4. Learning to Play Pong using Policy Gradient Learning. We present the first deep learning model to successfully learn control policies directly from high-dimensional sensory input using reinforcement learning. (转) Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels. In the example below, going DOWN ended up to us losing the game (-1 reward). your own Pins on Pinterest ), they are beating world champions at Go, simulated quadrupeds are learning to run and leap, and robots are learning how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming. The blog here is meant to accompany the video tutorial which goes into more depth (code in YouTube video description): Unlike other problems in machine learning/ deep learning, reinforcement learning suffers from the fact that we do not have a proper ‘y’ variable. ), they are beating world champions at Go, simulated quadrupeds are learning to run and leap, and robots are learning how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming. Pong is just a fun toy test case, something we play with while we figure out how to write very general AI systems that can one day do arbitrary useful tasks. The large computational advantage is that we now only have to read/write at a single location at test time. In particular, how does it not work? However, this operation is non-differentiable because there is no signal telling us what would have happened to the loss if we were to write to a different location j != i. Use OpenAI gym. A proxy to that is that we play the game to the end and sum up all the rewards from the current time step onwards with a discount variable gamma (number between 0 and 1) as shown here: Why not simply the current reward r_t? suppose we finally get a +1. Our policy network is a 2-layer fully-connected net. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels (karpathy.github.io) 189 points by Smerity on May 31, 2016 | hide | past | web | favorite | 13 comments: keyle on June 1, 2016. What is fed into the DL algorithm however is the difference of two subsequent frames. Brief introduction to Reinforcement Learning and Deep Q-Learning. subtract mean, divide by standard deviation) before we plug them into backprop. Imagine if every assignment in our computers had to touch the entire RAM! Tony • December 6, 2016 186 Projects • 73 Followers Post Comment. First, let’s use OpenAI Gym to make a game environment and get our very first image of the game.Next, we set a bunch of parameters based off of Andrej’s blog post. The agent scores several points in a row repeating this strategy. And that’s it: we have a stochastic policy that samples actions and then actions that happen to eventually lead to good outcomes get encouraged in the future, and actions taken that lead to bad outcomes get discouraged. To make things a bit simpler (I did these experiments on my Macbook) I’ll do a tiny bit of preprocessing, e.g. Follow Board. One day a computer will look at an array of pixels and notice a key, a door, and think to itself that it is probably a good idea to pick up the key and reach the door. This is now differentiable, but we have to pay a heavy computational price because we have to touch every single memory cell just to write to one position. Hard-to-engineer behaviors will become a piece of cake for robots, so long as there are enough Deep RL practitioners to implement them. RL is hot! The premise of deep reinforcement learning is to “derive efficient representations of the environment from high-dimensional sensory inputs, and use these to generalize past experience to new situations” (Mnih et al., 2015). Also like a human, our agents construct and learn their own knowledge directly from raw inputs, such as vision, without any hand-engineered features or domain heuristics. Mihir Tale. In particular, anything with frequent reward signals that requires precise play, fast reflexes, and not too much long-term planning would be ideal, as these short-term correlations between rewards and actions can be easily “noticed” by the approach, and the execution meticulously perfected by the policy. May 31, 2016. We saw that the algorithm works through a brute-force search where you jitter around randomly at first and must accidentally stumble into rewarding situations at least once, and ideally often and repeatedly before the policy distribution shifts its parameters to repeat the responsible actions. ImageNet), Algorithms (research and ideas, e.g. I've written up a blog post which walks through the code here and the basic principles of Reinforcement Learning, with Pong as the guiding example.. This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). I hope the connection to RL is clear. This little piece of math is telling us that the way to change the policy’s parameters is to do some rollouts, take the gradient of the sampled actions, multiply it by the score and add everything, which is what we’ve done above. Deriving Policy Gradients. This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). I trained a 2-layer policy network with 200 hidden layer units using RMSProp on batches of 10 episodes (each episode is a few dozen games, because the games go up to score of 21 for either player). We call this the credit assignment problem. ), they are beating world champions at Go, simulated quadrupeds are learning to run and leap, and robots are learning how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming. AHU-WangXiao 2016-07-27 原文. Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning; HW3 out. Now, in supervised learning we would have access to a label. this could be a gaussian). Notice some of the differences: I’d like to also emphasize the point that, conversely, there are many games where Policy Gradients would quite easily defeat a human. Compare that to how a human might learn to play Pong. 1. Deep Reinforcement Learning From Raw Pixels in Doom. Deep Reinforcement Learning combines the modern Deep Learning approach to Reinforcement Learning. And… that’s it. Tony • December 6, 2016 186 Projects • 73 Followers Post Comment. COMP9444 20T3 Deep Reinforcement Learning 22 Deep Q-Learning for Atari Games end-to-end learning of values Q(s,a)from pixels s input state s is stack of raw pixels from last 4 frames 8-bit RGB images, 210×160 pixels output is Q(s,a)for 18 joystick/button positions reward is change in score for that timestep COMP9444 c Alan Blair, 2017-20 And that’s it! The model is used to generate the actions. The model is a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards. AlphaGo uses policy gradients with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) - these are also standard components. You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels! The total number of episodes was approximately 8,000 so the algorithm played roughly 200,000 Pong games (quite a lot isn’t it!) Fascinating. The game of Pong is an excellent example of a simple RL task. Or maybe 76 frames ago? We present the first deep learning model to successfully learn control policies di-rectly from high-dimensional sensory input using reinforcement learning. Fine print: preprocessing. Due to preprocessing every one of our inputs is an 80x80 difference image (current frame minus last frame). Finally, if no supervised data is provided by humans it can also be in some cases computed with expensive optimization techniques, e.g. See what actions led to high rewards. This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). We apply our method to seven Atari 2600 games from the Arcade Learn- Our policy network gives us samples of actions, and some of them work better than others (as judged by the advantage function). One good idea is to “standardize” these returns (e.g. So in summary our loss now looks like \( \sum_i A_i \log p(y_i \mid x_i) \), where \(y_i\) is the action we happened to sample and \(A_i\) is a number that we call an advantage. Feb 7, 2017 - Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels For example, suppose we compute \(R_t\) for all of the 20,000 actions in the batch of 100 Pong game rollouts above. 10/07/2016 ∙ by Danijar Hafner, et al. Make learning your daily ritual. Below is a collection of 40 (out of 200) neurons in a grid. In other words we’re faced with a very difficult problem and things are looking quite bleak. Or maybe it had something to do with frame 10 and then frame 90? Don’t Start With Machine Learning. I've written up a blog post which walks through the code here and the basic principles of Reinforcement Learning, with Pong as the guiding example.. To wrap things up, policy gradients are a lot easier to understand when you don’t concern yourself about the actual gradient calculations. AI. And we’ll take the other 200*88 = 17600 decisions we made in the losing games and do a negative update (discouraging whatever we did). for two classes UP and DOWN. we’ll actually feed difference frames to the network (i.e. If you wish to learn more on reinforcement learning, subscribe to my YouTube channel. Yes, you are absolutely right. Our policy network calculated probability of going UP as 30% (logprob -1.2) and DOWN as 70% (logprob -0.36). You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels! by trajectory optimization in a known dynamics model (such as \(F=ma\) in a physical simulator), or in cases where one learns an approximate local dynamics model (as seen in very promising framework of Guided Policy Search). We present the first deep learning model to successfully learn control policies directly from high-dimensional sensory input using reinforcement learning. I’m showing log probabilities (-1.2, -0.36) for UP and DOWN instead of the raw probabilities (30% and 70% in this case) because we always optimize the log probability of the correct label (this makes math nicer, and is equivalent to optimizing the raw probability because log is monotonic). It can be argued that if a human went into game of Pong but without knowing anything about the reward function (indeed, especially if the reward function was some static but random function), the human would have a lot of difficulty learning what to do but Policy Gradients would be indifferent, and likely work much better. Reinforcement learning bridges the gap between deep learning problems, and ways in which learning occurs in weakly supervised environments. This will make it so that samples that have a higher score will “tug” on the probability density stronger than the samples that have lower score, so if we were to do an update based on several samples from \(p\) the probability density would shift around in the direction of higher scores, making highly-scoring samples more likely. The idea was first introduced in Williams 1992 and more recently popularized by Recurrent Models of Visual Attention under the name “hard attention”, in the context of a model that processed an image with a sequence of low-resolution foveal glances (inspired by our own human eyes). Also like a human, our agents construct and learn their own knowledge directly from raw inputs, such as vision, without any hand-engineered features or domain heuristics. Okay, but what do we do if we do not have the correct label in the Reinforcement Learning setting? Whenever there is a disconnect between how magical something seems and how simple it is under the hood I get all antsy and really want to write a blog post. M 10/19: Lecture #14 : Actor-Critic methods (cont. In a more general RL setting we would receive some reward \(r_t\) at every time step. The model is a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards. There’s a bit of noise in the images, which I assume would have been mitigated if I used L2 regularization. Anyway, as a running example we’ll learn to play an ATARI game (Pong!) i.e. RL is hot! It turns out that all of these advances fall under the umbrella of RL research. In other words if we were to nudge \(\theta\) in the direction of \( \nabla_{\theta} \log p(x;\theta) \) we would see the new probability assigned to some \(x\) slightly increase. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels (karpathy.github.io) 189 points by Smerity on May 31, 2016 | hide | past | web | favorite | 13 comments keyle on June 1, 2016 Image Augmentation Is All You Need: Regularizing Deep Reinforcement Learning from Pixels. This is a follow on from Andrej Karpathy’s (AK) blog post on reinforcement learning (RL). In other words we will train the parameters involved in the blue arrows with backprop as usual, but the parameters involved with the red arrow will now be updated independently of the backward pass using policy gradients, encouraging samples that led to low loss. Sep 4, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by dotprodukt. backprop, CNN, LSTM), and. I don’t have to actually experience crashing my car into a wall a few hundred times before I slowly start avoiding to do so. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels (blogpost) Mnih et al. So there you have it - we learned to play Pong from from raw pixels with Policy Gradients and it works quite well. For example, a Neural Turing Machine has a memory tape that they it read and write from. Introduction. In this case I’ve seen many people who can’t believe that we can automatically learn to play most ATARI games at human level, with one algorithm, from pixels, and from scratch - and it is amazing, and I’ve been there myself! maybe about 20 in case of Pong, and every single action we did afterwards had zero effect on whether or not we end up getting the reward. Deep Reinforcement Learning combines the modern Deep Learning approach to Reinforcement Learning. how do we change the network’s parameters so that action samples get higher rewards). """ Trains an agent with (stochastic) Policy Gradients on Pong. White pixels are positive weights and black pixels are negative weights. Lets assume that each game is made up of 200 frames so in total we’ve made 20,000 decisions for going UP or DOWN and for each one of these we know the parameter gradient, which tells us how we should change the parameters if we wanted to encourage that decision in that state in the future. Mathematically you can also interpret these tricks as a way of controlling the variance of the policy gradient estimator. In vanilla supervised learning the objective is to maximize \( \sum_i \log p(y_i \mid x_i) \) where \(x_i, y_i \) are training examples (such as images and their labels). More strikingly, the system detailed in the paper beat human performance … ), they are beating world champions at Go, simulated quadrupeds are learning to run and leap, and robots are learning how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming. The true cause is that we happened to bounce the ball on a good trajectory, but in fact we did so many frames ago - e.g. You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels! Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels . We present the first deep learning model to successfully learn control policies directly from high-dimensional sensory input using reinforcement learning. Deep Reinforcement Learning for play pong from pixels - edu-417/pong-from-pixels But at the core the approach we use is also really quite profoundly dumb (though I understand it’s easy to make such claims in retrospect). I’d like to mention one more interesting application of Policy Gradients unrelated to games: It allows us to design and train neural networks with components that perform (or interact with) non-differentiable computation. #mlreads Weekly paper discussion http://karpathy.github.io/2016/05/31/rl/ ), Deterministic PG, Re-parametrized PG For a more thorough derivation and discussion I recommend John Schulman’s lecture. RL is hot! Andrew Karpathy Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels Arthur Juliani Simple Reinforcement Learning in Tensorflow Series David Silver UCL Course on RL 2015 Pong can be viewed as a classic reinforcement learning problem, as we have an agent within a fully-observable environment, executing actions … px -Image Height × Report. Hello all, It’s time for us to finally show off our Atari Pong demo! Since these abstract models are very difficult (if not impossible) to explicitly annotate, this is also why there is so much interest recently in (unsupervised) generative models and program induction. Kai Xin emailed Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels to Data News Board Data Science. This is achieved by deep learning of neural networks. You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels! Embed. Yes, this game was heavily cherry-picked but at least it works some of the time! Refer to the diagram below. One of the early algorithms in this domain is Deepmind’s Deep Q-Learning algorithm which was used to master a wide range of Atari 2600 games. 04/28/2020 ∙ by Ilya Kostrikov, et al. And of course, our goal is to move the paddle so that we get lots of reward. subtraction of current and last frame). 2 RT, 10 Fav 2020/07/10 01:26. You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels! and to make things concrete here is how you might implement this policy network in Python/numpy. After every single choice the game simulator executes the action and gives us a reward: Either a +1 reward if the ball went past the opponent, a -1 reward if we missed the ball, or 0 otherwise. 0.99). On the low level the game works as follows: we receive an image frame (a 210x160x3 byte array (integers from 0 to 255 giving pixel values)) and we get to decide if we want to move the paddle UP or DOWN (i.e. Deep Reinforcement Learning for play pong from pixels - edu-417/pong-from-pixels In ordinary supervised learning we would feed an image to the network and get some probabilities, e.g. Suppose that we decide to go UP. More generally, consider a neural network from some inputs to outputs: Notice that most arrows (in blue) are differentiable as normal, but some of the representation transformations could optionally also include a non-differentiable sampling operation (in red). Similarly, the ATARI Deep Q Learning paper from 2013 is an implementation of a standard algorithm (Q Learning with function approximation, which you can find in the standard RL book of Sutton 1998), where the function approximator happened to be a ConvNet. px -Image Width. May 31, 2016. It sounds kind of impossible. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels. As a running example we'll learn to play ATARI 2600 Pong from raw pixels. It shouldn’t work, but amusingly we live in a universe where it does. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Ping Pong. Whereas we only have 3100 parameters in the model shown below. PG is preferred because it is end-to-end: there’s an explicit policy and a principled approach that directly optimizes the expected reward. Our first test is Pong, a test of reinforcement learning from pixel data. Policy Gradients have to actually experience a positive reward, and experience it very often in order to eventually and slowly shift the policy parameters towards repeating moves that give high rewards. Policy gradients are one of the more basic reinforcement learning problems. This gradient would tell us how we should change every one of our million parameters to make the network slightly more likely to predict UP. Follow. .. In conclusion, once you understand the “trick” by which these algorithms work you can reason through their strengths and weaknesses. Saved by #AI. In particular, at every iteration an RNN would receive a small piece of the image and sample a location to look at next. ∙ Universiti Teknologi Brunei ∙ 0 ∙ share . As our favorite simple block of compute we’ll use a 2-layer neural network that takes the raw image pixels (100,800 numbers total (210*160*3)), and produces a single number indicating the probability of going UP. In this work, we study the challenges that arise in such complex environments, and summarize current methods to approach these. Created May 30, 2016. We still predict an attention distribution a, but instead of doing the soft write we sample locations to write to: i = sample(a); m[i] = x. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels (blogpost) Mnih et al. The algorithm does not scale naively to settings where huge amounts of exploration are difficult to obtain. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels by Andrej Karpathy; Demystifying Deep Reinforcement Learning; Let’s make a DQN; Simple Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow, Parts 0-8 by Arthur Juliani; Practical_RL - github-based course in reinforcement learning in … Code was like dark magic. That’s the beauty of neural nets; Using them can feel like cheating: You’re allowed to have 1 million parameters embedded in 1 teraflop of compute and you can make it do arbitrary things with SGD. For example in Pong we could wait until the end of the game, then take the reward we get (either +1 if we won or -1 if we lost), and enter that scalar as the gradient for the action we have taken (DOWN in this case). Compute (the obvious one: Moore’s Law, GPUs, ASICs). Each black circle is some game state (three example states are visualized on the bottom), and each arrow is a transition, annotated with the action that was sampled. So reinforcement learning is exactly like supervised learning, but on a continuously changing dataset (the episodes), scaled by the advantage, and we only want to do one (or very few) updates based on each sampled dataset. Therefore, the NTM has to do soft read and write operations. There is also a line of work that tries to make the search process less hopeless by adding additional supervision. This way we’re always encouraging and discouraging roughly half of the performed actions. 07/23/2018 ∙ by Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, et al. In particular, we are nowhere near humans in building abstract, rich representations of games that we can plan within and use for rapid learning. Implement a Policy Gradient with Reinforcement Learning. Therefore, the current action is responsible for the current reward and future rewards but with lesser and lesser responsibility moving further into the future. Therefore, during training we will produce several samples (indicated by the branches below), and then we’ll encourage samples that eventually led to good outcomes (in this case for example measured by the loss at the end). In practice it can can also be important to normalize these. Skip to content. For example the RNN might look at position (5,30), receive a small piece of the image, then decide to look at (24, 50), etc. A human brings in a huge amount of prior knowledge, such as intuitive physics (the ball bounces, it’s unlikely to teleport, it’s unlikely to suddenly stop, it maintains a constant velocity, etc. This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). The advantage of using a CNN is that the number of parameters that we have to deal with is significantly less. We crop the top and bottom of the image, and subsample every second pixel both horizontally and vertically. Policy Gradients. The model is a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards. Saved by #AI. ELEC-E8125_1144191284: Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels We can backprop through the blue arrows just fine, but the red arrow represents a dependency that we cannot backprop through. The general case is that when we have an expression of the form \(E_{x \sim p(x \mid \theta)} [f(x)] \) - i.e. This article ought to be self contained even if you haven’t read the other blog already. You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels! So far we have judged the goodness of every individual action based on whether or not we win the game. Unfortunately, this operation is non-differentiable because, intuitively, we don’t know what would have happened if we sampled a different location. RL is hot! I also promised a bit more discussion of the returns. This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). But wait, wasn’t the y-variable what the model dictated it to be? That’s great, but how can we tell what made that happen? ∙ NYU college ∙ 10 ∙ share . You also understand the concept of being “in control” of a paddle, and that it responds to your UP/DOWN key commands. On the low level the game works as follows: we receive an image frame (a 210x160x3 byte array (integers from 0 to 255 giving pixel values)) and we get to decide if we want to move the paddle UP or DOWN (i.e. And how do we figure out which of the million knobs to change and how, in order to do better in the future? This paradigm of learning by trial-and-error, solely from rewards or punishments, is known as reinforcement learning (RL). The model is a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards. This paradigm of learning by trial-and-error, solely from rewards or punishments, is known as reinforcement learning (RL). Of course, it takes a lot of skill and patience to get it to work, and multiple clever tweaks on top of old algorithms have been developed, but to a first-order approximation the main driver of recent progress is not the algorithms but (similar to Computer Vision) compute/data/infrastructure. Part I - Background . Two Steps From Hell - 25 Tracks Best of All Time | Most Powerful Epic Music Mix [Part 1] - Duration: 1:20:26. What I’m hoping to do with this post is to hopefully simplify Karpathy’s post, and take out the maths (thanks to Keras). In fact most people prefer to use Policy Gradients, including the authors of the original DQN paper who have shown Policy Gradients to work better than Q Learning when tuned well. ELEC-E8125_1138029971: Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels So the only problem now is to find W1 and W2 that lead to expert play of Pong! 3. Intuitively, the neurons in the hidden layer (which have their weights arranged along the rows of W1) can detect various game scenarios (e.g. Activities in reinforcement learning (RL) revolve around learning the Markov decision process (MDP) model, in particular, the following parameters: state values, V; state-action values, Q; and policy, pi. This leads to an input image of size 80x80. Similarly, if we took the frames and permuted the pixels randomly then humans would likely fail, but our Policy Gradient solution could not even tell the difference (if it’s using a fully connected network as done here). less than 1 minute read. So here is how the training will work in detail. ELEC-E8125_1144191284: Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels Follow Board Posted onto AI × Embed. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels. English above), but in a standard RL problem you assume an arbitrary reward function that you have to discover through environment interactions. The output is the move to play. RL is hot! it will be 1 for going up and 0 for going down. It’s interesting to reflect on the nature of recent progress in RL. To do a write operation one would like to execute something like m[i] = x, where i and x are predicted by an RNN controller network. """ Trains an agent with (stochastic) Policy Gradients on Pong. ), Deterministic PG, Re-parametrized PG Using current reinforcement learning methods, it has recently become possible to learn to play unknown 3D games from raw pixels. We saw that Policy Gradients are a powerful, general algorithm and as an example we trained an ATARI Pong agent from raw pixels, from scratch, in 130 lines of Python. In the paper they developed a system that uses Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) to play various Atari games, including Breakout and Pong. You can see hints of this already happening in our Pong agent: it develops a strategy where it waits for the ball and then rapidly dashes to catch it just at the edge, which launches it quickly and with high vertical velocity. I’d like to also give a sketch of where Policy Gradients come from mathematically. We will now sample an action from this distribution; E.g. We also saw that humans approach these problems very differently, in what feels more like rapid abstract model building - something we have barely even scratched the surface of in research (although many people are trying). The images show agent observations before downscaling to 64 64 3 pixels. We have our input, which is the X variable mentioned above, however, the target y-variable is the actions that were taken at that time step. Uses OpenAI Gym. """ The expression states that the strength with which we encourage a sampled action is the weighted sum of all rewards afterwards, but later rewards are exponentially less important. However, as pointed out in the paper this strategy is very difficult to get working because one must accidentally stumble by working algorithms through sampling. ( from raw pixels it past the opponent Estimation using stochastic Computation Graphs this I. Feed difference frames to the network ’ s notoriously difficult to teach/explain the rules & strategies to network. 6, 2016 186 Projects • 73 Followers post Comment emailed Deep Reinforcement combines. Of cake for robots, so long as there are enough Deep RL practitioners to implement them sampling as small. Sparse Predictive Hierarchies ( SPH, as done in my RNN blog post on Reinforcement Learning: Pong from training! A human might learn to play an ATARI game ( -1 reward ) computational... 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