This article draws attention to the Borana Oromo gadaa system as an Indigenous federation. Gadaa is an Indigenous democratic political system used by the Oromo in which leaders are elected and their term in office is strictly fixed. Data for this research were generated through interviews, observations, and focus group discussions. In the Gada System, the supremacy of the law is paramount and the equality of all before the law is sacrosanct. This is a picture of a Boran woman (from the Borana zone of the Oromia State in Ethiopia). Married Borana men look in their direction from afar, as they water the camels. THE ORIGINS OF THE BORANA GADA SYSTEM C. R. HALLPIKE A Discussion of Gada: Three Approaches to the Study of African Society. Old and wise as his years, he trudges along, stick in hand. 10:30 PM Borana Broadcasting Television. Gada Arboora The term or the name given to the first and most senior institution of one of the three institutional pillars of Gada (Yaa’a Gada Sadeenii) Gada Sadeenii (the three pillars of Gada) in Oromo-Borana Gada system that function together as a single body. Gada is a traditional system of governance used by the Oromo people in Ethiopia developed from knowledge gained by community experience over generations. The main objective of this study was to explore the roles, challenges and opportunities of Gadaa system on water conflict resolution in Borana Zone of Oromia. Unlike a true age-grading system a gada system is distinguished The class in power is headed by an officer known as Abba Gada or Abba Bokku in different Oromo areas. Oromo elites, Abba Gadaa (father of Gadaa), historians most often say that it is The Gada system is largely practised by the Oromo people. ISBN 1-56902-139-2. This suggests that the Borana are remarkably aware of time and history, although their historical record remains largely oral. Oromo Democracy: An Indigenous African Political System. Old and wise as his years, he trudges along, stick … Qualitative method was used to achieve the objectives of the study. The class in power is headed by an officer known as Abba Gada or Abba Bokku in different Oromo areas. Asmaran has called the gada chronology "one of the most ingenious creations of the Borana mind", and has added that "historians in other societies might envy the dcill and He takes a seat at one end of the council as he has done at the beginning of his rule, eight years in total. Abstract. However, they live in different and far area; their indigenous water management system is the same. His rule extends from southern Ethiopian into Kenya. BADHAASA, Oromia (OPride) — The Borana Oromo have elected Kura Jarso, 30, as their 71st Abba Gadaa in an elaborate, week long ceremony attended by tens of thousands of people in Badhaasa, southern Ethiopia. Spectators and invited guests started arriving at Arda Jila Badhaasa (the Badhasa ceremonial place) several days ahead of Jarso’s inaguration. Pastoralism (def.) Borana Liban and Dirre /Liban-Dirre Gada territory) and Northern Kenya (Borana Saku and Borana Waso/ Saku-Waso Gada territory). His research is of invaluable contribution to understand Gada system of Borana Oromo. These two concepts –Gadaa-sets and Gadaa-grades– … The Boran people rely on pastoralism over farming because of the ecological conditions of the area. Every eight years under a full moon, a tribe of Karrayyu priests gather in the Methara region, south of Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, for a ceremony to transfer power, this ceremony is named Gada. is "the breeding and rearing of animals" (Geographical dictionary). Method Data Participant Selection: Today the Gada institutions have been preserved among the Borana and Guji clans of the Oromo nation. Gadamojjii (Liminal Or Full Retirement Stage) Above 81 After a few minutes, the head of the council arrives, the Abba Gada or ‘father of Gada’ as he was called in the Borana tongue. Hallpike, C. R., “ Review: The Origins of the Borana Gada System,” Reviewed. Posted: June 16, 2011. It is still able to preserve its structural values though various external challenges tested it to abolish or decline it through time. Borana Zone administrator's view on the arrest of Abba Gada The Borana have bee ruled by 43 abba gada since then, which may be 540 years ago (1449), and this is also confirmed by Borbor Bule (Golloo Huqqa, 1996). The system organized male Oromos according to age-sets (hirya) based on chronological age, and according to generation-sets (luba) based on genealogical generation, for social and political and economic purposes. [email protected]. They are the southern-most group of three closely related Oromo groups and are governed by the Abba Gada – The President – and his Council of 7. BORANA WOMEN NARRATE THEIR ORDEAL DURING THE SHIFTA WAR. The Borana and the Gabra Oromo established their Gada centers at Gumi Gayo and Arero in Borana Zone, the Guji at Me’e Bokko and Nura in Guji Zone, the Tulama at Oda Nabe and the Karrayu at Hora Sama in East Shoa Zone, the Macha at Oda Bisil and Oda Buluk in West Shoa and East Wellega respectively, the Arsi at Oda Roba in Bale Zone, the Ituu and Humbana at Oda Bultum in West … tradition borana communities in Ethiopia and Kenya. Discover (and save!) By ASMAROM LEGESSE. Gadaa is a broad concept, a system that consists a number of institutions, concepts, values and knowledge in it. The Borana are part of a much larger unit of the Oromo culture group. Five families share and govern the power. Gadaa (older spelling: Gada; literally: era) is the indigenous democratic system of governance used by the Oromos in Ethiopia and northern Kenya. His eyes still shine with the rigors of his youth. All Gadaa officials were elected for eight years by universal adult male suffrage. Mar 23, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Oromo and Oromia. Kura Jarso was the first Abba Gada to come into Isiolo since Kenya’s independence from Britain in 1963. $ 29.95 paperback. El ''gada'', sistema sociopolítico democrático autóctono…Etiopía Lista representativa 2016 EN: Guyo Goba, the seventieth Abaa Gada of the Borana Oromo, ties ‘kallacha’ headgear on his forehead which is a symbol of power, and bearing a staff known as Hororo and a … Likewise, the Borana Oromo Gada system is the oldest and living traditional socio - political, religio us, cultural and environ mental institutions by which Borana As per the Borana Gadaa tradition, the newly elected Abba Gadaa, Kura Jarso and his seven-person cabinet arrived at the outgoing Abba Gadaa, Guyo Goba’s house on a horseback last Thursday and loudly proclaimed: “Yaa dhiyaanne, Sa’aa nama nu duraa gorsaa.” Roughly translated: “We are here, keep every person and cattle out of our sight.” By Gemechu Kedir Oromo elites, Abba Gadaa (father of Gadaa), historians most often say that it is impossible to know about Oromo’s background without understanding the ruling scheme of the Gadaa System. . BADHAASA, Oromia (OPride) — The Borana Oromo have elected Kura Jarso, 30, as their 71st Abba Gadaa in an elaborate, week long ceremony attended by tens of thousands of people in Badhaasa, southern Ethiopia. 44 13. Karrayyu men at Gadaa ceremony - EThiopia by Eric Lafforgue. This check served as a midterm “reform” of the system, as wayward leaders could be criticized or even – in extreme cases – impeached (Kassa Part 1, 2012: 7). 71ST Borana Oromo Tribe Abba Gada - Medianorth The former Oromo traditional leader, Abba Gadaa Hiddoo Galgaloo of the Hawattu Assembly, was killed in a car accident on May 27th, 2009. Ballabat- Appointed leader during the imperial rule (Traditional Chief). B Comparative Chronology of US, Ethiopia and Borana Leaders145 C The Incumbent and Future Gadaa Councils (2008-2024)146 D Administrative map of Oromia National Regional State147 E A Pilot Politico-social Strati cation of ONRS148 F Clan Structure of Borana-Oromo (Boran)149 G List … Guyyoo was chosen at birth, trained for 30 years, and will be replaced in eight years by a member of another Borana sub-clan. Asmarom (1973) is one of the scholars who studied the structure of Borana Oromo’s Gada system. After a few minutes, the head of the council arrives, the Abba Gada or ‘father of Gada’ as he is known in the Borana language. UNESCO: Oromia: Gada system, an indigenous democratic socio-political, Representative List – 2016 June 24, 2015 Posted by OromianEconomist in Gadaa System, Kemetic Ancient African Culture, Oromia, Oromiyaa, Oromo, Sirna Gadaa. Married Borana men look in their direction them from afar, as they water the camels. That was about 200 years as one-abba gada rules for eight years. Abba Gada allows the Borana to estimate the stage their society has reached in its ritual progression through time (1973:188). Gadaamoojjii Men in the final grade of Gada cycle (72-80 years old) or the retired 604-537-8301 Even the Abba Gada, head of the Gada executive branch, if accused of violating laws and regulations, could be impeached, tried and uprooted (buqisu) from office before official tenure and replaced by one of the members of his class. New York: Free Press, 1973 GADA, or generation-grading, systems are found only in a few Cushitic-speaking societies of Ethiopia. Gada is an existing system in Borana Oromo. The Borana Traditional Governance System - Sololo Asmerom further stated that Gadaa does not only refers to ‘Buttaa’ ceremony that takes place in changes of grade every eight years. an officer known as Abba Gada or Abba Bokku in different Oromo areas. By Asmarom Legesse. Derg- Committee or Council Kebele- The smallest territorial administrative unit Tulla-Deep wells Gada is an existing system in Borana Oromo. She is student and comes back to visit her family in the bush near Yabelo, she is the symbole of the new generation educated which will change the face of Ethiopia. Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press, 2006, 296p, 10 figures, 8 pictures. It is also practiced by the Konso and Gedeo people of southern Ethiopia. One of such is the Gadaa system of the Oromo People. Abba - Father, leader, head Abba Gada - Head of Gada Assembly Awraja- Middle level territorial division, applied until 1987. 7794 141 B Street, Surrey, V3W 6J7. It is still able to preserve its structural values though various external challenges tested it to abolish or decline it through time. The Borana migration to the present region was led by an abba gada called Abbay Baabo Oroo. The system regulates political, economic, social and religious activities of the community dealing with issues such as conflict resolution, reparation and protecting women’s rights. The Boran are the senior of Oromo’s many tribes. Gadaa is an egalitarian socio-economic and political system of the Oromo people, in which power rotates between five Gadaa classes every eight years. Under Gadaa, members of the society are organized into 11 age-based grades that range from birth to death. Guyyoo Gobbaa, 36, was named “Abba Gadaa” on Tuesday to maintain a 500-year-old system of governance for more than one million Borana. The Abba Gadaa would face a review by six representatives: one ex-Abba Gadaa, two ex-deputy Abba Gadaas, and the incoming Abba Gadaa and deputy Abba Gadaas (Sirna, 2012: 93). It is still able to preserve its structural values though various external challenges tested it to abolish or decline it through time. VIII. Relevant information was gathered from both primary and secondary sources. Gadaa is an Indigenous democratic political system used by the Oromo in which leaders are elected and their term in office is strictly fixed.Data for this research were generated through interviews, observations, and focus group discussions. This article draws attention to the Borana Oromo gadaa system as an Indigenous federation. Tags: Abba Gadaa, Africa, an indigenous democratic socio-political… By Ibrahim A. Elemo (M.D., MPH)* The Borana Oromo has a very prominent traditional system of governance-the Gada … The Borana and the Gabra Oromo established their Gada centres at Gumi Gayo and Arero in Borana Zone, the Guji at Me’e Bokko and Nura in Guji Zone, the Tulama at Oda Nabe and the Karrayu at Hora Sama in East Shoa Zone, the Macha at Oda Bisil and Oda Buluk in West Shoa and East Wellega respectively, the Arsi at Oda Roba in Bale Zone, the Ituu and Humbana at Oda Bultum in … This system runs for eight years then election will be done to bring in new Abba Gada. The system regulates political, economic, social and religious activities of the community. In this regard, research have been undertaken to examine Gada system of different Oromo clans. 10 Legesse, A(1973) Gada: Three Approaches to the Study of … For example, 9 Helland, J (1996) The Political viability of Borana Pastoralism: A Discussion of some feature of the political system of the Borana Pastoralists of Southern Ethiopia, in op cit Being and Becoming Oromo p.134. These parties have different names in different parts of Oromia as the result of Oromo expansion and the establishment of different autonomous administrative systems. Gada is an existing system in Borana Oromo. The Borana community was forced into prostitution during the shifta war of the1960’s to the 1990s the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission heard yesterday. However; he undermined the role of your own Pins on Pinterest The system is governed by Adula council (committee) of elders of six men lead by their presiding officer called Abba Gada (father of Gada). Introduction Social scientists have been grappling with the question of why post-colonial Africa has failed to achieve any semblance of democracy, peace, stability and development. After a few minutes, the head of the council arrives, the Abba Gada or ‘father of Gada’ as he was called in the Borana tongue.

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