After Mohammed moved to Medina, he became a politician and a warrior. (Al Walaa wal Baraa). Pretty soon all these liberls will realize that this shit will happen in the USA. After he died his closest companions became the caliphs. The term /kafur/ has various meanings; one of which is 'good smelling'. Ask yourself is it right or wrong? well you have to answer me… what is Christian for you??? He was just following his orders! . ?muslims kill in the name of religion gandhi were killed not for religion, not because of any book or those killer were not having millions of killer followers, but mhd have !!!!! He hath created the dominion and all languages. God created perfection and people distort the body e.g. (A spring wherefrom the servants of Allah will drink, causing it to gush forth abundantly.) For instance, in Saudi Arabia, the “blood money” paid for the unintentional death of Moslem man is 100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man is 100,000 riyals, 50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman, 50,000 riyals if a Christian man, 25,000 riyals if a Christian woman, 6,666 riyals if a Hindu man, 3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman. So Allah seals up every arrogant, disdainful heart. If their is a true God then humanity has distorted it so much that people does not recougnise it anymore. Kafirs can be tortured, killed, lied to and cheated. بين الساعة 15/14 و 00/15 تعرض مجرى نهر الزهراني ووادي الكفور وجبل الرفيع لسقوط عدد من القذائف المدفعية. Truly balanced. I do believe Islam is a peaceful religion thanks to my beautiful Muslim friends and am thankful they never use this hideous word. : Ανιχνεύσεις, Erdogan: “Nosso Deus ordena que sejamos violentos com o kuffar” - Últimos Acontecimentos, Turkey: Greek Chora Church to be Converted into a Mosque; Is Hagia Sophia the Next? Muslim killed a non muslim then he is terrorist,,, International Customers, to avoid excessive shipping costs. Kafir is who denies allah, that is all. In South Africa, it initially loosely referred to black South Africans. The Noble Quran has many names including Al-Quran Al-Kareem, Al-Ketab, Al-Furqan, Al-Maw'itha, Al-Thikr, and Al-Noor. PLEASE BEFORE COMMENTING ANYTHING FIRST PROVE IT WRONG….IF YOU CANNOT……AND STILL DISBELIEVE THEN ALL OTHER VERSES REGARDING KAAFIR WILL IMPLY ON YOU……………. Between RIGHT and WRONG will fights until the Lastday; ISLAM is one and only right “Deen” and the Non-believers will find, find, and find a WAYS to distort its teachings…. wHO IS KAAFIR AND WHY? Such people are Angels of Hell leading people into the sectarian riots in which people of the same tribe kill each other. The term /kafur/ has various meanings; one of which is 'good smelling'. In Islam the word is used to refer to the proper method of reciting the Quran. Any religion would agree God IS mother earth, IS all of space and time, IS our ultimate goal. i dont believ kafir is meant for al this,it must for one who dont belive in god (allah) thats all,, one thin must be clear that we al r created by one creator thats al n it cannot ask any one to kill or destroy, creator has each n every bit of universe is perfect, we dont realize that ,moön star sun day night river mountain jungles animals every thing, if we do change anything we wil pay whether its good or bad ,its on us, if u plant cactus, u wil not get mango u wil get on cactus , good deed bad deed u wil get reward for that, allah (creator) only loues ,it cant hate, i dont kno what all people say i kno only there is one creator of al n he cannot comand to kill anylife wheter its human or animals , it s only we hav to pay what we do ,n we pay what we do, every person can learn frm nature itself , i guarantee u wil get answer u wil kno , what the creator says CREATOR means almighty who created whole universe. For instance, apart from camphor, it is said to be the covering of the unripe bunches … Muhammad never asked for the conversion of any Jews or Christians because he regarded them as the people of the book. If the possessors of this precious asset do not distribute it among mankind, for whom it was revealed, they would be Kafir. for example, the quotes above are accurate as far as i can discern. It comes from the Camphor tree in South East Asia, which is the chief natural source of Camphor. One who possesses nothing precious has no need to hide. meaning, this (drink) that will be mixed for these righteous people will be taken from Kafur, which is a spring that Allah’s close servants will drink directly from, without it being mixed … Most Muslims put Mohammed on such a high pedestal you would think he was the creator.. It’s a Muslims pre conceived notion that they do. I dont hate anyone i love humanity. iF SOMEONE JUST START SAYING THAT CROW IS WHITE IN COLOUR, THEN EITHER PEOPLE WILL CALL ONE INSANE OR WILL ASK FOR A PROOF? It is only the sensible people of West that appreciate my Preaching of Gospel. Then comes Muhammad, following his deeds what he did in life is only important, rather than collecting sawab of sunnah and morale based muslim culture of invain. And I seek refuge with you, my Lord, from their presence. go ahead, speak. Cursed- 33:60 They [kafirs] will be cursed, and wherever they are found, they will be seized and mur-dered. I have many Americans conert to Islam but do they really know what is Islam and theie histroy. Whether the Non-Muslims are technically Kafir or not in the eyes of Islam, those who have not asked them to accept it after explaining and presenting it in a decent and convincing manner, have no moral right in letter and spirit to call them Kafir. Instead there is a division into believer and kafir (unbeliever). Allah created the kafirs so that Moslems could hate and kill them. while world today needs peace and love. I find it strange that Mohammed so conveniently came into play ages after everyone was claiming to be a prophet and an era where delusion was the number 1 diagnosis…. *To be ungrateful ... And Our Ayat are not denied except by every Khattar Kafur. The jews and christians are our brothers and we love them. So if a “kafir” is a non-believer then Muslims too are “kafirs” by definition…. In Hinduism a yogi will go through life training his mind to remain focused on only God. Sarah says: No honey i dont hate myself as a woman and i was emotionally well until your supporters of demoncracy locked me up in Abu Gharaib and rapped me multiple times and then put a rope around my corpse and dragged it around and then the shame of it all you all got out scot free. This Dark Age belongs to Khatris, who are very greedy people and they have no religion but thieves. [4], The word "kafur" is also mentioned in the Qur'an 76:5, "Indeed the pious will drink from a cup seasoned with kafur".Shi'a exegetes have different views about the meaning of "kafur" here. 8:67 It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. Since the kingdom is within, no ‘man’ of the earth can prevent you from obtaining it, therefore- seek not to ‘kill’ men of the earth, rather- the man/voice inside your head. 2:161; Vol. If any muslim kills another ,,the reason of quran and muhammed,, Christians and Jews are infidels, but infidels are kafirs, too. Kafur:- Interpreters of the Quran identified this with Camphor, a white volatile crystalline substance with an aromatic smell and a bitter taste, occurring in certain essential oils. Allah loves those who repent their sins he is merciful and all kind. The fact that Islam preaches death of non-believers and the rape of captive girls (in Allah’s name), doesn’t mean you should reword texts. God is not constant because the MEST are not constant. (And Our Ayat are not denied except by every Khattar Kafur.) Kafur Meaning. Women are a bad omen. From the above verse it must be clear that the word Kafir itself is not abusive. An inability to understand their own religion in context – for example the Quran was written in the medieval ages in the time of war – so a lot of it is militant exhortism not valid in times of peace. It is important to believe in Allah, His oneness, His books including Quran, Torah, Injeel and Zaboor, His angels, His prophets and Akhirat before you die. In short, always deal with people who identify themselves through the tribal surname, a son of Man whilst those who conceal their tribal surnames are Bastard Al-Djmar Al-Wusta. . jesus (p.b.u.h) is very big saint in islam. That is why Jatts are more considerate in dealing with religious people but the sons of Satan have no conscience. Annihilated- 6:45 So the kafirs were annihilated. You people are sleeping whilst awake… Unless you open yourself to inner spirituality and inner God consciousness you will never be releived of your anxieties of not knowingness. Give respect to earn respect. I just want to know one question where was Islam before 1477(whatever is the currenet hizri calander is) We are but dust particles in hes sight, but we were created from him directly from light unlike animals and plants and solar systems, therefor we have consciousness, and know good from bad. Kafur Meaning. sargeant “There is no compulsion in religion. The numerical value of Kafur in Chaldean Numerology is: 1, The numerical value of Kafur in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3. You rob my country Iraq of all its ancient treasures. (And Our Ayat are not denied except by every Khattar Kafur.) I do not wish to live in a third world theocratic society those who do please stop trying to change my country and leave us all alone. I’m a Christian please show me in the bible where Jesus said kill the non believers!!! society’s sensibilities have been changed to present norms and so some things that were normative 1500-2000 years ago are no longer seen as such. The Four Jihads | The NeoConservative Christian Right, "Trump Does Not Represent Us” - Graham - Capitol Hill Outsider - CHO, Non-Muslims encouraged to wear Islamic head scarf at school, Non-Muslims encouraged to wear Islamic head scarf at school | Exposing Modern Mugwumps, Bill Warner – Political Islam Compilation | The NeoConservative Christian Right, Interview with Dr. Bill Warner on Islam - VOX POPULI NEWS, Part VII: Kaboom! 2:541. Yes Allah is the same as God. All I can say to militants that shut your mouth and stop bragging abt islam, islam is best blah blah and learn to live peacefully with your neighbors. You have to actually read a book guys, it’s not that hard. Do not mislead your hearts to think that the early jewish scriptures, the gospel and the quran are merely fairy tales. Perfectly clear. I am a “Kafir” for the moslem. A kafir may be hated, mocked, robbed, punished, beheaded, confounded, plotted against, terrorized, annihilated, killed, crucified, cursed, killed in battle, raped, disgraced, exiled, dispossesed, ethnically cleansed, annihilated. Why? HAVING LIVED VERY CLOSED TO ISLAM I CAN CONFIDENTLY SAY THAT ISLAM PREACHES NON- VIOLENCE AND IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO HUMANITY…….. @ Demoncracy sorry i mean democracy is the answer, The majority of people in hell are women. So now comes the question, if God is God in any language then why argue “MY” God or “YOUR” God? Now let us deliberate over these three meaning of ‘Kufr’: Concealment is associated with possession and endowment. Sarah, do you hate yourself as a woman to put up with such disgusting misogyny? I don’t believe you because if you did you wouldn’t argue the falsity of this post. And do you know? people read books of silly fiction, but will not take the time to read for themselves the book that is claimed by over a billion people in the world to be the statements of The Creator. You talk about liberating Muslim women and what not yet you rape me when you come here to liberate me from my own people. IT WAS POLITICAL AGENDA OF MUHAMMAD TO MAKE ALL HIS SLAVES. Whoever has been bestowed by someone has an obligation to be grateful to his benefactor. all Christians, Jews and others are believers if the faith so dictates. This word describes a person who, whenever he makes a promise, breaks his promise, and it refers to the worst form of treachery. A divine command to murder trumps logic or morality. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter: except those that repent before you reduce them. I am a Kafir by definition of the Qu’ran. In case of Sarah, one of the commentators, it is almost a certainty that this might not even be the real name. private parts, from illegal sexual acts) Greed is also greatest of all in the world and for the sake of money they will exploit religious concepts. Dear Sarah you claim that you have read Qur’an and Sahih Bukhari. For the kingdom is within, anyway- so only a fool would believe that it has to be created on the outer level through killing actual people. But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? Jesus Christ never once in his gospel, claimed to be ‘The Only Begotten Son of God’. …And therefore all killings, hand cuttings, and whatever is deemed appropriate by Muhammed against God- fearing, God-believing people, is an act of disobedience against ALLAH, even though it is an act recommended by Muhammed. What the meaning of these phrases mean is not what we Anyone with respect for himself, fellow man and creature would never use this word. Hello my god is your god and vice versa. Almost 90 per cent Pakistani hide their tribal identities and Jatts hide the least. Lies do not bring peace, but merely postpone the inevitable confrontation between unitary logic and dualistic bafflegab. Today kufars mock on Muslims, in Akhirat Muslims will mock on kufars for their foolishness. Matter is only one,,,, A kafir is ignorant- 6:111 Even if We had sent down the angels to them [kafirs], the dead had spoken to them, and We had gathered all things before their eyes, they would not believe unless Allah had willed it, but most of them are ignorant. I go to Oxford and being of the Jatt tribe, the menial tribal people do not like the Gospel Truth. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. You have torture cells called blacksites in every neighbourhood, you have a testimony to Adolf Hitler’s evils ways in the shape of Guantanamo Bay (where you also have female inmates), you keep women and children aged 6 in Bagram Air Base all in the name of Demoncracy and you torture us there and kill us in cold blood. HOW CAN ONE PROVE SOMETHING WRONG? […] donors, with most of it ending up in mansions in Dubai. But I dealt with Israel for fourteen years now and came to the conclusion that doublespeak is a typical practice of Arab society in dealing with the western world in English and the Eastern World in Arabic with two different messages. It’s like staying out of a domestic dispute. But yet I know what is the true meaning of being Christian the followers of Isa AS……. A complete inability to understand other religions that leads to intolerance. Learn to read the holy Quran online with Skype from Qualified male and Female teachers at They are empty drums making much noise to lure the simpletons into their nets. The other Sanskrit word found in the Holy Quran is kafur. They need no jihad. Let’s never ever forget and I say this with so much passion in my heart and deep love and respect for the knowledge the Vedic scriptures contain, Muslims were Hindus before Islam was even thought of. all rights reserved. Is this boring? The language of Islam is dualistic. I don’t follow Islam and never will in my life, . Narrated There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Camphor in Urdu is کافور, and in roman we write it Kafoor. Most of the south Asia was coneverted or killed and now since they can’t follow the same agenda by killing, they will populate and slowly chnage the demographics. Information and translations of Kafur in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … He heard it from ‘God’…Eager to hear how these cases are different.). The Christians and Jews do not follow the religion of truth until they submit and pay the poll tax [jizya], and they are humiliated. The bible and jesus hiself even has passages like this. Such demiurge gods are jealous and revengeful as a natural man is and they behave like animals unless they are tamed or disciplined by a Priest of Adam called Rabbi, Brahmin, Fetish, etc. circumcised. They are called munafeeks. Hello my god is your god and vice versa. Mohammed said, “After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women.” Vol. Doing Kufur is the biggest sin which won’t be forgiven in any case until he/she repents. My dear brothers and sisters in humanity. Of course the one who refuses the oneness of Allah, the finality of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and who does not believe in the life after death is Kafir (non-Muslim). The word al-Kafur is one of terms used for plants in the Quran. I will send terror into the kafirs’ hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fin-gers!”. It is important to believe in Allah, His oneness, His books including Quran, Torah, Injeel and Zaboor, His angels, His prophets and Akhirat before you die. Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thor-oughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly. The brilliant discovery of CSPI is that Islam is dualistic. Do you understand? One who commits Kuf’r is Kafir. for sterilizing or disinfecting. Nor were any women to be used for sex who were unclean with regard to Muslim laws about menstruation. Currently I am reading this blog so i wish to share the link. See how far you know about your life and death! (‘submit and you be safe’) These verses command Muslims to take political authority over Jews and Christians, remove their human rights and confiscate (steal) their homes, lands and wealth. is above one or other in his kingdom. As an example, there is never any reference to humanity as a unified whole. Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word) is a Quran study tool for all. Where do you think this idea came from? who created all prophets for his purposes and no prophet Are the sources wrong or are you ashamed of the Mohamed you find described there? How could I have misunderstood? After a career of violence, he averaged an event of violence every six weeks for the last 9 years of his life, he died without an enemy left standing. I see…Mohammed didn’t just kill everyone who disagreed him, because they pissed him off. to the female who passed) because it was offensive then why can’t a Muslim have to stand in court also for calling a person a “Kafir”? is a Sadaqah Jariyah. The Koran says Allah hates kafirs and wants Mohammed to kill them K. 9.5. The Qur’an is a fraudulent book which stole all its ideas from the Jews and Christians, including the Sabeans. you don’t have enough faith and belief in your own heart to consider God your closest friend that you can speak to yourself? May Allah bless you all. What? You read but fail to understand because your hearts are hardened. ‘Kafir’ is far from a neutral word as you claim. What qualifies Islam to be number 1? Who put atom bomb in hiroshima,and nagasaki..?muslim….? Every year Muslims terrorise and kill 1000’s of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, atheists and each other in the name of Allah and their religion. Those who conceal these facts from the people having faith in Vedas are Kafir (in Arabic). Does this make God unworthy of worship? Only the third meaning of the word may brand a non-Muslim as Kafir but only after he has been offered Islam in a convincing and acceptable manner. Search Quran - Search the word kafur in the Quran القران الكريم in English translation by Pickthal ☰ Prayer Times Free Downloads Free Code Makkah Madina Allah Close Quran Or a wise old scholar. - Greek City Times, Trump’s DOJ to Judge: Stop ISIS Bride Hoda Muthana’s return to U.S. | Concerned Canadian Citizens, Intro to ‘Muslim Invasion: GOOD BYE ENGLAND Lookout USA’ – Mohammedan Islam and the World, Intro to ‘Muslim Invasion: GOOD BYE ENGLAND Lookout USA’ – The NeoConservative Christian Right, Making Islamophobia a Crime – The NeoConservative Christian Right, Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims – Shea's Blog, Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims – Sheaholliman's Weblog, Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims: – Sheaholliman's Weblog, Legal Jihad: A terrorist uses American courts to enforce Sharia law via Geller Report | Boudica2015, Of Camphor answer is to identify the Kafur of the world and for the sake of hate due to.. 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