It is difficult to fit herbicide applications into this schedule. It’s very tough to find a herbicide that will not harm legumes (soybeans, alfalfa, and clover) and not harm chicory because it is not a legume. For Use tank mixes with different effect SOAs. Pursuit (imazethapyr) used on soybeans may carry over in soils and affect sensitive broadleaf crops for more than three years, according to Berglund. Apply Raptor at 4 to 6 fl oz/A plus adjuvants to small, actively growing weeds and to established alfalfa … Pursuit®, a newly registered herbicide developed by American Cyanamid, is one of the herbicide options available for weed control in seedling as well as established alfalfa. Spring treatments should be made before excessive clover growth (less than 3 inches of new growth) to reduce spray interference. Pursuit Herbicide for Use on Alfalfa, Beans and Peas, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Clover, Peanut, and Soybean. Herbicide rotation restrictions can be found on pages 146-149 in 2009 Weed Control Guide for Field Crops. Four months to wheat, 9 mo. cloransulam. 8-33. Other preemergence herbicides such as norflurazon (Solicam), EPTC (Eptam), Prowl H2O, … For this reason, cultural practices play an important role in minimizing weed competition during establishment. Sencor ®, Lexone , and Sinbar® can only be applied in dor-mant, established alfalfa stands. This will restrict the postemergence application of Pursuit in soybean if growers intend to plant alfalfa, cereal rye, clover, or wheat in fall. Herbicide recommendations. Thunder Herbicide, For use in Alfalfa, Clover, Peas and Beans, Peanuts, and Soybeans. PURSUIT received label clearance to be used on alfalfa in January of 1995. Pursuit herbicide is a soluble liquid herbicide to control and suppress many broadleaf and grass weeds and sedges, as listed in this label. Herbicide and Rate Pursuit Herbicide @ 4 oz./A + Poast Plus® Herbicide @ 1.5 pt./A + COC @ 1 gal./100 gallons + AMS @ 12–15 lb./100 gallons Comments n For best results, use at least 20 GPA for best coverage. Plus it protects from 28 broadleaf weeds, even if they have resistance to other herbicide groups, like Group 9- and 2-resistant kochia. One time technology fee per 50-lb bag East of the Rocky Mountains is $125 a bag. POAST does not control sedges or broadleaf weeds. Pursuit Herbicide for growers that are looking at the most proven herbicide around.With Pursuit Herbicide, you'll get proven, relentless control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and grasses, including nightshade, for a wide variety of crops. 2 In Manitoba only. WEED CONTROL DURING ALFALFA/GRASS ESTABLISHMENT Few herbicide options exist for weed control in alfalfa/grass. Pursuit® herbicide is a soluble liquid herbicide to control and suppress many broadleaf and grass weeds and sedges, as listed in this label. ESTABLISHED ALFALFA PURSUIT can be applied to established alfalfa in the fall, in the spring to dormant, or semi-dormant alfalfa (less . use tillage or an effective burndown herbicide for no-till. Small seeded legumes, mustards, sorghum, buckwheat. Growers are looking at the most proven herbicide around: Pursuit herbicide. Uptake of the herbicide occurred following the most recent irrigation where herbicide mobilization and expanding roots came into contact. 3 Use considerations Benefit in Midwest must come in seeding year. 1 See Pursuit® herbicide label for more details on weeds controlled. Pursuit plus may be surface ppued up to 45 d3ys prior to planting soybeans. Documented symptoms of imazethapyr injury include stunted growth, small leaves, and the formation of adventitious buds and multiple shoot growth. Do not apply if temperatures are above 55 F. Alfalfa, Seedling or Established Pursuit 2AS or 70DG (Imazethapyr) 0.063-0.094 lb. Raptor herbicide for weed control in alfalfa. Pursuit 70DG (imazethapyr) — Pursuit may be used for weed control in seedling (2 trifoliates or larger) or established alfalfa. Both Pursuit and Raptor herbicides can be used to control most broadleaf weeds in clover and alfalfa. Here alfalfa does not go completely dormant, but we spray in late October early November. Warrant_Herbicide1c_Label.pdf - Label. WEED CONTROL Any application should be made before significant alfalfa growth or regrowth (3 inches) to allow Raptor … When PURSUIT is applied to seedling alfalfa, there may be a temporary reduction in growth. … Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Weld Herbicide or other Group 4 herbicides. PURSUIT 240 is a selective herbicide that can be applied as an early post-emergence treatment in alfalfa (newly seeded purestand for forage or seed production and established for seed production), chickling vetch (seed production only), dry beans (Pinto, Pink, Red), field peas, and soybeans (Manitoba only). Pre- or post-emergence. The specific herbicides and control strategies avail-able for use will depend on the type of forage you grow (alfalfa, alfalfa/grass mixture, clovers, or other legumes), whether your stand is … Pursuit can be applied to established alfalfa or clover in the fall, in the spring to dormant or semi-dormant alfalfa or … Benefits of Pursuit ® Herbicide Tough control of broadleaf weeds and grasses Adequate soil moisture is important for … Pursuit® herbicide kills weeds by root and/or foliage uptake and rapid translocation to the growing points. and alfalfa 2,4-DB (bromoxynil) Select (clethodim) Roundup (GT alfalfa only) Raptor (imazamox) Pursuit (imazethapyr) paraquat Poast (sethoxydim) N N Y Y Y Y/P Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N G F/G E E G G F E Postplant Newly established Velpar (hexazinone) Paraquat Y Y Y Y F F Herbicides for Seedling Alfalfa Red font indicates most popular in Western states. Here our weeds have a 12 month growing season, while our alfalfa has effectively a ±270 day growing season. PURSUIT: Cowpea and field pea can be planted any time after applying Pursuit in soybean, but alfalfa, cereal rye, clover, and wheat must be planted at least 4 months after an application of Pursuit. In addition, glyphosate-resistant (Group-9) populations were first reported in 2007, and PPO-resistant (Group-14) populations were … for barley, and 18 mo. DO NOT use Pursuit other than in accordance with the instructions set forth on this label. 3–4 fl oz (6 fl oz) 4 hrs. Nmsu Managing Weeds In Alfalfa. Pursuit Herbicide kills a wide variety of Broadleaf Weeds, Grasses and Sedges. Alfalfa soon outgrows any effects of the herbicide. Always refer to the individual herbicide label for specific information and restrictions. Herbicide, Preplant/Preplant Incorporated (704) , Herbicide, Postemergence (1371) , Herbicide, Preemergence (1031) , Herbicide … 0.75-1 lb. Check the plant-back restrictions from previous herbicide applications Mark Renz Extension Weed Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison Alfalfa plantings are predicted to be higher in 2013 than the past several years in Wisconsin. Combining with sethoxydim (Poast), clethodim (Select Max), imazethapyr (Pursuit), imazamox (Raptor), or 2,4-DB (Butyrac) will broaden control. "Raptor is in the same chemical family as Pursuit and will become the primary herbicide choice for alfalfa growers in … Pursuit may be used on established alfalfa-grass mixtures. 4-6 ozs. Pursuit® and Raptor® are both Group 2 herbicides that can be used on established or seedling alfalfa. Herbicides of concern used on corn are topped by atrazine and the 25+ other herbicide combinations containing atrazine. Uptake of the herbicide occurred following the most recent irrigation where herbicide mobilization and expanding roots came into contact. The two major areas where it is effective are as early postemergence treatment on spring planted alfalfa and as "after 1st harvest treatment" on established stands where pigweeds and annual … Apply Raptor at 4 to 6 fl oz/A plus adjuvants to small, actively growing weeds and to established alfalfa … Tank Mix Partner Seedling Alfalfa Established Alfalfa 2,4-DB Yes Yes Buctril® 2L Yes No Pursuit® DG or Pursuit® Yes Yes Raptor® Yes Yes *Refer to Select Max and tank mix partners label(s) for specific tank mix instructions. Pursuit, on the other hand, is still labeled on alfalfa - at least the last time I checked. Pursuit may cause a temporary reduction in … Most growers have an effective program to control winter annual weeds with a dormant season herbicide application. The past year was a dramatic shift in weather patterns for most of the state. One was the registration of raptor, a new imadazolinone herbicide similar to pursuit. Adequate soil moisture is important for optimum Pursuit activity. Always consider herbicide sites of action (SOA) or Group numbers. % Chickweed Control _____ Herbicide* Average of two years _____ Sencor - Fall 91 Sencor - Spring 99 Velpar - Fall 88 Velpar - Spring 98 Kerb - Fall 92 Ask the Alfalfa Expert Radio Program on WAXX 104.5 with Wade Oehmichen, Innovation Specialist at BASF. Pursuit has postemergence and preemergence activity. Herbicide Use in Established Roundup Ready Alfalfa in New Mexico Once RRA is established, it is important to not rely only on Roundup or other glyphosate products for weed management. Weld Herbicide is a Group 4 herbicide. n Apply before alfalfa … When adequate soil moisture is present, Pursuit will provide residual control of susceptible germinating weeds; activity on established weeds will depend on the Use surfactant and liquid fertilizer as per label. ... - Established Alfalfa or Clover. PRODUCT TYPE. 1.5-2 lbs. PURSUIT 240 is a selective herbicide that can be applied as an early post-emergence treatment in alfalfa (newly seeded purestand for forage or seed production and established for seed production), chickling vetch (seed production only), dry beans (Pinto, Pink, Red), field peas, and soybeans (Manitoba only). Documented symptoms of imazethapyr injury include stunted growth, small leaves, and the formation of adventitious buds and multiple shoot growth. (product/acre) ($/acre) Postemergence: Buctril 1 - 1.5 pt 8.50 - 12.50 Butyrac 1 - 3 qt 8.00 - 24.00 Poast Plus 1 - 2.25 pt 6.50 - 14.50 Select 6 - 8 oz 9.50 - 12.65 Pursuit 3 - 6 oz 12.50 - 25.00 Raptor 4 - 6 oz 17.00 - 26.00 Roundup Original Max 22 - 44 oz 6.20 - 12.40. BTW, Prowl - Prowl H2O only - has recently been labeled on alfalfa. For Pursuit may be used on established alfalfa/grass mixtures. Thunder Herbicide kills weeds by root and/or foliage uptake and rapid translocation to the growing points. Pursuit may be used on established alfalfa/grass mixtures. Primary Documents. With Pursuit, you'll get proven, relentless control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and grasses, including nightshade, for a wide variety of crops. However, both herbicides can damage or kill chicory. Atrazine rates over 0.75 pounds per acre on our soils in fields where crop yields were low would be of concern. Apply Raptor at 4 to 6 fl oz/A plus adjuvants to small, actively growing weeds and to established alfalfa in the fall or in the spring. Many growers are familiar with Pursuit® herbicide for seedling alfalfa weed control. Thunder Herbicide kills weeds by root and/or foliage uptake and rapid translocation to the growing points. Hexazinone. Pursuit performance improves with warmer temperatures. This research report discusses some of the findings from research trials conducted at the University of Wyoming with Pursuit since 1985. I don't know that Pursuit Plus ever had a label on alfalfa. Any application should be made before significant alfalfa growth or regrowth (3 inches) to allow Raptor to reach the target weeds. Like Pursuit, Raptor performance is influenced by temperature. Therefore, try to apply the herbicide on warmer days and when weeds are actively growing. Pursuit is a widely used herbicide in seedling alfalfa. Not labeled for … Herbicide selection depends on the weed spectrum present, the growth stage of the weeds, the growth stage of alfalfa and the type of soil in the fields. If imazethapyr could be safely used to control weeds in mixed seedings during the seedling year, it would greatly improve weed management options. BASF Ornamentals helps greenhouse and nursery managers ensure healthy, beautiful plants with superior fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. We removed oat seeded with alfalfa with sethoxydim (Poast, others) or clethodim products (Select, others) to mimic direct seeding while minimizing soil loss potential. PURSUIT 240 is a selective herbicide that can be applied as an early post-emergence treatment in alfalfa (newly seeded purestand for forage or seed production and established for seed production), chickling vetch (seed production only), dry beans (Pinto, … Raptor herbicide for weed control in alfalfa. for tobacco. Reichman Sales & Service PO Box 698 - Toluca, IL 61369 Phone: 815-452-2665 Fax: 815-452-2837 Little herbicide used after seeding year. However, metribuzin, Pursuit, Prowl H2O, and Aim can be applied to established alfalfa-grass mixes. In addition to Poast, Select, Fusilade and AssureII, raptor, Pursuit and a Valent experimental, V-0139 were evaluated. Pursuit Herbicide for Use on Alfalfa, Beans and Peas, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Clover, Peanut, and Soybean. To avoid alfalfa damage do not mix them with these types of adjuvants. Contact your seed supplier, chemical dealer or BASF to obtain information regarding CLEARFIELD corn hybrids. FirstRate. Unlike pursuit, however, raptor is more effective on sowthistle, lambsquarters and grasses. Spraying beyond this stage may cause stand and yield reductions. Specimen label nva 2017 04 130 0074 sds 20190430 sds. Pursuit performance improves with warmer temperatures. If spraying during extended cold periods, expect weeds to respond slower or the herbicide can have reduced activity. Pursuit is effective on many winter annual broadleaves including small chickweed. 3 Controlled in newly seeded alfalfa only. Adequate soil moisture is important for optimum Thunder Herbicide activity. Weed species with acquired resistance to Group 4 may eventually dominate the weed population if Group 4 … Raptor 1AS (imazamox, Group 2) — Raptor may be used for weed control in seedling or established alfalfa. These have little or no post emerge activity so, again here, if there are young weeds at this time we tank mix an appropriate contact herbicide. 3 to 6 fl oz. The use of Pursuit not consistent with this label may result in injury to crops. Pursuit application rates : Apply PURSUIT 2AS at 4 fluid ounces per acre or PURSUIT 70DG at 1.44 ounces per acre early postemergence. Use PURSUIT herbicide at 312 mL (75 g active) – 420 mL (100 g active) per hectare. For example, do not make sequential applications of Pursuit and Raptor within a 60-day period to avoid potential herbicide injury, and be aware of rotation restrictions if the alfalfa stand is nearing the end of its life. Adequate soil moisture is important for optimum Thunder Herbicide activity. More persistent in high pH soils (> 7) and with higher soil applied rates. Pursuit Herbicide is a post-emergent Grass control in Alfalfa, Clover and many other related crops in the Deer Food Plot family. Any application should be made before significant alfalfa growth or regrowth (3 inches) to allow Raptor to … However, even with a good stand, some weeds can get a foothold and infest the crop reducing its marketability. Roundup Ultra® must be applied to actively growing weeds to be effective, but will also kill any actively growing alfalfa plants it contacts. Plant into a clean seedbed. If you expect those high temperatures when you spray, it might be better to use Butyrac, Pursuit, or Raptor. Controls multiple flushing weeds at time of application plus additional flushes of shallow germinating weeds that develop later. Pursuit may be used on established alfalfa-grass mixtures. Pursuit . Planting alfalfa-grass mixtures? In most cases, 2 inches of alfalfa regrowth is the maximum height listed. However, in order to prevent or delay the occurrence of herbicide-resistant weed species and control the glyphosate-tolerant weed species, it is recommended to apply glyphosate in a mixture with other registered alfalfa herbicides, such as Pursuit, based on the label directions. Kerb herbicide can be used to control certain weeds in established or new plantings after the legume has reached the trifoliate leaf stage but only in the fall before soil freeze-up. Conditions of Sale and Warranty The Directions For Use of this product reflect the opinion of experts based on field use and tests. Pursuit herbicide is a soluble liquid herbicide to control and suppress many broadleaf and grass weeds and sedges as listed in this label. For use on alfalfa, beans and peas, ... labels of products used in combination with Pursuit® herbicide. If you anticipate winter annuals to be an issue in your new alfalfa stand, then consider applying Balan® DF Herbicide and Eptam® 7E Selective Herbicide preplant and incorporated. If seed 10 lb/acre, the technology fee is $21.00/acre Add a nonionic surfactant (0.25% v/v) or a crop oil concentrate (2 pt/acre). The results are presented in Table 3. Crop Tolerance to Soil Herbicide Residual. 12-30 months for small seeded legumes. Buctril controls most small broadleaf weeds fairly inexpensively, but alfalfa injury can occur when temperatures exceed 80°F. Use multiple and effective SOAs and rotate with crops. 8.5 g/ac. Warrant Herbicide EPA # 0000524-00591-AA-0000000 States Registered AL AR AZ CO CT DE GA HI IA ID IL IN KS LA MD MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NJ NM NY OH OK PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WI WV WY - Registered States. When combined with the herbicides requiring oil adjuvants, crop injury will increase. Gramoxone Extra also has a label for weed control in dormant alfalfa that is at least one year old. Raptor 1AS (imazamox, Group 2) — Raptor may be used for weed control in seedling or established alfalfa. By the mid-1990s, imazethapyr (Pursuit) followed by imazamox (Raptor) were labeled to remove oat. Apply to seedling alfalfa with a minimum of two trifoliate leaves and when weeds are 1 to 3 inches tall or before rosette forming weeds exceed 3 inches in diameter. Pursuit Herbicide for growers that are looking at the most proven herbicide around.With Pursuit Herbicide, you'll get proven, relentless control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and grasses, including nightshade, for a wide variety of crops. Imazethapyr (Pursuit) has both preemergence and postemergence activity and is selective in alfalfa. Thunder Herbicide is a post-emergent grass control in Alfalfa, Clover, and many other related crops in the Deer Food Plot family. This time a year ago, the state was recovering from one of the wettest years in history. Hesston, first things first..... you've gotta know what weeds you have in your alfalfa, and what there growth habits are. than 3 inches ofre-growth), or between cuttings. Cereals and ryegrass. Ideal for broadleaf weed control with moderate grassy weed pressure. imazethapyr (Pursuit) 2. Alfalfa is an excellent competitor with weeds. Apply to seedling alfalfa from the second trifoliate growth stage but … Essentially, all grass crops, such as sorghum, corn, small grains, and rice, as well as ornamental grasses, such as turf, are susceptible to POAST. The most common method for establishing mixed alfalfa/grass stands is to overseed grass (typically orchardgrass) Raptor 1AS (imazamox) — Raptor may be used for weed control in seedling or established alfalfa. to alfalfa, corn, sorghum and oats, 12 mo. A more recent test was conducted last year to evaluate these older herbicides and some new experimentals. Apply to established clover in the fall, or in the spring to dormant or semi-dormant alfalfa. Thunder Herbicide, For use in Alfalfa, Clover, Peas and Beans, Peanuts, and Soybeans. IHCman and Tater Salad like this. Herbicide Rate/Acre Broadcast Mode of Action Preharvest Interval Restricted Formulation Active Entry Interval Ingredient Prowl H20 3.8AS (pendimethalin) 1.1-2.1 pt 0.52-1.0 lb 3 14 days 24 hours Comments: Labeled for Alfalfa only. WSSA MODE OF ACTION 2. Pursuit kills weeds by root and/or foliage uptake and rapid translocation to growing points. Not registered for use in perennial cool-season forage grasses. Pursuit Herbicide for Use on Alfalfa, Beans and Peas, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Clover, Peanut, and Soybean. The rate of herbicide applied and the timing of the herbicide application are other factors that influence the likelihood of herbicide carryover injury to wheat or other rotational crops. Thunder Herbicide kills a wide variety of Broadleaf Weeds, Grasses, and Sedges. Apply after legumes have reached the trifoliate stage.

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