Dry fit your first row to ensure that your final plank is at least 6 inches long. I generally lay out the … Even though vinyl plank flooring itself is easy to install, the instructions don’t tell you how to breathe thru frustrating setbacks, or how to keep two people, who both think they’re right, from killing each other! This should be the first cut you make. This is a simple answer….. The distance between joints from one row to the next must be 20 cm (8”) or greater for the remainder of the installation. To begin installing your vinyl plank floor you will need to cut off the tongue of the first row with a utility knife and place the cut side of the plank towards the wall. for example- my plank is 6 inches wide x 48 inches long So if my room was 16 feet wide and 20 feet long, I would run the length of my plank (the 48 inch side) parallel with the 20 foot wall. To begin with the installation and stagger the vinyl planks, the first thing you need to do is to cut the … Install the second plank next to the first by aligning the tongue into the groove and press the plank down to snap it in place. Then you would add the amount of a half of plank to the measurement that you have for the center of the room. I use scrap boards that i connect to the floor temporarily and then i screw those scraps into the floor. If the floor is secured it makes the installation go so much easier. Use wedge spacers from the flooring install kit to keep this spacing and begin laying your vinyl plank flooring. Properly laying the first three boards in a hardwood flooring installation is essential to a quality install. So by following what I just showed you, the piece against the wall would be the same on both sides. Hold the next plank at a slight angle against the previous plank's end and fold down to click it into place. This is really a simple process….. The only way to the Father is through the Son. Before you start laying the floor, keep in mind: the first and last row should be at least 2” wide. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Lay Down the First Plank Score and cut the tongue off the first row of vinyl planks using a utility knife. Mix and Match Planks. I say this to you because you might need to watch my video more than once. Continue the installation, making sure to stagger the joints by 6 inches and maintain the expansion gap. Overlap seams by 8". Luckily, I have the best husband in the world and he has learned, over the past 36 years, how to just let me have my breakdown and give me space to calm myself down. This will ensure an even start and finish of the rows and reduce the number of rejects. 4. Since wood is a dimensionally-imperfect material, this can be a challenge to get right, but the extra effort is worth the time investment. The First Row Getting the first row down properly will help ensure a successful vinyl flooring installation project. If the width is less than ⅓ of a plank, cut roughly ⅓ of the plank in the first row. The technique is to lay one row, tap a false spline into the grooves of the planks, then lay another row with its tongues facing in the opposite direction. When you come to the end of the first row, cut the length of plank needed to complete the row. Both are fully acceptable options. I’m pretty sure that these instructions are not going to make it clear to you on “where do I start my laminate or vinyl plank floor”. If you were able to make the piece bigger by following the method that I showed you. Divide the width of the room by the width of the plank. First, cut through any paint sealing the baseboards to the wall using a utility knife. Still preparing to install Bruce 3/4" pre-finished nail down Hickory hardwood flooring. Laying the First Row. This gives you a solid foundation to work off of. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Step 1: To begin with the installation and stagger the vinyl planks, the first thing you need to do is to cut the top 1-inch adhesive strip from the first board. Then use a pry bar to gently loosen the baseboards. Prepare the Floor. Remember to do the handy calculation described above. If you have movement in the floor while you are installing the boards will not go together correctly, they will come apart while you try to install another board and mess goes on. Look, I’m not saying watch my videos a hundred times, but what I am saying is follow the video along during your laminate or vinyl plank installation. The end piece must be at least 6 inches long. We now answered the question ” where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor” now I need to show you how to start. Measure and cut your first piece accordingly, using a cut end from the first row if necessary. Install one row … It will make things a lot easier for you!! The distance that we need to measure is going to come from measuring the 10 boards that we put together earlier.We need to move the floor so it is straight with the line that we snapped earlier. To install each piece, peel the adhesive backing off the plank and stick it to the subfloor. Staggering keeps off distracting lines from running across the floor. The very last row of your vinyl plank flooring is most likely going to be what causes you problems. You should plan your peel & stick vinyl planks the same way you plan rigid vinyl planks: mix up several boxes of planks to make sure variations of color or thoroughly mixed in and use the end of the first row as the start of the next, and so on. It’s typically easiest to apply vinyl in rows, but you may want to change the direction of the rows (for example, have them go diagonally across the room). And I made them again the next weekend and I found myself watching that video another 6 times. If you have a bigger installation with multiple rooms, then you would want to go to this post here. Start by cutting your first plank row to the size determined above. Yes, always stagger vinyl when installing the floor. This is more robust than sheet vinyl but not as thick as most laminates, and because LVP and LVT flooring is waterproof and doesn't require an underlayment, it can go right over your existing flooring without raising the level of the floor by a significant amount. You may install vinyl over vinyl if the existing floor is one layer thick. The first consideration in the installation process is which direction the flooring will run. Ok, so now that we know what size piece we are going to need, we need to mark the floor on both sides of the room and then snap a chalk line on them. Then mark the plank where the last plank installed ends. We are going to do this by measuring from the line we snapped on the floor to the planks we just put together. Vinyl plank flooring and luxury vinyl tiles are typically thin, with a thickness in the neighborhood of 5/32 inches. If you are happy with the size of that piece then you would measure out from the wall on both sides, make a mark on the floor and then snap a line. So the next step in how to start a laminate or vinyl plank floor is also pretty simple. If you have chosen a luxury vinyl plank with a lot of color and pattern variation, mix and match a few planks from various boxes so that any variations are evenly dispersed throughout the floor … Install remaining full planks in the first row. Ensure that the plank at the end of row one is no less than 6 inches in length. Compared to installing a hardwood floor, or even a laminate one, installing a vinyl plank floor is a walk in the park. Pretty simple right? Keeping in mind that existing walls may not be entirely square, lay out that first row of luxury vinyl flooring. We will also be able to decide if it is too small and if we want it to be bigger. #Determine how you will lay the floor. Gradually lower the plank down flat, applying pressure inward and downward, until the end joint closes, insuring that the planks are perfectly aligned. Unlike tile, which is started in the center of a room, laminate flooring is typically installed by starting at the wall. Product costs, availability and item numbers may vary online or by market. Finally, calculate the width of the last row. When using tongue and groove planks, vinyl flooring installation should start in a lefthand corner with the tongue facing the wall. This is pretty easy to decide. The next step in how to start a laminate or vinyl plank installation is we want to find the center of the room. For this step you will need a T-square and a utility knife or a handsaw. Then go along the side of the plank so it snaps into the previous plank. If you have a question you can ask below. Then you lay it on the floor and work your way down the room. How to Install Vinyl Plank Flooring in a Long Narrow Room. For the next piece, connect the short end first and then the long end. Moving the floor … If it'll be less than 1/3 of a plank, cut about 1/3 of the plank off the first row to create even starting and finishing rows. Self-leveler dries fast, so you have to work quickly. Learn how to install it over concrete, tiles, or existing vinyl flooring in our step-by-step guide. It's actually the LAST row of planks that you'd need to determine how they will be arranged. Let’s watch this short video on how to start a laminate or vinyl plank installation so you can see what we need to do next. Not sure if I should angle the first row to compensate and make it square to the other wall or scribe the planks? Choose a Starting Point. Many flooring professionals prefer to lay the first row down the center of the room, rather than laying it against a wall for two reasons. The first three boards set the tone and direction for the floor. When you start the second row, the tongue of the first plank in the second row slides into the groove of the first row at a low angle. Once you put these together we need to get the floor into perfect position. If the last plank’s leftover portion is 6 inches or longer, use that to start your second row. My wife and I are installing an Allure Ultra vinyl plank floor in the basement. Begin the first row of flooring by placing the planks with the tongue side facing the wall. It also keeps the boards intact to ensure they do not create gaps. Start the first row with a full plank, the second row with 2/3 of a plank and the third row with 1/3 of a plank. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I always run the planks in the direction of the longer part of the room. Now we will be able to find out what size piece we will have along the wall. Start with a full plank at the center, and work to either side, so that cut planks at the ends will be of equal length. Running a chalk line along the subfloor will help ensure that first row is nice and straight. This is one of the most important steps in your installation and this article on how to start a laminate or vinyl plank installation. Use your chalk snapline to make a line 1/4 inch out from the starting wall. The tongue and groove will hold them … Link to Lowe's Home Improvement Home Page, Utility Knife or Power Saw (Depending on Plank Type). You will need to put together 10 planks. It is easier. The last plank in the first row may need to be cut. Lay the first full plank on the floor, beginning on the right-hand side corner of the room with the visible adhesive tongue facing out toward the room. Why, because we all know that the instructions that came with any of our purchases are usually just terrible!! The floor preparation and layout are the same for peel-and-stick vinyl planks as they are for floating vinyl plank floors. Don't sand vinyl flooring as it may contain asbestos. Now that we have are floor in place we need to secure it from moving. Measure from the center to the starting wall using a tape measure, subtracting the 5/16-inch expansion gap, and mark this distance at each end of the wall. To secure the first and second plank, use a tapping block to connect the ends of the first and second plank in the last row. After this, connect the next plank in the row against the end of the first plank. Self-leveler is available in powder and pre-mixed form and is used to create a flat, smooth surface in flooring projects. How to Lay Vinyl Plank Over Existing Flooring. Measure the distance between the wall and the surface of the last full plank. Other than having coreys help with prep work and moving furniture i installed all of the vinyl plank flooring in our house by myself click here to see the details on the installation process. This statement is almost laughable! Make sure to do this step first, to eliminate any thin rows at the final row. Also it needs to be the correct distance away from the line. If not, cut a plank that … But don’t start that first row with full planks without figuring out how wide your last row is going to be. One of the evolutions of the do-it-yourself industry has been the creation of easy-to-use and easy-to-install products, such as vinyl plank flooring. Gradually lower the plank down flat, applying pressure inward and downward, until the end joint closes, insuring that the planks are perfectly aligned. Score the First Row of Planks Your email address will not be published. Now this doesn’t need to be perfectly in place but close. I'm a little tentative (overly cautious according to the wife) about getting started. To get under door jambs, slightly bend the planks into place, and use a pull bar or tapping block to lock the joint if necessary. So the next step in how to start a laminate or vinyl plank floor is also pretty simple. How to Stagger Vinyl Plank Floors. A laminate flooring stagger pattern is ideally random, with spacing between end joints between 6 and 10 inches, depending on the plank width. I will try very hard not to speak a foreign language while I do this. Remove all existing trims and wall base as necessary. Learn how to lay vinyl plank flooring over concrete, wood or existing vinyl flooring for a durable floor that stands up to moisture. (This gap will get covered up by baseboard trim or quarter … Use a self-leveler on low spots and/or sand high spots of wood or concrete. It distributes expansion pressure more evenly, and the floor usually looks better. Watch our DIY Basics video: How Do I Use a Chalk Line? It just looks better! How to Keep Laminate Flooring Square. Mark this point on the moisture barrier with a pencil, then go down to the other end and make a … We are going to use these to figure out what our starting point is going to be. If it’s not, cut a bit off the first plank and slide the row. The next step in how to start a laminate or vinyl plank installation is we want to... Let’s start the first few rows. I watched his video at least 6 times while I was making the caramel rolls. You may strike a chalk line as a guide to the first row of vinyl (if you are using tiles. Score and cut the tongue off the first row of vinyl planks using a utility knife. Keep in mind that some walls are bowed, so it’s important to create a starting line that's square to the room. Set the first plank in place on the starting line with the cut side toward the wall, maintaining the expansion gap. You should be following this step precisely as it will help to give the floor a smooth surface. In this post I will share with you how to start a laminate or vinyl plank installation in a one room installation. You'd want to stagger the planks after each row, and making sure the first row has a space of about 1/4" or 1/8" from the wall to ensure it floats over the subfloor properly. Place the first board on the chalk line, ensuring perfect alignment with the line. The room is 2" wider at one end than the other. Determine the width of the last row of vinyl plank flooring. This will give us the center of the room. Position the next plank on an angle to connect into the locking system without lowering the edge onto the glue. At least 48 hours prior to installation, place the new vinyl plank flooring in the room for acclimation. Neither the first nor the last row should be ripped down much smaller than half a plank. Do not use polyethylene film over wood sub floors. Starting in the left corner place 1/4″ spacers (2 per plank) against the wall for expansion and contraction. The strength of the product is similar to concrete. Mark the center of each wall and snap lines between them with a chalk line. Step 1: Install the first row. Running it front to back can help a room feel deeper while running it from side to side can make a space feel wider. If it'll be less than 1/3 of a plank, cut about 1/3 of the plank off the first row to create even starting and finishing rows. Why Staggering Planks is Important When laying any type of engineered or solid flooring, it is structurally and visually imperative that you stagger the ends in adjacent rows. Is to first make sure your first row has the correct gap where the first row starts, which is usually 1/4 inch. Which to Install First. SIDE NOTE: You will want to cut the tongue from the plank when you start … You should feel it lock. Just rip those up and throw them away. I'm still not confident in how I make sure my first row … They turned out great! Once these are together then you need to decide which direction the plank is going to run. To finish installing vinyl plank flooring, replace the baseboards and add floor transitions and additional trim pieces, like shoe molding, if desired. Peel & stick vinyl … Score and cut the tongue off the first row of vinyl planks using a utility … When you say you are trying to determine width, are you just talking about setting down the first row of planks? Steps for staggering vinyl plank flooring: Lay a full plank to begin row one. What I mean is, if you keep the floor away from the wall 2 to 3 rows, then measure from the line to the planks that you put together, it should equal a certain amount of planks. If you’re looking for ease-of-use, durability, and water-resistance, vinyl plank flooring has simplicity and style in spades. I've done a lot of research, and watched a ton of YouTube clips. The width will be determined by what type of laminate floor you purchase. Press the plank flat to snap in place. I first showed you how to just find the center of the room. If you lay the planks parallel to the longest wall as you're installing vinyl plank flooring, you’ll end up making fewer cuts. They must be absolutely straight and laid without gaps or bends. HOWEVER, I want to remind you once again … we need to layout some pad along the wall where we plan to start. Installation steps for Tiling a Tub Surround, Installation Steps for Tiling a Custom Shower, My Facebook Page- this is by far the fastest way to get your question answered. The first row of flooring should be this distance from the wall on the wider end of the room. This ensures that the last plank, which generally must be cut to width, will be at least 2 inches wide. You need to connect the end of a plank to the previous one first. Remember, in the example above, it was 7-1/2” before removing the gap for expansion. This method solves several problems that you face if you were to install the very first row or two in the very beginning. The first row of planks is snapped end-to-end. (here is a refresher course) You measure 1 plank and divide that in half, then add that amount to your original mark on your 10 planks. Which direction do I install vinyl flooring? Seams do not have to be taped. Position the first plank from the starting wall using ¼-inch spacers. If the width is less than ⅓ of a plank, cut roughly ⅓ of the plank in the first row. When measuring, remember to allow for the 3/8-inch gap at each end. Let’s get started and I will show you how to install the first row of laminate flooring. Then we need to start laying out some laminate or vinyl plank and begin to put together 4 to 6 rows. Make sure to do this step first, to eliminate any thin rows at the final row. This is where our 10 boards will come into play. Installing vinyl plank flooring? Step 10: Tap Together: Use the pull bar on the side of the plank like previously stated. Peel & stick vinyl tiles will be a little bit different, depending on the pattern. So if 16 planks equal 96 inches then you would move the floor 96 inches away from the line. Step 1- Layout the first few rows of laminate or vinyl plank flooring. I am going to bring you on a short journey through your installation and the instructions are going to be easy to understand. Which side is the tongue, which the groove, and which goes first during installation?The tongue is the side that you will want to place against the wall as you start your laminate-flooring installation. Then we checked to see how big our piece would be along the wall. To cut the last piece to fit, score it with a utility knife and snap the plank. You are going to have to cut the end boards and you don’t want them to be short and you don’t want them to be long either. The other day I made caramel rolls for the first time. Once your first row is in place, lay the second row. We are also going to keep the floor away from the wall far enough so we do not need to cut any vents or the very first row. During installation, you can mix planks from different boxes to blend the dye lots/patterns to create a more uniform appearance. You should plan your peel & stick vinyl planks the same way you plan rigid vinyl planks: mix up several boxes of planks to make sure variations of color or thoroughly mixed in and use the end of the first row as the start of the next, and so on. It’s really very easy to get started with the methods that I am going to show you. A random pattern can be hard to achieve when all the planks are the same length, but you can do it using offcuts from previous rows to start new rows. The end joints of the planks in the first row are assembled by inserting the tongue side into the groove side of the previous plank at a low 20-30°angle. Laying the First Row Starting in the left corner place 1/4″ spacers (2 per plank) against the wall for expansion and contraction. (This gap will get covered up by baseboard trim or quarter-round molding after the flooring is complete.) That distance is going to be the measurement of a certain amount of planks. Insert the tongue of the first piece into the groove of the previous row's first plank and rotate down to click together. This foundation I’m talking about is at least 4 rows of planks. Step 3: Assemble First Row of Planks. Take the first plank that you are starting this final row with and measure how much you need to cut. After cutting the first board, put the piece you have cut just now on the right side of the board. If you lay the planks parallel to the longest wall as you're installing vinyl plank flooring, you’ll end up making fewer cuts. Assemble the first row of vinyl plank flooring, putting the tongue of one board into the groove of the previous board. Test fit the first row of vinyl planks down the length of the wall. They allow the vinyl plank flooring to adjust to temperature changes and will allow some leeway for the contraction and expansion of the house. Vinyl plank flooring can usually be laid right over existing flooring, but if there are … The piece of plank left over from the first row should be used at the beginning of the second row. Once the realm of professional installers, resilient flooring installation is greatly simplified with vinyl planking. The instructions are in the box Let’s find the center of the room. You can also use excess cut pieces to start rows if the pieces are at least 6 inches long. Lay it at the end of the row up to the wall leaving a 1/4 inch space. Visually, the flooring layout will be most pleasing if cut planks are of roughly equal lengths at the opposite side walls. I can’t even stress to you enough how important this really is. Pros cons costs and a buying guide for the top and most common brands including lifeproof coretc smartcore ultra and more. 4. If it is less than 6 inches, cut off... For row two, score and snap the first plank … Set the first plank in place on the starting line with the cut side toward the wall, maintaining the expansion … We will come back at the very end to do this. Prep your subfloor so that it's clean, dry and level within 3/16-inch change per 10 feet. However, I do want you to understand that I am going to share with you the same exact methods that I use on all of my laminate and vinyl plank installations. I got the recipe from Crouton Jack(he has a youtube channel). Prepare the laminate flooring for installation as recommended by the manufacturer. Then take a full plank and spin it so it is reversed in relation to the floor your installing. We do this by measuring the width of the room and then divide that number in half. This is because as well as cutting the first and last plank along the top, you are most likely going to have to cut the planks along their whole width. Snap the planks in place. … Your email address will not be published. Procore vinyl plank flooring reviews. Start by removing the baseboards. Snap a chalk line between these two marks to get a straight line against the wall. Mark the Expansion Gap. Required fields are marked *. Install remaining full planks in the first row. CLICK HERE, Tools and Products I use and Recommend for Tile, Tools and Products I use and Recommend for Laminate, Click here if you are installing into multiple rooms, cutting laminate flooring around a doorjamb, how to install laminate flooring transitions, how to install laminte laminate installation, Where do I start installing my laminate or vinyl plank floor, How to start a laminate or vinyl plank installation, how to make a grid for an easy tile installation, you can secure the floor easily without damaging it, you can secure the floor so it will not move at all- which makes the install go much easier, you won’t have to worry about mis-cutting a vent. The joints of your vinyl flooring must be staggered at least 6 inches. So if you measure that distance and the line is 99 inches away from the planks, go to your 10 boards and find the measurement closest to 99 inches in full planks. This will give us a line that will be our guide to show us where our first plank will start and to make to use to get our planks straight before securing the floor. We are having a hard time figuring out how to stagger the planks and how to square the first row to the room. This will ensure an even start and finish of the rows … Determine the width of the last row of vinyl plank flooring. Existing concrete with flooring already installed such as vinyl or ceramic must be covered with 6 mil polyethylene film. I wanted to be sure I didn’t miss any of the steps, so I would pause the video complete a step and then start it again to see the next step. It is really important to build a solid foundation to work off of. Be sure to nail the trim pieces to the wall, not the floor. I did this until I was all done with the rolls. The first row of planks is snapped end-to-end. Getting the first row down properly will help ensure a successful vinyl flooring installation project. 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Products, such as vinyl plank and slide the row up to the subfloor two to... The realm of professional installers, resilient flooring installation should start in a hardwood flooring, peel the how to start first row of vinyl plank flooring off! Costs and a buying guide for the first row of luxury vinyl flooring must cut... The tongue off the first board, put the piece of plank to the wife ) about started...
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