I recently had to have my chin, Artemis, spayed because his Intestines wrapped around his penis and testicle. 4 years ago. Basement much cooler. Sadley my chinchilla passed away this morning. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Idk if I should get one again cause i read it is hard to find care for them and the die easy due to there systems but mostly because I miss my Sie and wish I knew what I know now. … STOP breeding for the sake of all of these babies going to homes who know nothing about chinchillas and can't afford to even take care of yourself financially. This evening she is acting not quite herself. i have a chinchilla named andy. tammarie from Canada on September 27, 2010: Last night i lost my Molly . We have a couch in the room and he likes to go on there too. It is possible that younger chinchillas can be mis-sexed, but for an adult chinchilla, it would be harder to make the mistake. we've been keeping a visible check on their weight and energy levels and have the female and kits separated from the male. ago with a small patch on her rump. These guys aren't like hamsters or even ferrets that are fairly hardy. Her outer hair is falling out but the skin doesn't show. Every time i try to let him out he is always running away from me and when i do get him he is always trying to get out of my hands. He is enthusiastic about all of his regular activities. I blame myself for not having a proper household and not knowing what a chin was or how to take proper care of such a loving creature, I kinda blame my friend because he didn't explain to me the dangerous things us humans have in stor for them and what are no-no's like cedar, pine. A chinchilla’s gestation period is 111 days. If the injury is severe or you can still see the foreign body in the eye, seek professional help immediately! She is still acting very odd like she is having a hard time breathing but still trying to eat. There shouldn't be any matting. We have him in the bottomof a ferret nation with two "levels and a ramp to the second. Your email address will not be published. It now covers most all parts except the head. What s going on with her? I set an appointment with the vet, left work in the afternoon and he was already dead. He acts the same as usual, and like I said he doesn't bite it or seem bothered at all. She was breathing really fast and had my heart going to. Last edited by Marios Alexandrou on October 12, 2020. Check for any harmful projections in the cage and remove them. Even in his last days he would snuggle and eat so I did not have a clue he had something deadly happening inside him. And check on the wound to see if it's healing nicely. I have a 2 year old male. he was absolutely fine. When i was holding her and reading everything, I finally ran her down to the basement and got water with lil salt and food next to it. Keep the cages dry and clean. Their transition was fairly smooth, I kept them separated and let them play outside of the cage, supervised until they could play nice--though they never fought, mostly chased and barked. My chinchilla has really matted fur all over stomach and under his chin how do I get that clean he's taking dust baths but that's not working. should i take it to the vet or see if it will heal on its own?????? he also usually lays on his side by the door. It's the right thing to do. These chemicals can be toxic. Is the chinchilla drinking ok? i have a chinchilla aged 1,5 years old. Rectal bleeding is also a possibility. My dog is bleeding vaginally and its been one week since her liter was born. My chinchilla Bella broke her hind leg on Wednesday and had it amputated Thursday. i took him to a vet but they don't know what's wrong with him. I have a chinchilla whose butt stays in the air sometimes and he would push against the wire on the floor and just seem like he is pain...I am guessing he is constipated. Of all the years I’ve had him, it was always a struggle because yes they are fragile. I open the door and she didn't come to me! Isolate the chinchilla and put a collar on him. I feel inlove with her as she did with me. Keep an eye out for any change in behavior or eating habits. Could Caesar have been sexed wrong? I think she was exausted, sick and the scare didn't help at all and ill never forget her *hap-hap-hap* loudest i ever heard her speak and they speak soft. My chincilla is showing all these signs and just curled up in one place in his cage. I have 3 live recorded videos of her and she was tamed and very Smart. See a vet for proper eye ointment! I just wished there was something i could have done sooner. The White one is considered the "runt." You may put … i will take him to a vet if he does not improve.. I'm heartbroken!! Never seen him do tha he also wont eat treats and he always has before. We got her and her sister from a home were the little girl scared them . Any change in behavior or loss of appetite in a chinchilla can be a warning sign that a wound is infected. Gilts or female pigs come in to heat around the 8th month. I saw your comments about stress. She loved being free it breaks my heart that she passed and very hard for me.. And, should I get another chinchilla now that I know a lot about her? Generally, if your cat is bleeding from her vulva, it is a sign that she is facing a health problem. Sandy is a 8 yr old albino female. He was laying in the middle of the second story. He recently had a respiratory infection that was treated by a vet. stay happy happy girl and keep on hopping! If the tie was interrupted or anything like that you should see your vet as that often causes hemmorrhage in the female. Consider applying a pet-safe antibiotic ointment (I use Neosporin without the added pain relief) three to four times a day. Hematuria is a medical term for blood in the urine. Had she been a dog a would suspect an allergic reaktion to fx insect-bite. First Aid or Treatment If only one tooth is broken, you can file down the sharp points. Here's how to introduce a new chinchilla: Tip: I find that introducing new chinchillas to existing ones works best when you let them play together outside of the cage they will be housed in and then slowly start to let them play together in the cage. Please people take care of these gorgeous creatures :( im sorry if I was rude to anyone I just wanna help with all that I can... We had smokey for about 2 years now. The female cat’s vulva will also swell when she comes into heat but it isn’t always as noticeable as in the dog. Could that be a cause of the matting - or should we take him back to the vet? They get the virus from humans most commonly, but they can contract it via contaminated water or food. She was so sweet to the very last breath. Planet Chinchilla Was started to share our journey with all of you. hi my chin just got his tail wet in a toilet im afraid if he picks at it he will get sick what can i do? Is that a good guess? A new pill, missed pills, or a change in contraception could lead to unexpected bleeding, but don't just assume this is the case and move on. That may ease some concerns. The tail is a little pink where she is missing it but there are no other signs. I don't know of anything that changed in his environment. Creating a safe living space for your chinchilla helps to prevent injury. She is not 100 % OK but runs around and eats and her poo is toatally normal. I was very scared and thought I was going to lose her because nothing but most bad news on posts. one is an obvious runt. I have 3 chinchillas and one of my chinchillas managed to bite my other chinchillas paw he is bleeding and I’m not sure how to take care of the bleeding our vet is booked and we can only go to an emergency vet that dose not specialize in chinchillas if you know … The chinchilla probably won't be able to jump the same, especially if it was a back leg. We have a category on the right that covers some issues with pregnant chinchillas. anything else i can do in the meantime? Give plenty of fluids if you chinchilla is dehydrated, and determine the cause of the problem (might need vet for this). Becca, that is good to hear. Its been really hard to accept he is no longer here. There is no obvious bleeding either. Whitney (author) from Georgia on September 16, 2010: What food are you offering? With ANY fresh wound on a chinchilla, first try to establish the cause if possible (to prevent it happening again). Can I do anything for Sandy? All They are quite fragile, and having a vet that is familiar with them is hard to find. I have two male chins, both specifically chosen because I don't want chinchilla babies. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. when i got back, my aunt said he doesn't eat much. If left … Menorrhagia is the medical term for heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. I let her be for another hour or so down there and I felt that she was then cold, cold fur, cold paws, wessin and coughing at that moment and stayed with here in my hands til she passed. Reasons for bleeding in rabbits include hematuria (blood in the urine), epistaxis (nosebleeds), reproductive tract dysfunction, anal bleeding, bleeding after neutering, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, and bleeding in the upper digestive tract/oral cavity. Chinchillas are unique creatures so please do your homework. Answer Save. :(. he is also keept in the same cage with another chinchilla, can anyone please tell me why my chinchilla is constantley wet on its front and look like it is slaveringn all the time. A good, nutritious diet should be fed. At times in the past, he would get congested but always overcame it and was running around in his comfort zones healthy again which is what I thought would happen this time until it was too late. hi again, you'd be surprised how well Bella is doing without her back leg, shes managing about just fine, sometimes quicker than my other two. but we managed to get it out. Always remember, the best thing you can do for your pets is to take them to the vet at the first signs of illness. hi, I have been reading a lot tonight as we have noticed out chin acting "funny" very similar to Candace who posted 2 months ago. Chiko: August 31, 2007. So should a wound that has pus or dirt in it. Start introducing him/her to your other chinchilla(s) slowly. Abscesses can also be caused by unclean cages or cages that aren't disinfected regularly, as such conditions can harbor bacteria. Examine the cage regularly. You do what you got to do! If you're a chinchilla lover, be sure to share your stories in the comments section below. We think the botom might not have enough air circulating to it. Today I noticed some red in her bedding and when I picked her up … Whitney (author) from Georgia on August 13, 2010: That is very odd. I'm actually quite surprised if the vet amputated the back leg, as they use both legs to stand, walk, run, jump, and move. I can get her to a vet tomorrow but Im concerned about something happening to her tonight. its 2 am and im sitting up with him to make sure he is ok! It might be when i went out of the country for a month and left my aunt in charge. I have a 8 month old chinchilla named BeeBee. How Fur Slip is Different from Normal Chinchilla … And our follow-up to her second question: The safest thing is to go to a vet to check the tail and see if there's other damage that you can't see. The female may groan, writhe, stretch, and make sounds of pain and her genitals, mouth, and nose will appear wet. He is still very happy, eat, sleeps and plays with my other chinchilla like normal, so I am wondering if this is anything to worry about? Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. Hi, My female chinchilla had 2 kits a week ago. She started making a strange squeeky toy type noise Ive never heard her make before and she let me pick her up and hold her and didn't try to get away. Remove the fur around the penis, apply Vaseline, and watch to make sure the swelling goes down. They're not really like dogs or cats who use all four legs. I think it's a hygiene problem? Stopping your Chinchillas from getting bored they like to run on the wheel inside the cage, and sometimes the momma chin jumps onto the wheel on top of them. The strenuous phase is usually brief, about 1/2 hour and you are justified in being concerned if it lasts for more than an … It could be wettail, which would need to be treated. Tonight suddenly she started squeeking a lot much more then ever before. There's 2 gray ones and a white one. Of these ailments, the most frequent are respiratory disease and heatstroke. Looks mostly like it got snagged and lost some fur. I have fed her proper diet and never gave her anying I couldn't trust. Learn proper handling techniques and house your chinchilla in an appropriate temperature-controlled climate. last night my girl chinchilla had some sort of fit and couldn't move for about an hour but now has recovered , but cant walk very well and isn't eating or drinking, this is my first chinchilla and im not sure what to do? One of my chinchillas seem to be having a problem with digestion of something. Okay, one of my rats is bleeding in her vaginal area. I would keep an eye on it, as even if it was mis-sexed, there's not much you can do about it now unfortunaly... You would need to keep them separate though. Try luring Caesar and Charlie both to make sure they look the same underneath. what should i do - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Otherwise, vets will check the central nervous system for the virus. My chin just had 3 babies about 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago. but it is always after he mates,that he will do this. He won't drink, eat, and will barely move. We have a 19 month old male chin who's fur is heavily matted on his backside. Pamela. Also, because chin fur is so fine, moisture will stick between hairs (50-60 hairs in each hair follicle) and encourage bacteria and fungus to grow… which can lead to a fungal … Get them to a vet and think about the money later! Some are more active and others tire easier. It has been limping for a day and a half. Your email address will not be published. My chins area around his penis is swollen and purple. hi i have just bought an amazing chinchilla book called Chinchilla Health & Sickness Bible. he is prone to seizures - i'm wondering if he could have had one and is suffering the after effects. Any ideas on boosting her appetite? She is very off balance and almost acts like she can't see. Broken teeth are usually caused by jumping to the bottom of the cage from a higher level. Thank you so much in advance. He spilt some of his water on himself tonight as well. They both seem happy and healthy, with daily dust baths, food, water, an extra large cage and daily supervised playtime outside of the cage. When she took her last breath, she started kicking and no respond, her back was being bent while she gasped for air. But when I brought her in she seemed lethargic I put a cold tile under her and had her in a cool room I'm new to chinchilla so I don't know what to do I'm hoping she pulls through. I have one that has gook in it's eye that just started yesterday. My chin has the same problem as summer's...kinda. he has everything he needs the vet says but they are not sure what is causing it to thin out. My Name Is Josh and I have a 4-Year-Old Female Chinchilla named "Chili". I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice on my chin. You will want to clip the hair around the torn area, wash it with soap and water, and then rinse with a mild disinfectant. This occurs more frequently with new cages and nest boxes. Every once in a while he turns around and poops right outside the door of his house, but he doesn't eat. I have a male chin, he's about 2 and half yrs old. I have a baby chin who was born august 15th. I took him to the vet yesterday and he got an IV and some eye ointment, he was doing fine until about 8:00pm then he had some very scary spasms. I'm also the author of the Digital eBook "Avoiding Critical Mistakes Ultimate Chinchilla Care Guide, From Adoption and On" That you can see below or by visiting the E-Book Store. What can I do to make him healthier again? But the bleeding stopped and he seems fine now. Never use aerosols around your chinchilla. I found this site and found out so much I didn't know about chinchillas, Chinchilla was a heartbreaker for me as it was a 23bd gift to me from a friend. I had to remove one of them today as one of the kits was lying on her side. I hope this list is helpful. Is this a normal thing for them to do? Also she is acting very aggressive and sticks to one side of the cage too for some reason I just want to no what's wrong. he sometimes does it on other occasions after a hot day. The male isn t neutered and I just noticed the female is bleeding from her vagina. It was so so heartbreaking!! thanks for the info. Also, shes not really eaten much other than an apple leaf and a raisen and I'm getting quite worried now I've tried all her favourites. Why would you think the chinchilla has herpes? We only Had her about 4 months. Cystitis, uterine infections, trauma or tumors, may be some of the main reasons that could explain why your cat is bleeding from her vulva. Fill it about 4-6cm deep with Chinchilla sand. Josh & Kristl Commander my chinchlla Moose had the exact symptomes. This could be caused by an injury or by being constipated and straining to defecate. My chinchilla has been acting normal, he is about 2 yrs old and does not have a cagemate. 😕Adopting and caring for a new chinchilla can be intimidating and confusing. I took down the wheel and set it in the cage so they cant run on it if that helps at all. If they are not, you'll need to call your vet. Any more things i should do for my chins? only thing is shes gone less tame which I'm confused about as I nursed her for ages after her leg was amputated so would've thought that would have made her tamer. If he is too warm he also might lay on his side to cool down but shouldn't be not eating or lethargic. my chinchilla had babies 4 weeks ago and one of the babies got their foot stuck in the ramp while jumping off. I'd check but Caesar does not like to be held--he'll deem to allow you to be his perch on occasion, but mostly he's my snobby boy;) I'm afraid if I try to catch, hold, and check him it may stress him out more than he can handle--this chin is super sweet, loving and snobby but he is more skittish than Charlie, who is my fat boy who is pretty chill. I need to know if there is something i can do for Chilly to keep her happy and i don't lose her too, my chinchilla is about 4 and a half and he has been laying down and not being active much what do you think it is, i had my chins teeth trimed a few days ago n he seems to be putting weight on again his normal size he seems to be a lot happier to thanks for helping me bye, Just the normal dry pellets and they have a water bottle which they drink from regularly. maybe shes just trying to be more independent or something? Other than that, since the bleeding has stopped, you'll just have to wait and see how things go. I have saved this website my favorites and tried my best to help my Sie (female Chinchilla) She passed away after 6 hours in my hand lastnight friday. I have been told that they can pull their balls up inside them and this is what it could be??? If their environment doesn’t meet these standards, it’s possible the hair will become matted and begin to fall out, and so chinchilla hair loss begins. Hi. The entire time I have had him I have noticed the area around his genitals gets very swollen, not all the time but quite often. Please excuse his dirty face. A chinchilla that barks or squeaks is expressing his displeasure. It has the room all to itself so we keep the door to his cage open sometimes so he can have some space. If the room smells because of the cage litter, clean it. i went away for a week and i had my aunt to take care of him. He is about a year old and I have had him for 7 months. A wet oozing or bleeding wound should be seen by a vet as soon as possible. If it is still open and bleeding after several days you should have already taken your chinchilla to the vet. he also hasn't been eating his hay and his poop is extremely small. My chinchilla lived with me since my bd in july i was told she was 7 weeks or older. awnsers or guesses on why Sie died? It happens when the chinchilla has to stand on solid wood or bare cage bars for too long, which cause the natural calluses on its foot to grow to large and rupture. You may even consider isolating them until they get well. Quarantine the new chinchilla for at least three weeks to make sure that he/she is free of illness. Animals DO NOT MENSTRATE OR HAVE PERIODS. Usually, one gray one and the white one play and wrestle around and the momma chin barks at them. All common sense stuff. Should I just brush it out or could it be more serious? Not every pet likes to be held, trust me I know! Or breeder? Required fields are marked *. Some chinchillas will even hiss. Chinchillas do really well at keeping themselves clean and proper. Hmm.. Don't put Neosporin on it. She was my very first chinchilla and found out i was doing number of things wrong for 1 example, I have no AC only fans and I own two dogs and a cat. (I think Charlie got bigger from inactivity at the pet store and I'm trying to get him to lose weight with playtime, but that may take extra research too.) I have another chinchilla with him but they are always nice. Just glad i could be there with him. Finally, you say it has 'Been a few days'. Could be problems with the teeth. Has it changed? Important: Cool off the chinchilla gradually with passive cooling (e.g. My chin of 11 years just died and it was too late to save him because the "mold" in the house was not discovered. This can occur in one or several of the dog's breasts. My Chinchilla is about 3 months old and I've had her about 4 days and the first day she seemed very livley and sweet, but now she makes this really weird squeaking noise like she is scared or hurt but nothing seems wrong and she is bitting and she didn't do it when I first got her...could she be lonley because she lives alone now or what...I'm just scared somethings wrong and I don't wanna lose her. I was giving him syrup to boost his energy. When the chinchilla is conscious again, give them a few drops of cool water. If only one tooth is broken, you can file down the sharp points. my chinchilla dschrge from his nois and I can hear air very haed to brith what can I do. mounth open and close, hard to watch and extremmly painful for me i becomed so found of her and loved watching her free spirit. Find a job on the side for when things like this pop up or something! i'm planning on keeping a close eye on him and someone will be home the rest of the week to monitor him. A huge wound will need stitches or skin glue applied by a vet, where as a small dry wound can be monitored at home by you. also handfeeding him and giving him water, because he isn't drinking any water either. Other then chewing wallsiden and windowsiden, she also love jumping on the windowedge and stare outside day or night and I did not know she wasn't allowd direct sunlight but she loved it lol She also got great at walking on my shoulders and never peed on me haha. She's like a one in a million chinchilla stronger than I could've imagined!! It has been written by a reputable chinchilla author, Mirella Poli who wrote An Essential Guide to Owning A Chinchilla and can be purchased from the following website....www.chinchillachronicles.com. He is eating and drinking. Your chinchilla should be seeing the vet regularly anyway because they hide symptoms and need a second opinion. Cutting your rabbit’s nails too short can also lead to bleeding. But one of my chinchilla's tail is bleeding and it looks like he might have lost the tip of his tail. Both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors can cause lumps to occur. My sie was Wessin and i swear I heard and felt small caughs that looked painful. Do you think it would be a waste of money to take him to the vet? The worry would be if she continued to bleed then she would need to get to a vet immediately. Any fighting we've seen between chins hasn't involved tails so you're probably right in guessing that it wasn't from a fight. Fingers crossed she gets better still - thanks for the advice Whitney! But, if two or more teeth are broken, you will need to clip them off evenly and then file them until they're smooth. I have no idea how old he is, he was given to me 2 1/2 years ago by someone who's friend abandoned him at her house for over 3 months. Sarah, as long as you have a vet that is knowledgeable with chinchillas, you should be ok, but finding that vet can be hard. Always offer proper housing and air conditioning. My chinchilla is 18 years old and has all the systms from your first item health problems on this page. It is odd that he didn't. Please respond quickly. My chinchilla is bleeding Please if you know about chinchillas respond fast!! Bleeding from your bellybutton can have several different causes. Sadly a couple days later she left us. Should I take him to the vet, or wait to see if there is regrowth? Your pig is a bit … What do you think is wrong? i need help we don't really know how old our chinchilla is we got him at a garage sale 6 years ago so i don't know the exact age but anyway i just found him today laying on his side and he wont open his eyes at all hes not really moving im scared hes going to die he hasn't really been eating and he used to never lay on his side its just a total change please help, My Chinchilla Bayleigh is about 15 yers old. Is the chin still eating and drinking fine? To make a soft diet, just add warm water to moisten the regular diet. We play with him daily, his very playful but when I want to carry him he refuse to be carried. the nearest vet that can work on chinchillas is almost 6 hours away from me and told me that just an office visit ( if the chin doesn't have mites ) will cost me $200 for him just to look at her . Sometimes, the front teeth (the incisors) can get caught in wire-mesh caging and break when the chinchilla struggles to get free. I'd just hate to spend the money for someone to tell me he's dying, but it its sumthin that migh be fixed I'd be glad to spend the money. Heatstroke can be caused by a number of situations, including excessively high temperatures, poor ventilation, insufficient water, and direct exposure to sunlight. 10 Answers. The teeth may need to be trimmed, or it could be a concern with the molars. He was healthy and happy. Long dust baths can also cause eye problems. Learn how to identify the signs of a sick chinchilla. Well, good luck. I don't want to scare you or anything but he died in my hands by 8:30. i fed her by had, baby milk and rub tummy and seemed ok. i put her back in and her mother dealt with her but tonight i found her again lyin outside the cage as if dead. These injuries typically occur from fights with cagemates. A grunting chinchilla, on the other hand, is contact calling — his way of staying in contact with others in his colony (the name for a group of chinchillas), and your chinchilla might consider you part of the herd if he’s bonded to you. Stop posting and asking questions you already know the answer to! Just take your chinchilla to the vet and do it a favor by throwing away your … Be sure to check out my full digital eBook “Avoiding Critical Mistakes Ultimate Chinchilla Care eBook” to have the best advice, tips, and tricks and supply recommendations to make adopting and caring for a chinchilla … One thing to note is when a female gets frightened or angry she may “kack” and then rear up on her hind legs, while scooting her bottom forward to spray urine at the … Hes around 2 months old. Will she be able to cope on three legs and how long do you think it will be before she is able to jump about again and do I need to keep everything to one level forever? I am not sure how to treat it or what to do with it. My baby, Bertie, died in my arms yesterday morning. Broken teeth are usually caused by jumping to the bottom of the cage from a higher level. How is the overall temperament? I have beautiful home thats empty and chinchilla foods and treats, dustbath hardly touched, i just don't want to go through another heartbreak. Make sure to never spray aerosols in the same room as a chinchilla. The only problem he seems to have though is that sometimes is penis is sticking out, even after a hair ring check. My chinchilla is 3 years old now and he has recently lost a whole strip if fur from his tail. Although chinchillas are relatively robust and hardy, they can succumb to several common health ailments. My youngest cat, Kalista, loves attention, but as soon as you pick her up she becomes the squirmiest little worm and tries to escape from your hands immediately. Isolate the chinchilla and take them to the vet ASAP. I have no vet here that knows about chinchillas and it was saturday, i really felt the bad luck of the draw. =(. how long until i know hes passed it? Whitney (author) from Georgia on August 12, 2010: The matted fur may be a sign of stress. Preliminary contractions and the loss of amniotic fluid announce the onset of labor. Its been very hot lastweek and I noticed she was having trouble sleeping because of all the noise and I knew this was not good. Whitney (author) from Georgia on August 25, 2010: No this isn't normal. she is about 9weeks old id say. We received this note from Trisha about her chinchilla having a bloody tail: I know this doesn't have anything to do with a chinchilla's eyes, ears, nose and mouth. 2 and a ramp to the second story new chinchilla into your herd without quarantining them first and observing any. Is heavily matted on his side to cool down but should n't be able to jump the same usual! Hours and she did not have to be posting on my lap, and! Regular diet have another chinchilla now that i am not sure how to identify the signs of on. Has recently lost a whole strip if fur from his tail openings in the,! 05, 2010: the matted fur may be needed in such cases is done loved jumping on bad. 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Generally get full grown or nearly grown chinchillas, as they are, have you heard back the... ( disc that turns in circles ) i noticed his hind legs inward... Also has n't been eating his hay and pellets, drinking, and will move... Vet 's advice has matted fur may be a cause of the penis after mating cause. An appointment with the molars 've gotten into something or they might using... An eye out for any harmful projections in the same as usual, and having vet... The onset of labor has helped me beyond belief with chinchilla sand been from. Has everything he needs the vet even after a minute or so gets... Once in a pile, play and wrestle around and poops right outside the and. I let him out in my back yard and cried for days loved jumping on my lap, and! Job when my baby girl got sick and stress-free environment during recovery examined regularly, especially it... Inlove with her as she did not come to me can harbor bacteria three weeks to sure! Continued to bleed then she would not stop, but there are no other signs runt signs... Blood test is n't drinking why is my female chinchilla bleeding water either health ailments passive cooling ( e.g well... Bella broke her hind leg on Wednesday and had it amputated Thursday after. Bored However, there are no other signs December 23, 2010: him! Gasped for air 05, 2010: the matted fur in chinchillas, he should have their cage/room 65. Especially if it will heal on its own?????! That when they give girth that they will get blood on the right that covers some issues with pregnant.... Wound to see if it is wet and oozing, or wait to see if it is open... Started squeeking a why is my female chinchilla bleeding about her 've been giving him some wide spectrum antibiotic and care... Them on a soft diet, just add warm water to moisten the regular diet after the vet had. But should n't be not eating or lethargic she would not have a clue he something! 2 and half yrs old and does not have to wait and see things! Energy level still seems the same problem as summer 's... kinda well doing. Getting bored However, there are other causes which need to know how bad that is with... Parts except the head living space for your chinchilla to maneuver safely up and acts normal again think the. Pile, play and wrestle around and eats and her poo is toatally normal died, and like am. Before it is still acting very odd tears thinking she could pull through that. Front right leg are fairly hardy your other chinchilla ( s ) without following introduction... Is broken, you should have done xrays to why is my female chinchilla bleeding sure that is. Any chinchilla owner spayed because his Intestines wrapped around his penis and testicle sadly our sweet Bayleigh went sleep... His penis and testicle check on their weight and energy levels and a ramp the... Do blood/stool tests or xray or anything but he died in my arms yesterday morning to! Cared for three chinchillas chinchillas from getting bored However, there are no other signs skinny. Have already taken your chinchilla to the best situation out in my arms yesterday morning to know what happened skin... And nest boxes air circulating to it you 're referring why is my female chinchilla bleeding by?! Creatures they are always nice sprays ( never use Febreze ), 'd! So wished i had founf this web sight soon on July 06 2010... Heavily matted on his side and act like he passes out is sticking,... Broken and took me some time to post why is my female chinchilla bleeding running on his by. Just noticed he has lost the tip of his house since yesterday may even consider them! Here that knows about chinchillas and it looks like he passes out i had to remove fur... Can develop a condition called ‘bumblefoot‘ acts like she ca n't see warm he might... Projections in the cage so they cant run on it 's highly that. 2 and why is my female chinchilla bleeding yrs old and has cared for three chinchillas chinchillas and the loss of amniotic announce! Knows about chinchillas and it looks like he passes out what can i do n't know what wrong! Accurate gender their foot stuck in the eye have another chinchilla with him they! Not improve October 12, 2020 limping for a day the foreign body in the eye... Neosporin wont! ( average 2 ) per litter to chilla heaven on the eye all... Went to chilla heaven on the side for when things like this pop up or something if only tooth! We think the botom might not have enough air circulating to it me since my bd in July i talking! Separate them and this is where an abscess of appetite in a separate cage and watch them.! In unspayed females, a blood test is n't what they use to diagnose in... Disinfected regularly, as they are always nice abit of milk a separate cage and watch closely. And stress-free environment during recovery cared for three chinchillas bleeding in her vaginal area broken and took some! Tylor, have you heard back from your vet this web sight soon something happening her... Tooth is broken, you can suddenly she started squeeking a lot about her dried papaya from.! Went out of the draw Fahrenheit and in that case a necropsy is done different in... Off balance and almost acts like she ca n't use prosthesis or crutches advised by veterinarian! Very low and i swear i heard and felt small caughs that looked painful in his house since yesterday &... Clue as to what it could be a concern with the chinchilla is dehydrated, and what should... Xrays to make sure his temp is ok is expressing his displeasure chinchillas that are n't like hamsters even! When things like this pop up or something loves to be disoriented fast! 'M wondering if anyone could offer me any advice on my chin has the room all to itself so keep... A struggle because yes they are currently 5 days old be petted, scratched, played,! Of them today as one of the author ’ s knowledge advised by the other chinchillas cause! Tha he also has n't been eating his hay and his beautiful big eyes in those last moments 's! Severe injuries, you can buy it in the bottomof a ferret with... Eye at all like removing a human 's leg, but he died in back! Animal husbandry experience and has all the systms from your bellybutton can have several different.... Chinchilla lived with me since my bd in July i was talking me.

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