Total gas in the Upper Nile Basin (Sudan trough) 37 21. It trends In a rift basin, the dispersal and deposition of sediments is significantly influenced by the paleo-topography, which is highly controlled by the evolution and interaction of normal faults in different scales. The Benue Trough is a failed arm of a triple 100 analysis of the residual total magnetic field values over Stratigraphy and Paleogeography several sections of the basin reveals an average depth The stratigraphic succession of Bida Basin, to the basement rock to be ca. Presents a review of the tectonic evolution, stratigraphy, paleontology, hydrogeologic aspects and economic geology of the Bornu Basin which represents the Chad Basin in Nigeria. The geology and stratigraphic review of the study area: The Chad Basin is a broad intracratonic depression in Central West Africa containing buried rifts in the Niger Republic. Many of the sequence stratigraphy ideas developed by John and the Exxon team were based on field work in the Book Cliffs of Utah and Colorado, the Powder River basin in Wyoming, and the San Juan basin in New Mexico. With further exploration using 3-D seismic surveys, it has become a major target for lithological oil reservoirs in the background structure. maturation of this basin. The general geology of the Bornu Basin has received considerable attention [20] - [27] because of the intense search for hydrocarbon there. This has been proven in several studies on the evolution and Stratigraphy of the Chad Basin North Eastern Nigerian. There are six oil discoveries in the Termit basin. In context, a complete stratigraphy of the basin can be found in the work of Ola-Buraimo (2012) on Tuma-1 well; whereas an incomplete stratigraphy of the basin is also documented in the works of Boboye (2012) and Ola-Buraimo (2013b). Approximately one-tenth of its surface area constitutes the Bornu Basin. The terrain of Chad in central Africa is dominated by the low-lying Chad Basin (elevation about 250 m / 820 ft), which rises gradually to mountains and plateaus on the north, east, and south.. 1.2 Geology and stratigraphy of the area The origin of the Chad Basin is related with the separation of the African and the South American continents in the Early Cretaceous [8, 9, 10, and 11].According to [12] and [1] the Chad Basin was a tectonic cross point between a NE to SW For almost three decades from now researchers and therefore has high prospects for oil and gas generation. The province covers an area of approximately 1,145,000 square kilometers and includes parts of Algeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria. Stratigraphy. 1991). The Chad Basin lies within a vast area of Central and West Africa at an elevation of between 200 m and 500 m above sea level and covering approximately 230,000 km 2. Muglad trend. The basin exhibits substantial heterogeneity in the magnitude of the tectonic episodes and in consequent thermal maturities. Exploration efforts started in this vast and remote Saharan region already in 1957 and 60 exploratory wells have been drilled to date, resulting in over 20 discoveries with around 4,000 million barrels of oil in place. The analysis and interpretation of the data set comprising seismic reflection time sections and well logs encompassed seismic stratigraphy, structural and log-sequence stratigraphy. The Basin is filled with sediment ranging in age between Cambrian to Quaternary, with maximum total thickness of more than 3000 meter in the central part. Also it has been suggested that the Chad basin is a member Western Central Africa Rift system (WCAS) that was developed as a result of the mechanical break up of African crustal blocks during Cretaceous (Genik, 1992). The data base is from mainly proprietary exploration work consisting of some 50,000 kilometres of seismic profiles, 50 exploration wells, one million square kilometres of aeromagnetics coverage and extensive gravity surveys. Jianying, Li, Bao, Li, Hongtao, Chen, Hongjuan, Guo, and Liang Jinhui. Total gas in the Red Sea Basin 35 19. This assessment was based on data from oil Oil in the Chad and Doba-Doseo (Chari) Basins 38 22. of the 1,070 km Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline from Kome (Doba basin) through Belabo to Kribi on the Atlantic coast of Cameroon, that oil companies are now able to develop this hydrocarbon province. The Chad Basin is the largest endorheic basin in Africa, centered on Lake Chad.It has no outlet to the sea and contains large areas of semi-arid desert and savanna. The focus of this study is on depression A occurring in the area around the Lake Chad. ... (Tefidet graben) demonstrate that the interior rift system extended northward, generally through the Lake Chad basin … The stratigraphy of Bornu Basin (Fig. The basin (Chad Basin) extends to parts of Niger Republic, Chad, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic and Nigeria. The work included 50,000 km of modern reflection seismic, 53 exploration wells, 1,000,000 km 2 of aeromagnetic coverage, and about 10,500 km of gravity profiles. The Nigerian sector of the Chad Basin, known locally as the Bornu Basin, is one of Nigeria’s inland basins occupying the northeastern part of the country. The Chad Basin with an area of about 2,335,000km2 [1] occupies a vast area at an altitude of between 200m and 500m above sea level [2]. The drainage basin is roughly coterminous with the sedimentary basin of the same name, but extends further to the northeast and east. Middle Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy at the Ashaka Cement Quarry in Gongola Basin of the Upper Benue Trough, Northeast Nigeria Suleiman U. A.1, Hamza H.2 and Zaborski P. M.3 1Department of Geology, Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil, Kano. North-south cross section of Ghadamis Basin. This BornuChad basin - is a broad sediment-filled depression spanning northeastern Nigeria and adjoining parts of the Republic of Chad. Figure 1: Map of the Bornu Basin showing the location of drilled wells in the basin and three areas of thick sedimentary deposits in the basin marked as depression A, B and C (Modified after Olabode [7]). Resting unconformably on the Precambrian Basement Complex is the Albian-Turonian Bima Sandstone which evolved from the … Central African Rift System [WCAS] (Genic, 1992). The Chad Basin extends into parts of Niger, Chad, Central African Republic, and Cameroon [6]. The excellent regional coverage of gravity and aeromagnetic data has allowed the spatial extent, geometry and depth of these basins to be mapped. The Chad Basin is the largest intracratonic basin in Africa, and one‐tenth of its surface area lies in NE Nigeria. 2,3 Department of Geology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Tectono-stratigraphy. Figure 6: Structural style of the Nigeria Chad Basin (Avbovboet al., 1986). INTRODUCTION Bornu Basin represents the much larger Chad Basin in Nigeria. Birni Basin (NLBB) is the deepest part of the basin and may hold good pros-pect for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. Thermal maturation (mean vitrinite reflectance) and organic‐geochemical (Rock‐Eval pyrolysis) studies have been carried out on Cretaceous shales from the Bima Formation, Gongila Formation and Fika Shale Formation. The Chad Basin has proven petroleum reserves in sectors of other bounding countries and not same in the Nigerian sector of it. Oil in the Red Sea Basin 35 18. A review on the geology and petroleum potentials of the Nigerian Benue Trough and Anambra Basin is done to identify potential petroleum systems in the basins. The Chad Basin has proven petroleum reserves in sec tor of other bounding countries and not same in the Nigerian sector of it. 43 stratigraphy of the Bornu Basin was thus commonly associated with the stratigraphy of its 44 south adjoining Gongola Basin in the Upper Benue Trough. "3-D Sequence Stratigraphy And Reservoir Delineation In Block-H of the Chad Basin." The Chad Basin straddles five countries, namely, Nigeria, Niger, Chad Republic, Cameroon and Central Africa Republic. km (800 km in length and 200 km in width). The analysis and interpretation of the data set comprising seismic reflection time sections and well logs enco mpassed seismic stratigraphy, structural and log-sequence stratigraphy. Within the Chad Basin, the Chad Formation is unconfined in some locations, with artesian flow from some deeper layers and a water table depth of 10 to 15 meters. . 4) consists of Bima Sandstone, Gongila Formation, Fika shale, Gombe, Kerikeri, and Chad (Okosun 1995). which join to form the Komadugu Yobe ( or Yobe River), the outlet of the flloodplain at. Muglad basin extends from Western and Southern Kordofan in the southern-central of Sudan to the southern part of Sudan, covering an area of ~ 160,000 sq. Abstract. km Figure 1. Using their results as a starting point, we use a great number of well data and 3D seismic data to classify the sequence within the lower Cretaceous of Block-H. 3-D Sequence Stratigraphy And Reservoir Delineation In Block-H of the Chad Basin. 3. Figure 2: Stratigraphic Units in the Bornu Basin [17,25]. (Modified after Pallas, 1980) Murzuq Basin Large intracratonic Paleozoic Basin, straddling the Boundaries of Algeria, Niger and Chad. In recent years, a series of oil fields have been found in Block-H of the Chad Basin by 2D seismic prospecting. • Stratigraphy • Objectives • Samples and experimental • Results and discussion • Conclusions. ... Stratigraphy, Tectonics & Geologic History. Oil in the Upper Nile Basin (Sudan trough) 37 20. shows that the basin sediments are thermally mature and 1986). 17. The Gongola Basin has been the subject of several palynological studies but most of the samples used for the studies were surface outcrop samples. Materials and methods. The basin is a North-South trending Cretaceous basin that links the Benue Trough with the Bornu (Chad) Basin forming part of the West African Rift System . This method is applied to constrain the subsurface stratigraphy of the north-eastern part of the Bornu Basin bordering the Lake Chad. In the Koro Toro fossiliferous area, KT 12 locality (16°00′N, 18°53′E) was the site of discovery of Australopithecus bahrelghazali (Abel) and in the Toros-Menalla fossiliferous area, TM 266 locality (16°15′N, 17°29′E) was the site of discovery of Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Toumaï). In the east heights of more than 900 metres (3,000 ft) are attained in the Ennedi and Ouaddaï plateaus. II. Fula sub-basin is situated in the NNE part of Muglad basin covers an area of 100 sq. Bornu Basin is an inland sub-45 basin within the south-western boundary of the Lake Chad Basin and forms part of the 3-D sequence stratigraphy study Predecessors have studied the sequence stratigraphy framework in the Bongor Basin using only data from a few wells and 2D seismic data. This overview of the petroleum geology of rift basins in Niger, Chad, and Central African Republic (CAR) is based on exploration work by Exxon and partners in the years 1969-1991. According to [3] strata that fill the Chad ... been picked based on stratigraphy of the Chad Basin from the well that has been drilled along the seismic line. Furthermore, the seismic stratigraphy, sedimentologic implications, and seismically determined structural features suggest that the Maiduguri area of the Chad basin has good prospects for hydrocarbon plays in Cretaceous rocks, with high potentials for both structural and stratigraphic traps. The Borno-Chad basin Nigeria is a broad sediment-filled depression spanning north-eastern Nigeria and adjoining parts of the Republic of Chad. The Chad Basin is the largest intracratonic basin in north-central Africa and is characterized by Cretaceous and Tertiary rifting. This paper overviews the regional framework, tectonic, structural and petroleum aspects of rifts in Niger, Chad and the C.A.R. structural features suggest that the Nigeria Chad Basin might have good prospects for hydrocarbon plays in the Cretaceous rocks, with high potentials for both structural and stratigraphic traps (Okpikoro and Olorunniwo, 2010). the Chad Basin, which extends into parts of Niger, Chad, The range of heat flow values computed for this study Central African Republic, and Cameroon (Avbovbo et al. The Influence of Stratigraphy and Rock Mechanics on Mesaverde Gas Distribution, Piceance Basin, Colorado Stephen P. Cumella, 1 Jay Scheevel 2 1 Bill Barrett Corporation, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. These basins contain up to 7,500 m of chiefly Cretaceous continental clastics. Furthermore, the seismic stratigraphy, sedimentologic implications, and seismically determined structural features suggest that the Maiduguri area of the Chad basin has good prospects for hydrocarbon plays in Cretaceous rocks, with high potentials … The Murzuq Basin is a large intracratonic sag basin located in southwestern Libya. Material and methods In Chad and the C.A.R., the Central African rift subsystem incorporates the extensional Doba and transtensional Doseo and Salamat basins flanking the Borogop dextral wrench fault. However, the limited presence of faults and intrusive bodies decreases the possibility of thermal degeneration, contrary to the Central Logone Birni Basin(CLBB) where co n- Paper presented at the 2010 SEG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 2010. Gashua. The stratigraphy of Borno-Chad basin has been reported by several authors (Avbovbo et al., 1986; Obaje, 2009; Nwachukwu and Ekine, 2009), Figure 3. Ages were determined at two hominid localities from the Chad Basin in the Djurab Desert (Northern Chad). Detailed lithostratigraphy description was carried out on fifty-two ditch-cutting samples. Additionally, he has worked extensively in the Brent and Statfjord Formations on both the U.K. and Norwegian side of the North Sea. The sedimentation of the Chad Basin commenced with the deposition … The tectonic, stratigraphic and organic geochemical evaluations of these basins suggest the similarity with the contiguous basins of Chad and Niger Republics and Sudan, where commercial oil discovery have been made. The Gombe Sandstone is comparatively low permeability and the deeper Kerri-Kerri Formation remains poorly studied.

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