Junior High and High School Webinars on Human Trafficking. Is a . • This presentation is designed for protecting the next generation from human trafficking. Trafficking happens to adults and children of all genders, education levels, nationalities, and Human Trafficking PowerPoint Presentation 1. Human Trafficking: Oral Presentation Presented by PERSON for COMPANY Experience Human trafficking can take place in the most public places an go unnoticed Ex: (Buses, cars, planes, etc.) • Program topics include: What is human trafficking, how to recognize a trafficker, the recruitment process and using social media safety. Human trafficking is increasing both at the national and state levels. TRAFFICKING . This presentation will help attendees meet the requirement of licensing in the State of Michigan through: Understanding the types and venues of human trafficking in Michigan and the United States. The presentation is set for 6:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave., Sequim. 11. Operates according to the dynamics of . Human Trafficking Presentation. OVC FY 2021 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking CFDA # 16.320 . Thank you for your interest in learning about the issue of human trafficking and steps to mitigate this problem in your community. Involves the recruitment, transportation or harbouring of unwilling people through the use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Modern day slavery. An interactive presentation for middle and high Schoo youth that teaches them what human trafficking is, how youth are recruited, vulnerabilities traffickers prey on, warning signs and red flags to be aware of, case examples of youth being trafficked, and how to report human trafficking. HUMAN . Goals of presentation: What Human Trafficking is and is not, who is at risk for being trafficked, what our role is as healthcare providers to help combat trafficking. CARBONDALE, Ill. – A virtual presentation next week to commemorate the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly more than seven decades ago will examine human trafficking. Contact us today to schedule a presentation for your group! Students gain core knowledge and foundational skills through client representation and advocacy. ISP Holds Human Trafficking Presentation In Hartley. Parent Awareness Workshop – DCF NEW HAVEN . HUMAN TRAFFICKING A GLOBAL CHALLENGE – Presentation to the Austrian Bishops on 8 March 2021 Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey 8 March 2021 – Human Rights Council – A/HRC/46/40 – Report on Violence against Children, Mrs. Najat Maalla M’jid When: Tuesday, January 26; Time: 8:00–9:00 p.m. trafficking. In 2020, Children’s Mercy Kansas City and the Missouri State Highway Patrol came together to form a partnership that has greatly impacted human trafficking investigations. Grants.gov Solicitation Number: O-OVC-2021-59002 April 8, 2021 . MODERN DAY SLAVERYSex. “The best weapon we have in our arsenal is knowledge—help stop human trafficking by learning about it—education,” Flick said. It takes a village to end it, but someone has to start doing something, and that could be you. Human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, harboring, transporting or procurement of a person for labor or services for the purpose of involuntary servitude, … Previous outbreaks are likely to have caused rises in human trafficking as parents die, thus leaving children at risk, and the social and economic conditions that lead to trafficking are amplified. All survivor stories are ethically and responsibly sourced giving survivors a platform for their voice to be heard. DCF MILFORD . Defining Slavery: “A relationship in which one person is controlled by violence through violence, the threat of violence, or psychological coercion, has lost free will and free movement, is exploited economically, and paid nothing beyond subsistence.” –*Kevin Bales, December 04, 2020. Presented by Students Fighting Human Trafficking. Awareness and education are two of the key goals of the Illinois Women Religious Against Human Trafficking which sponsored the event, including Sister Barbara Sheehan, SP, who spoke with our group after the presentation. Human Trafficking solicitation are not eligible to apply for funding under this solicitation, unless the new proposal outlines new services, cost items, or a distinct geographic scope not included in the FY 2017– 2019 application. The Lucas County Human Trafficking Coalition is offering free virtual presentations to raise awareness during National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month Caitlin Hauser . People are … Human Trafficking = Modern Day Slavery. Family Crimes Coordinator Suzanne Schultz takes a comprehensive look at the dark world of the Human Sex Trafficking industry and its impact on the lives of those affected by it. By mmcwilliams June 4, 2021 10:17 am. I learned A lot of people are tricked into sex trafficking. Human Trafficking Presentation In your small group, create a new Google Slides file titled, “PS:[Block] Human Trafficking Presentation”. Information compiled by Global Nomads Group as a part of the ... Human trafficking is a complex issue. Human Trafficking is happening all around the world and that is why it is an global issue - Human Trafficking is happening all around the world and that is why it is an global issue There are more human slaves in the world today than ever before in history. In the US, the east coast has been impacted the greatest, but in a matter of two years, Pennsylvania has increased their ranking. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit a person for labor or commercial sex. This presentation aims to empower healthcare workers in knowing how to report human trafficking when they see it. Kids and teens with troubled childhoods and parents who aren't involved or … Human Trafficking: clinical presentation and treatment Katie Papke, LMSW, CAADC. All training information has been procured from the AZ Governors Office Human Trafficking Council and represents over 15 years of serving survivors from around the world. South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force Website Human Trafficking Hotline Mandated Posters Legislation passed in 2015 mandating the posting of information about the National Human Trafficking Resource Center. CARBONDALE, Ill. — Former FBI counterterrorism expert Richard Schoeberl will discuss his work to investigate and stop human trafficking during a virtual lecture next month hosted by Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Wellness and Health Promotion Services. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view where traffickers profit from the control and exploitation of their victims. Any minor, that is anyone under the age of 18, who is induced to perform a commercial sex act is a victim of human trafficking Human Trafficking Presentations. Human Trafficking - Is Your Soul for Sale? Join the Haven Project and Chi Upsilon Sigma for a virtual presentation.. Devastating impact on individual victims, who often suffer physical and emotional abuse, rape, threats against self … We may have a predetermined opinion of what victims of human trafficking look like but the reality is that a human trafficking victim is a vulnerable person that has been exploited. The Human Anti-trafficking Response Team (HART) was created in order to focus on and reduce Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST).

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