• PCS must provide programs/services to a student with a disability per student’s IEP; PCS has option of delivering services directly or contracting with county BOE or other provider to deliver services (spelled out in charter contract). All Rights Reserved. A letter was sent home Monday to those families whose students may have been affected, and one was sent to fellow staff members, as well. Authorizes county BOE to approve proposals submitted by LSIC containing alternatives school operations requirements and designate such schools as innovation schools. 304-876-1826 . Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In Mountain State Digital Literacy Project (§18-2E-12) 20. RIF Process (§18A-4-7a) All Rights Reserved. Professional Student Support Personnel (§18-9A-2) 27. County Salary Supplement (§18A-4-5a) 28. Through excellence in teaching and learning, Jefferson County Schools will ensure that all students achieve academic success, value themselves and others, contribute to their communities, and succeed in a global society. • WVBE responsible for receiving/expending gifts, grants, and donations made for purpose of supporting PCSs. o Required to use WVEIS to report required information • WVBE is required to consult with nationally recognized PCS organization and establish a database of best practices for PCS. Modifies current Underwood-Smith Scholarship program by providing scholarships to individuals agreeing to teacher in critical need areas for at least 5 years. 9. Unused Leave Bonus (§18A-4-10) Principal Lance Astorino; Academic ... Ranson Elementary School » Staff Directory. Celebrating Culture Everyday, in Every Way! o Immunization requirements The West Virginia House of Delegates passed their own omnibus education bill (HB206) after hours of debate on June 19, 2019. Jim Justice has signed the legislation into law. 2. Removes limitation on number of terms a LSIC member may serve as chair (currently 2). Starting 7/1/21, provides sales tax holiday (essentially first weekend in August) for certain purchases of school supplies, instructional materials, computers, and sports equipment. The students, staff, alumni and families of Jefferson High School lost one of our own today. County BOE is also authorized to provide funding to support the proposal. o Reporting information on student/school performance in same manner as noncharter schools 75 Caspian Way, Shenandoah Junction, WV 25442. 4. Removes requirement that county BOE meet annually with LSIC at each school and replaces it with the requirement that the county BOE meet annually with LSIC of each school deemed to be low performing per accountability system. Our School. Our School. Our skilled technicians are standing by to help with questions about software like Google Classroom and to support your hardware concerns on any device issued by Jefferson County Schools. Athletics Forms; JCS Medical Forms; JCS Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Forms; JCS Program of Study; LiveGrades Parent/Student Login; Medical Forms; JCS Re-entry Plan. Jefferson County Schools; Blue Ridge Campus; C. W. Shipley Elementary School; ... Shenandoah Junction, WV 25442. o Allowable authorizer costs for overseeing PCS. Shepherdstown Middle School. Bus Procedures - Frequently Asked Questions, Transportation Committee Recommendations Report, Searchsoft - Administrative Staff Application Review, County Employee Pay Information Online - How to Register, County Employee Pay Information Online Login, College Board (College Planning, SAT, AP), JCS Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Forms, West Virginia General Summative Assessment, AlphBest Education - Before & After School Care, College Board (College Planning for Parents), A Safe School Day in Jefferson County Schools, 110 Mordington Avenue, Charles Town, WV 25414. 110 Mordington Avenue, Charles Town, WV 25414. Removes requirement that LSIC annually develop report to countywide council on productive and safe schools. It has not been an easy task and Jefferson High School has begun to align our technological resources to meeting this goal. Budget Database & Website Jefferson County Health Department Immunization Clinics; ... Jefferson County Schools Safe to Play Guidelines; Volunteer Coaching Application; Summer Practice Schedule; ... Wildwood Middle School » For Parents » Staff Directory. • By February 2020, WVBE is to provide forms to authorizers so they may solicit PCS applications and establish a quality charter school contract that includes framework for performance standards. • County BOE prohibited from harassing, threatening, disciplining, discharging, retaliating or otherwise discriminating against an employee involved with a charter application. • Step 7a (Improvement of Instructional Programs)– currently has up to 50% that can be used for personnel and another 25% that can be used for alternative purposes Teacher-pupil Ratio (§18-5-18a) 304-725-9587. 304-728-9212. Jefferson County Schools, WV, Charles Town, West Virginia. Beginning in 2019-20 school year, for purposes of the salary schedule, provides three additional years of experience for certified math teachers that teach math at least 60% of the time. Free/Reduced meal forms must still be completed online to ensure you are not changed for meals if we return to full paid status. Jefferson County Schools Student, Parent & Staff Handbook 2019 – 2020 Expected Student Dispositions Self-awareness and Self-management – students are able to recognize their emotions, describe their interests and values and accurately assess their strengths. County Employee Self Serve - How To Register, Health Care (including Vision and Dental), Martin Robison Delany Opportunity Learning Center, Learning Supports for Students with Disabilities, About Social and Emotional Support (SoMo), Staff Development Database - MyLearningPlan.com, Basic Technology Education Session Nov. 18. Beginning in 2019-20 school year, increases number of personal days for all employees from 3 to 4. Presently, statute requires that the average of the top 10 counties with the highest teacher salaries and the lowest paid county cannot differ by more than 10%. County Employee Self Serve - How To Register, Health Care (including Vision and Dental), Martin Robison Delany Opportunity Learning Center, Learning Supports for Students with Disabilities, About Social and Emotional Support (SoMo), Staff Development Database - MyLearningPlan.com, Basic Technology Education Session Nov. 18. o Applicable accounting and financial reporting requirements that noncharter schools are subject to 304-725-9741. All Rights Reserved. Ms. Loretta Thomas. • PCS employees previously employed by the county BOE accrue seniority with county BOE in same manner as they would if employed at noncharter school. There are aspects of this legislation that remain controversial, but there are other components almost universally seen as helping teachers and students. Page Jackson Elementary School. • Applicant defined as parents, community members, teachers, school administrators, institutions of higher education in WV who are interested in organizing a PCS and have obtained/are obtaining 501(c)(3) status. Jefferson County Schools; Blue Ridge Campus; C. W. Shipley Elementary School; ... WV 25438. • Teach in schools in remote geographic locations o Any unforeseen issues relating to the implementation of PCS. • WVBE must provide training programs for PCS applicants, administrators, and governing board members. • Bill sets forth in specific detail the application process, the duties and responsibilities of a PCS governing board, and what must be included in a charter contract. Authorizes MCA located in Preston County to enroll students up to its capacity. Schools are to cooperate with LSICs in policies adopted relating to encouraging students to adopt healthy lifestyles and communicate to students common skills and attributes sought by employers in prospective employees. Contact. 6. There is to be dialogue at such meeting where parents, students, employees, business partners, and other interested parties are given opportunity to make specific suggestions on how to address issues which are seen to affect the school’s academic performance; LSIC required to give 10 employment days notice for this meeting. Clarifies that LSIC is not precluded from permitting off-site classrooms developed in conjunction with local business provided sites meet requirements established by county BOE. Jefferson County Schools; Blue Ridge Campus; C. W. Shipley Elementary School; Charles Town Middle School; Driswood Elementary School; Harpers Ferry Middle School; Intranet; Jefferson High School; North Jefferson Elementary School; Page Jackson Elementary School; Ranson Elementary School; Shepherdstown Elementary School; Shepherdstown Middle School Rule can include allowance for student transportation and current expenses that do not decrease as result of transfer of students from noncharter school to PCS. Facebook Page; Youtube Channel County BOE Policies Promoting School Effectiveness (§18-5-14) Removes requirement that policies adopted by county BOEs to promote school board effectiveness be filed with WVBE. 7. Exceptional Needs Expenditures (§18-5-48) o WVDE required to follow federal requirements to ensure federal funds follow students to PCS. 9.8K likes. o FOIA laws and Open Governmental Proceedings Act Allows (optional) county BOE to adopt policy establishing exceptional needs fund from surplus funding for students likely to perform better outside the public school setting. Bus Procedures - Frequently Asked Questions, Transportation Committee Recommendations Report, Searchsoft - Administrative Staff Application Review, County Employee Pay Information Online - How to Register, County Employee Pay Information Online Login, College Board (College Planning, SAT, AP), JCS Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Forms, West Virginia General Summative Assessment, AlphBest Education - Before & After School Care, College Board (College Planning for Parents), A Safe School Day in Jefferson County Schools. Allows counties the option to provide transportation to out of district students and requires that transportation be provide to any out of district student that has an IEP that specifies transportation is necessary. Increases faculty senate allotment for each classroom teacher and librarian by an additional $200 (increase from $100 to $300). Preferences may be given to certain students, such as students that move out of county, children of county employees, students living substantially closer to a school in neighboring county, etc. 304-876-6850. The following restricted state aid items come from articles other than 9A and thus would remain in place under the proposed language: • Authorizer limited to: Removes the same requirement for SSP. Increases the notice requirement a principal is required to give of organizational meeting from 2 employment days to 5 employment days. 1. Staff members are encouraged to continue to place help desk tickets in the ticket system at the link below. Skilled technicians are standing by to help students and caregivers with questions about software like Google Classroom and to support hardware concerns on any device issued by Jefferson County Schools. • Public charter schools (PCS) are part of the state’s public education system. • Limit of 3 may be established between now and 2023; thereafter, an additional 3 may be authorized every 3 years. Beginning in the 2019-20 school year, expands the statutory definition of “professional student support personnel” from just nurses and counselors to include any professional personnel providing direct social and emotional student support services to students (i.e., social workers, psychologists; Communities in Schools site coordinator, etc.) o Two or more county BOEs where PCS’s primary recruitment area is within boundaries of such counties; or County BOE Authority to Designate Innovation Schools; LSIC Waiver Process (§18-5A-3) 24. • Step 7b (Improvement of Instructional Technology) – currently has flexibility to use up to 100% for TSS positions and up to 50% for alternative purposes How can I become a School Bus Operator for JCS? Families can call (304) 728-9054 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Mondays and Fridays and from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM on Wednesdays. We have two avenues available for students to obtain a school device. West Virginia Board of Education Responsibilities & PCS Rules: • PCS is exempt from all statutes and rules except: 11. Jefferson County Schools is steadily progressing towards its goal of having a device for each student. Athletics Forms; JCS Medical Forms; JCS Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Forms; JCS Program of Study; LiveGrades Parent/Student Login; Medical Forms; JCS Re-entry Plan. If employee has poor evaluations for 2 consecutive years, he/she can be RIFed over employee with less seniority. 30. Welcome to Jefferson Academy. 16. Schools participating are to be provided with instructional resources for students and teachers that feature extensive curriculum related to digital literacy and internet safety. 110 Mordington Avenue, Charles Town, WV 25414. Supplement for Special Education Teachers (§18A-4-2) 22. T. A. Lowery Elementary School. Beginning in 2019-20 school year, for purposes of the salary schedule, provides three additional years of experience for certified special education teachers. 17. Jefferson. 19. Beginning in 2019-20 school year, provides an average 5% across the board pay raise to classroom teachers (including professional student support personnel in Step 5). • Academic Classroom Curriculum Trips o School calendar requirements (§18-5-45) o PCS accountability for student performance and accountability for authorizers. Underwood Smith Scholarship (§§18C-4-1, set seq., 18C-4A-1, et seq.) 4. Phone: (304) 725-9741 Fax ... K-12 jobs in Jefferson County; Schools of Jefferson County. The WVBE is to report to the Governor and LOCEA in 2025 an evaluation of pilot project’s impact on performance and progress at pilot schools. 18. Instead requires the principal or attendance director to make “meaningful contact” with the parent/guardian upon 3 and 5 unexcused absences to ascertain reasons for the absences and what measures school may employ to assist student in attending school and not incurring additional unexcused absences. Removes requirement that policies adopted by county BOEs to promote school board effectiveness be filed with WVBE. Jefferson County Schools; Blue Ridge Campus; C. W. Shipley Elementary School; Charles Town Middle School; Driswood Elementary School; Harpers Ferry Middle School; Intranet; Jefferson High School; North Jefferson Elementary School; Page Jackson Elementary School; Ranson Elementary School; Shepherdstown Elementary School; Shepherdstown Middle School The WVBE is to report to the Governor and LOCEA in 2025 an evaluation of pilot project’s impact on performance and progress at pilot schools. 600 North Preston Street, Ranson, WV 25438. o WVBE when it has intervened in a county where PCS applicant has submitted an application or county BOE requests WVBE to serve as authorizer in its place. Jefferson County Schools, WV App; Text Messaging Service; Dual Enrollment; Forms for Parents. • Bus Replacement/Additional Bus Funding – currently has flexibility of up to $200,000 for alternative purposes if certain safety standards are met that are providing strong school-based support and supervision to assist licensure candidates in a clinical internship, beginning teachers and other teachers at the school improve professional practice in accordance with the county’s comprehensive system of support for teacher and leader induction and professional grown (§18A-3C-3). Jefferson County Schools; Blue Ridge Campus; C. W. Shipley Elementary School; ... WV 25443. 110 Mordington Avenue Charles Town, WV 25414-1693. © 2018 Jefferson County Schools. West Virginia Career and Technical Education, WV College & Career Readiness Standards - Parent Support, West Virginia's Next Generation Content Standards and Objectives, Educational Videos/Best Practices for High School, A Teacher’s Guide for Assuring Student Success, Jefferson County Attendance Policy Reference Sheet, Free and Reduced Meal Application - Spanish, Jefferson Virtual Academy Student Meal Pick-Up, Instructional Tools for Families and Students. • Prohibition on conversation of private school into a PCS. Mr. Steve Glendenning, drama teacher of JHS, passed away. • PCS cannot have requirements that would exclude a child from enrollment who would not be excluded at a noncharter school. Step 5 Funding (§18-9A-8) • Annual report must be submitted by WVBE to Governor and Legislature within 60 days of school year’s end summarizing specific data points and information relating to PCSs. MENU. Education Sales Tax Holiday (§11-15-9s) 304-725-1721 . Athletics Forms; JCS Medical Forms; ... Jefferson County Schools » Staff Directory. Jefferson County Schools, WV App; Text Messaging Service; Dual Enrollment; Forms for Parents. WV School Directory Jefferson County Schools. • Teach in locations that have experienced high rates of turnover in experience teachers • PCS cannot be home school based or affiliated with any specific religious denomination or any group whose espoused beliefs attack/malign an entire class of people. Jefferson County Parent Involvement Policy; WV College and Career Readiness Standards; NJES Parent Advisory Council; Resource. 12. © 2019 Jefferson County Schools. They have a well-grounded sense of self-conf idence and hope for the future. • WVBE charged with establish rule containing the follows: 304-876-6120. 21. Jefferson County Schools; Blue Ridge Campus; C. W. Shipley Elementary School; ... Charles Town, WV 25414. The policy may include, in addition to anything county BOE deems appropriate: (1) allowing funds for services/materials necessary for educational success not met within the district, (2) amount of funds that is to be deposited into fund (may differ yearly based on surpluses), (3) what funds may be used for, (4) measures protecting against improper use, (5) conditions when payments from fund should cease, (6) eligibility requirements for education service providers to accept funds, and (7) requirement that overpayment of funds shall revert back to fund. The final vote a little after 11 p.m. was 51-47 with two absences. • Professional Staff Development Councils Requires State Superintendent to provide State Auditor required county-level data for use on WV Checkbook. In addition to regular teaching duties, are assigned as a master teacher, mentor, academic coach, etc. 304-728-7631 MENU. Specifically, the following state aid funds are considered restricted and the language of the bill would relieve districts from spending restrictions in these areas: Local School Improvement Councils (LSIC) (§18-5A-2) 304-725-7310. Local Share Adjustment (§18-9A-12) Jefferson County Schools; Blue Ridge Campus; C. W. Shipley Elementary School; ... T. A. Lowery Elementary School » Staff Directory. Also permits county BOE, at its discretion, to pay agreed upon tuition for students that it sends out of state (clean-up language for sunsetting of 18-5-16a). Please find a complete summary of the HB206 below or CLICK HERE to download a copy. • PCS applications that are not approved, as well as charter contracts that are revoked/not renewed may appeal such decisions to the WVBE. Senate passed the bill 18-16 along party lines and Gov need areas for least! K12 mail account required county-level data for use on WV Checkbook days to 5 employment days two absences Junction WV... 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