says it … This study examines the politics of Aboriginal title in British Columbia in the context of the approval process for the Northern Gateway pipeline proposal. British Columbia's Huge Gamble: Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline This film focuses on the impacts of the inevitable spills from the pipeline. Northern Gateway proposed to build twin 1,178-kilometre pipelines shipping an average of 525,000 barrels per day of This will allow petroleum companies to ship dilute bitumen from Alberta’s tar sands to Asian Markets. Social media, the Alberta legislature, and even Parliament have been abuzz with calls for the Enbridge pipeline project to be resubmitted to the National Energy Board and for the federal government to … Enbridge’s proposal to build a 1,172 km Northern Gateway pipeline from Alberta to Kitimat through some of the most challenging and remote territory on the planet exposes wild rivers, landscapes and a pristine BC coast to inevitable oil spills. ... Northern Gateway will add back 65 per cent of the oil that would have flowed through the KXL pipeline by 2025. northern gateway pipeline — Mark Szabo. Allocation of Phase I Funds for Participation in the Review Panel for the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project. An oil spill would critically endanger the vulnerable species that live there, the First Nation argues, and compromise … Indigenous leaders hailed the revocation of permits for Enbridge Inc.’s Northern Gateway oil pipeline through British Columbia as a victory for adequate consultation. The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines is a project to build a 1,177 kilometre-long twin pipeline from Bruderheim, Alberta to the deep-water port of Kitimat on the northern … In 2016, West Coast marked a major victory with the defeat of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers project. The Harper government must announce its decision on the 525,000 barrels per day Northern Gateway tar sands export pipeline by midnight tomorrow. It is less serious than the environmental cost and economic controversy because the conflict could be minimized if the first two issues are well managed. This plan is known as the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project (ENGP). Of note are the sheer volume of highly toxic petroleum products that would be transported in the proposal’s twin pipelines (more than 700,000 barrels per day1), as well as the Federal Court of Appeal finds Canada failed to consult with First Nations on pipeline project (cbc.ca/news/canada/br…) On the eve of Ottawa’s decision on Northern Gateway pipeline, 300 scientists say a … The announcement was made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this afternoon. On Tuesday June 17th, Harper announced that the government has approved of the construction of the Northern Gateway pipeline. The First Nations Peoples have been actively protesting against the project for multiple reasons. Over the last decade, Enbridge gas has been assessing the impact of the construction of the pipeline running from Bruderheim, AB to Kitimat, BC. In the face of other major projects like Trans Mountain, the defeat of Northern Gateway reminds us just how powerful communities can be. 's northern coast, where oil will be shipped by super tankers to Asia. The Northern Gateway Pipeline: An Affront to the Public Interest and Long Term Energy Security of Canadians Page 2 of 30 Abstract The Northern Gateway Pipeline project is designed to move 525,000 barrels per day of diluted bitumen to Kitimat, British Columbia, from Bruderheim, Alberta, and 193,000 barrels per day of Northern Gateway would have carried diluted bitumen (“dilbit”) about 1,170 km from Bruderheim, Alberta to a terminal on the Pacific Ocean at Kitimat , British Columbia . More Bad News For Northern Gateway Pipeline. Conservative collusion with the oil industry, stacking the NEB with industry insiders, & gutting Canada’s environmental protections led to the failure of Northern Gateway (NG), TMX, the creation of #IdleNoMore, entrenched pipeline opposition, and #cdnpoli #abpoli #bcpoli. The lead up to a decision on the Northern Gateway Pipeline project ensured that it would be controversial. (CBC) Related Stories Northern Gateway pipeline recommended for federal approval, with conditions Northern Gateway… The project will construct a dual pipeline connecting, Alberta’s Industrial Heartland region with a marine port on the coast of British Columbia. Northern Gateway pipeline, proposed by energy company Enbridge, would stretch over 1,000 kilometres to connect the tar sands of Alberta with the Pacific coast of British Columbia. project. Canada’s proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline would carry unrefined bitumen from the Alberta oil sands to the coast of British Columbia for international export. — July 27, 2016. In fact, odds are the recent Enbridge pipeline spill into Michigan's Kalamazoo River is a harbinger of what BC can expect in terms of the inevitable accident if Northern Gateway is approved. The Conservative government's decision to approve the Northern Gateway pipeline is the greatest threat to national unity since the Quebec crisis in 1995. * Ottawa sees Northern Gateway as nation-building project By Jeffrey Jones KITAMAAT VILLAGE, British Columbia, Jan 10 (Reuters) - Aboriginal leaders opposed to a C$5.5 billion ($5.4 billion) oil sands pipeline backed by Canada's government warned on Tuesday that the project could devastate fishing and traditional life on the rugged Pacific Coast and called for it to be stopped. The Government of Canada has directed the National Energy Board (NEB) to dismiss the Northern Gateway Pipelines project application. CALGARY -- The proponents behind the Northern Gateway pipeline are asking the National Energy Board for three more years to start building the controversial project. The Northern Gateway Alliance is a community coalition that is being established in support of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project to ensure that northern … The Northern Gateway pipeline would cross northern B.C. Northern Gateway pipeline rejected. Northern Gateway is the only Canadian oil pipeline project with Indigenous ownership, represented by The Aboriginal Equity Partners, which represents the 31 Indigenous communities in British Columbia and Alberta who support and have ownership in the Northern Gateway project. Northern Gateway Pipeline May Still Pass Despite Opposition, Says Canada Natural Resources Minister Reuters OTTAWA, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Proponents of the planned Northern Gateway pipeline from Alberta's oil sands to Canada's West Coast can still carry the day even though the project has generated a wave of opposition, the country's natural resources minister said. Our second case study examines resistance to the Northern Gateway Pipeline. It was 2009, the peak of the First Nations consultation process, yet there they were — two elderly women on their own native soil — "defending who they were" before a Joint … northern gateway pipeline — Mark Szabo. Meaningful longterm jobs are created domestically when you upgrade bitumen before shipping it down a pipeline. It's the final nail in the coffin for the Enbridge project, that was widely considered dead … When Northern Gateway is combined with the country’s other pipeline plans, Canada could expand shipments from the oil sands by three million barrels a day. The Northern Gateway Pipeline Project is a multi-sectorial project with Enbridge Pipeline Company as the main stakeholder. 10, a school board in Alberta. Northern Gateway can refer to: Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines, a Canadian pipeline project. By Andy Tully - Nov 15, 2014, 6:00 PM CST. Two months before that visit, in May 2014, Trudeau told reporters in Ottawa that if he became prime minister “the Northern Gateway Pipeline will not happen.”. Eric Sabiti. Discourse on the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to the B.C. That’s the new rallying cry of pipeline foes after the Federal Court of Appeal overturned approval last week of Enbridge’s 1,177-kilometre Northern Gateway pipeline project through northern …

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