Hydrocephalus symptoms are serious and restricting. Hydrocephalus is a condition characterized by excessive cerebrospinal fluid in the skull. DisabilityBenefitsCenter.org is not a lawyer or law firm. Social Security Disability Lawyers: Riverside, Orange & San Bernardino Counties. Therefore, those who suffer from hydrocephalus often find it difficult or impossible to work. Consent is not required to utilize our services. Have you suffered changes in personality or mood, making social interactions difficult. If you have not had a shunt yet inserted, you are at risk for others disabilitiesuntiil you do. Although hydrocephalus is not specifically listed in the Social Security Administration (SSA) blue book, applicants with Hydrocephalus often have symptoms or related conditions that can qualify under other listings. It can be present at birth or develop later in life. [scielo.edu.uy] There is often myopia (46%) or hyperopia (37%); exudative chorioretinitis is the classic pathology. Normal pressure hydrocephalus can occur in people at any age and is a slow moving, progressive buildup of fluid in the skull. Each year in Australia, one in every 1,000 children is born with hydrocephalus. [Ref: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Hydrocephalus-Fact-Sheet]. This section helps you understand the needs of people impacted by hydrocephalus and how you can support them. Proper legal representation will increase an applicant’s chances of being approved for disability benefits. It may be caused by any of these problems: The fluid is blocked from flowing through your baby’s head. Hydrocephalus is a condition which can be disabling or can cause disabilities if it cannot be managed. When hydrocephalus occurs in children, it typically presents as “congenital hydrocephalus,” which is present at birth as a result of genetic or fetal developmental problems. In many patients who have hydrocephalus, the cause is not well understood. Depending on an applicant’s specific circumstances, he or she may qualify under the following listings: Before applying for disability benefits, consider the following questions: If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. Read the article to know learning disability in children with hydrocephalus. By submitting above, I agree to the privacy policy and disclaimer and consent to be contacted by an agent at the phone number(s) listed above, including wireless number(s). Hydrocephalus is rare. Less severe cases, when treated appropriately, may have few, if any, serious complications.Adults who have experienced a significant decline in memory or other thinking skills generally have poorer recoveries and persistent symptoms after treatment of hydrocephalus. Sometimes they don't work well because of mechanical problems. Hydrocephalus is a buildup of fluid in your brain. When congenital hydrocephalus occurs in infants, the brain and head swell, and there can be a rapid increase in the circumference of the head because the bones of the skull have yet to fuse. At Law Med, we are SSDI and ERISA knowledgeable and experienced, and we work with your doctor to get you SSDI and ERISA disability benefits. hydrocephalus, brain atrophy and intellectual disability are observed 12. e)Teeth: They are the most frequent manifestations, in up to 80% of cases. Neither this site nor any lawyer or advocate associated with it is affiliated in any way with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration. Have you suffered sensory limitations such as blurred vision or hearing loss? Does applicant have an attorney helping them with this case? Left untreated, hydrocephalus can cause severe disability, even death. Nevertheless, experts state that about 50% of babies with hydrocephalus grow up to have normal cognitive functions and intelligence. A well-documented history, neurological examination, objective documentation of hydrocephalus with imaging studies of the brain, and neurocognitive testing may help provide objective evidence of physical and cognitive impairment to enable a benefit award. Is applicant currently receiving Social Security benefits? The degree of impact varies. What Happens If The SSA Says: You must wait for the non-medical part to get SSD"? The SSA’s Blue Book is a manual of recognized disabilities. When the circulatory path of the CSF is blocked, fluid begins to accumulate, causing the ventricles to enlarge and the pressure inside the head to increase, resulting in hydrocephalus. The name originated from the Greek words ‘hydro’ for water and ‘cephalus’ for head. Is applicant receiving treatment from a doctor? As a result, pressure develops in the brain, which can result in significant swelling. Over the years, continuous changes in medical care have occurred and updated information is important. Hydrocephalus can affect anyone at any age but is most common in infants and older adults. /mild hydrocephalus . What is a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC)? Social Security Disability Lawyers: Riverside, Orange & San Bernardino Counties. If hydrocephalus has progressed by the time of birth, it may result in significant intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities. Classic X-linked recessive hydrocephalus (Bickers-Adam syndrome) accounts for approximately 7 percent of male hydrocephalus. Even though hydrocephalus is an extremely dangerous condition, especially when left untreated, it does not always qualify an applicant for disability benefits. Symptoms can include headache, problems with gait, balance and coordination, problems with bladder and bowel control, neurological deficits, and cognitive dysfunction or memory loss. Hydrocephalus and Disability Benefits The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides support to disabled individuals through two separate disability benefit Programs: SSI and SSDI. A traumatic brain injury (tbi) can also cause cerebral spinal fluid and intracranial pressure to increase. Because hydrocephalus is not directly listed in the SSA blue book, it is essential that the applicant provide medical evidence demonstrating that he or she suffers from symptoms that make it impossible to work. This is largely because proving one’s limitations requires extensive work and research. Hydrocephalus (“hydro” ¼ water, “cephalus” ¼ head) is excessive buildup of … Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to lessen the impact of hydrocephalus. Information for Educational Purposes Only. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not include hydrocephalus in its “Blue Book” of recognized disabilities. Even though hydrocephalus is an extremely dangerous condition, especially when left untreated, it does not always qualify an applicant for disability benefits. Hydrocephalus, or water on the brain, is a condition where a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain causes increased pressure in the skull. Some people may have few or no difficulties, others can find their day-to-day life very difficult indeed. Hydrocephalus. Apply for Social Security Disability for Hydrocephalus. Symptoms and Complications of Hydrocephalus. In “communicating hydrocephalus,” the CSF is able to flow between the ventricles of the brain, but in “non-communicating hydrocephalus,” the flow of CSF is obstructed at some point within the ventricular system (often because of an anatomical narrowing between the third and fourth ventricles. I… Do you have muscle weakness or fatigue to the extent that it is difficult to perform physical activities? Hydrocephalus and SSA Disability Benefits Hydrocephalus is the accumulation of fluid in the brain which increases the pressure in the ventricles of the brain, potentially damaging the brain tissue. Symptoms include headaches, visual problems, cognitive impairment, incoordination, and incontinence, Hydrocephalus is most common in children and older adults, but it can occur in a wide range of people, from infants and older children to young, middle-aged and older adults. He or she will know how to assemble an accurate, complete application. This is largely because proving one’s limitations requires extensive work and research. Symptoms often include nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, or seizures. How does hydrocephalus occur? While there is no dedicated listing for hydrocephalus, you may qualify by showing through medical records that your symptoms are equal in severity to one of the following listed impairments: Stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury – Section 11.04 Traumatic Brain Injury – Section 11.18 CSF surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is made up of water, minerals, nutrients and sugar. Treatments for hydrocephalus are often quite invasive and involve surgery. Long-term complications of hydrocephalus can vary widely and are often difficult to predict. Depending on the symptoms your spina bifida causes, you could get disability benefits under Social Security's disability listings for disorders of the spine, spinal cord disorders, neurological disorders, or mental/cognitive disorders. Patients who need a shunt but have scarring or infections in their abdomen may benefit from a ventriculoatrial shunt. Thank you for contacting us. Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney. Hydrocephalus occurs in approximately one out of 500 births and is also at risk of occurring in babies born with the most common disability at birth, spina bifida. Doctors’ notes detailing the severity, duration and frequency of symptoms, History and summary of past Hydrocephalus related hospitalizations, History of treatments, surgeries, and medications, Applicant’s response to treatments, surgeries, and medications, Any relevant documents proving physical limitations. A professional will understand the intricacies of Social Security requirements and qualifications. When hydrocephalus occurs in adults, it is referred to as “acquired hydrocephalus,” which may be the result of various types of injury or disease. [Ref: https://www.hydroassoc.org/hydrocephalus/]. Genetic abnormalities, developmental problems in utero, spina bifida, prematurity, meningitis, traumatic brain injury, and brain tumors have all been associated with hydrocephalus. Please complete all required fields below. You can simplify the process by enlisting the help of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney. Learn more about the procedure. Some children with hydrocephalus will have less than normal intelligence, whilst others go to university. In adults, these and other problems can occur, including progressive dementia. Treatment of hydrocephalus depends on the type of hydrocephalus, the age of the patient, and many other factors, and the results of treatment are variable. How Does Hydrocephalus Affect My Baby After Delivery? Your baby has problems absorbing the fluid. 2. Children with hydrocephalus represent a heterogeneous group with various aetiologies and disability profiles. Subscribe to hydrocephalus as a disability “One Would Expect A Medical Center, Of All Places, To Be Sensitive To An Employee With A Disability” ... to go back to our numerous posts about health care providers being a favorite target for the EEOC when it comes to disability … Hydrocephalus can be divided into “communicating” or” non-communicating” types. Skip to main content. The term comes from the Greek words “hydro” (water) and “cephalus” (head), or “water on the brain.” The fluid that accumulates is cerebrospinal fluid, which nourishes the brain with proteins and nutrients as it circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord. The longer that hydrocephalus goes untreated, the more severe the symptoms will become. However, it may be possible to “equal” a disability rating under one or more of the following: Stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury – Section 11.04, Traumatic Brain Injury – Section 11.18, Epilepsy – Sections 11.02 and 11.03, and Organic Mental Disorders – Section 12.02. Hydrocephalus is frequently seen with spina bifida and chiari malformation, but many times the cause is unknown. Learn more about its causes, symptoms, and treatments. Many more children and adults acquire hydrocephalus as a result of accidents, tumours, bleeding or infection. Some patients do very well with early treatment, while others have poor outcomes. Social Security Disability Attorneys by City, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). 1) Hyper-verbal communication- Also known as “cocktail party syndrome”—is commonly found in children with hydrocephalus. It is somewhat common, but is not a commonly known condition. Hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes the brain to swell. In this type of hydrocephalus, there is a shrinkage of the brain tissue that causes the ventricles to “enlarge.”, Finally, there is “normal pressure hydrocephalus” (“NPH”), which is an abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain's ventricles. The Hydrocephalus Association estimates that >700,000 Americans have hydrocephalus. Top 5 Reasons Why Disability Claims are Denied, Epilepsy— caused by the surgical placement of a shunt used to relieve hydrocephalus, Soft tissue tumors of the head and neck—causing hydrocephalus. @font-face{font-family:'Circular-Bold';src:url("https://assets.avvo.com/avvo-ui/0.20.5/fonts/avvo_ui/circular/circular_bold.woff") format("woff")}.avvo-badge .st0{fill:#153860 !important}.avvo-badge .st1{fill:#010101 !important}.avvo-badge .st2{fill:#15467A !important}.avvo-badge .st3{fill:#FFFFFF !important}.avvo-badge .st4{fill:none !important}.avvo-badge .st5{fill:#F89838 !important}.avvo-badge .st6{fill:#ED514C !important}.avvo-badge .st7{font-family:'Circular-Bold', Avenir Next, Avenir, Century Gothic, sans-serif !important;font-weight:bold !important}.avvo-badge .st8{font-size:20px !important}.avvo-badge .st9{letter-spacing:-1px !important}.avvo-badge .st10{font-family:'Circular-Bold', Avenir Next, Avenir, Century Gothic, sans-serif !important;font-size:14px}.avvo-badge .st11{font-size:65px !important}.avvo-badge .st12{text-anchor:middle !important}.avvo-badge .st13{fill:#969696 !important}.avvo-badge .st14{display:none !important}Peter Anthony BohanClients’ ChoiceAward 2016. Hydrocephalus is an accumulation of increased fluid (“cerebrospinal fluid” or “CSF”) within the cavities (“ventricles”) of the brain. The two major types of hydrocephalus are called communicating hydrocephalus and non-communicating hydrocephalus. Qualifying for Social Security Disability with Hydrocephalus. There may also be physical disabilities, poor co-ordination and a variety of other medical problems. What Conditions Automatically Qualify For Disability Benefits? ), Additionally, there is a type of hydrocephalus called “hydrocephalus ex-vacuo,” which occurs following a stroke or a traumatic brain injury. In older children, the skull is fused and cannot expand due to the increased pressure from hydrocephalus. Surgical treatments, such as shunting, are effective in allev… ... Special education for learning disabilities. By requesting a free evaluation, the user will be provided with the name of an independent lawyer or advocate who will contact the user to do the evaluation. The impact of hydrocephalus on a newborn is somewhat unpredictable and can vary in severity. The condition is characterized by aqueductal stenosis, severe intellectual disabilities and in half of the affected children, an adduction thumb deformity. What is hydrocephalus? If you have a shunt inserted - you have a life-long disability. People with hydrocephalus can be affected by their condition in a number of often subtle ways. November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Do you have significant problems with coordination, balance, or motor function? For congenital hydrocephalus, the problem developed due to a wide variety of malformations or genetic conditions during the pregnancy. A diagnosis of hydrocephalus is not enough to “automatically” qualify for Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits under either the Social Security Disability (SSDI) program or under an employer-provided group disability plan (ERISA). Hydrocephalus is an accumulation of increased fluid (“cerebrospinal fluid” or “CSF”) within the cavities (“ventricles”) of the brain. Hydrocephalus occurs when excessive cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the brain. Patients with progressive hydrocephalus can become physically and mentally disabled and may not be able to perform even sedentary work. Hydrocephalus is a condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the ventricles of the brain. Neurologists and neurosurgeons are the types of doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of hydrocephalus. https://www.hydroassoc.org/hydrocephalus/, https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Hydrocephalus-Fact-Sheet. This condition is also known as Water on the Brain, due to the primary characteristic of extra fluid being blocked in the brain's ventricles (cavities). hydrocephalus as a disability. Calls may be auto-dialed/pre-recorded. When this fluid accumulates, a range of conditions can emerge, including mental disability, convulsions and tunnel vision. The term hydrocephalus is derived from two words: \"hydro,\" meaning water, and \"cephalus,\" referring to the head. Hydrocephalus is a condition in which an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs within the brain. The child never seems to stop talking and the content, if analyzed, is usually superficial or even inappropriate to the situation. Medical Documentation Necessary to Qualify for SSD. Shunts may drain too little CSF, in which case the symptoms of hydrocephalus get worse. Hydrocephalus may cause increased pressure inside the brain, which can result in neurological damage. Does applicant expect to be out of work for at least 12 months? It is an advertising service paid for by the lawyers and advocates whose names are provided in response to user requests and it is not an attorney referral service. Doctors say there are 4cm of fluid in the left ventricle - the right ventricle appears normal .../2 pounds at almost 36 weeks. It is a developmental disability that occurs in approximately 3 to 5% of children; 19% of children with cerebral palsy will be diagnosed with ADHD; Hydrocephalus . Hydrocephalus is typically diagnosed by imaging studies of the brain, such as CT or MRI scans. This typically causes increased pressure inside the skull.Older people may have headaches, double vision, poor balance, urinary incontinence, personality changes, or mental impairment.In babies, it may be seen as a rapid increase in head size. Neurological Disorders and Social Security Disability Hydrocephalus and Social Security Disability Cerebrospinal fluid, while essential to brain health, becomes an issue when too much fluid builds up inside the skull, resulting in a condition called Hydrocephalus, the main symptom of … There is a high probability of a baby with hydrocephalus suffering from developmental delay . There are two types of hydrocephalus: acquired and congenital. Problems include learning disabilities, impaired speech, short attention span, memory issues, and vision problems. Hydrocephalus is a condition of excess fluid in the brain, called cerebrospinal fluid. Do you have trouble concentrating or suffer from memory loss? Shunts can be problematic. The primary reasons why hydrocephalus occurs include blockage of the CSF flow inside of the head, problems with the body absorbing the CSF and overproduction of the CSF. Hydrocephalus ex-vacuo is caused by damage to the brain from a stroke, accident, or other types of traumatic brain injury. This is an Attorney Advertisement – Not an Attorney Referral Service   Copyright DisabilityBenefitsCenter.org 2020, Hydrocephalus and Social Security Disability Benefits. developmental disabilities, reduced intelligence, and other complications. Hydrocephalus is definitely a disability. To find out the attorney or advocate in your area who is responsible for the advertisement, click here. Hydrocephalus treatment includes shunt placement, endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) or even a spinal tap (lumbar puncture). Nowadays, early diagnosis is the central focus of the treatment of children with hydrocephalus and learning disabilities. Surgery was mentioned for a shunt, developmental disabilities … This can occur following some sort of injury to the brain (e.g., bleeding within the brain, injury, infection, brain tumor, or surgery), but in approximately 375,000 Americans who have NPH, there is no apparent cause. Acquired hydrocephalus develops after birth and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as head injury, meningitis, and brain tumors. By submitting a free evaluation, I acknowledge that I understand and agree to the disclaimer and privacy policy. Hydrocephalus is most often treated by surgically inserting a flexible plastic tube with a one-way valve that drains CSF from a ventricle inside the brain to the abdominal cavity, where it is absorbed back into the circulation. In a healthy body cerebrospinal fluid provides cushion between the brain and the skull. Learn more. Since the introduction of shunting in the 1950s, the outcome for most children (and adults) with hydrocephalus is much brighter. It may not operate particularly well at different times. The basic nature of this condition is that the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is blocked, causing the brain’s ventricles so that they become enlarged. That's because symptoms and complications related to hydrocephalus vary from person to person, and the degree to which these symptoms (both physical and cognitive) impair functional capacity will vary as well. Your shunt may need to be replaced at different times in your life. We will get back to you shortly. Some of these cases can be associated with abnormalities in the brain and spinal cord during pregnancy. Because it injures the brain, children with hydrocephalus may have epilepsy, learning disabilities, short-term memory loss, problems with coordination, vision problems, and early onset of puberty. Problems can arise if they drain too much CSF, which can then cause collapse of the ventricles, tears to the brain, and other complications. 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