Enhancing School-Based SEL Support. Helping students get to know their peers and make friends often can make all the difference in easing back-to-school anxiety. Throughout the … Teachers and students are returning to school to face new challenges. From evaluating reopening plans to identifying how to support students and staff, school leaders continue to grapple with uncertainties prompted by COVID-19. Experts say teaching and learning during closures is unrealistic if SEL for students and educators is left out of the conversation. Supporting students’ SEL can help students to return to school, catch up on lost learning, and adapt to new circumstances. Here are 3 considerations for SEL when returning to a traditional learning environment: 1. Delaware Key Features; History of DE-PBS ; Recent Resources. Mary Alvord, mental health counselor and psychologist who runs a Maryland-based mental health and psychotherapy practice targeted to young people, said the client emails that These strategies can help elementary students adjust. To understand how we can best help educators, our team reached out to gather their top concerns about returning to school. Whether starting school in person or remotely, students will bring a range of experiences from the past six months to the classroom. General Resources. Students will have fun learning about each other by finding things they have in common in this fun icebreaker activity. Self-care/SEL/Mental health for staff and how to help students; Other. While students in states like Wyoming, Iowa, and Florida have been attending classes in-person pretty regularly since September, millions of students elsewhere are just returning to school … A New Vision for Teaching & Learning [2 hours] A New Vision for Teaching & Learning [2 hours] Building Classrooms of Community Through a SEL Lens [1 hour] A Foundation for Coaching and Leading Teams During COVID-19: Flow … Covid- 19 SEL Resources. More About Our Work. This article presents findings from a meta-analysis of 213 school-based, universal social and emotional learning (SEL) programs involving 270,034 kindergarten through high school students. Through the use of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies, educators can help students cope with back-to-school anxiety to truly thrive in class. Maintaining connectedness during times of disruption helps students feel safe and supported. Conscious Discipline: Building Resiliency in Uncertain Times is a not-to-miss online learning experience for managing a school year full of uncertainty, new procedures and challenges none of us could have anticipated a year ago. Created in 2019, the Academy is currently helping 50 school and district teams from across the state implement multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) to better support all students’ mental health needs. The start of the school year can trigger some serious anxiety for students — and teachers. And with students soon returning to the school building after a year of remote learning, she anticipates that the demand for student mental health services will increase. Benefits were similar regardless of students’ race, socioeconomic background, or school location. SEL Information Sheet; Summer Reading; Summer Reading Contract (Submit by Monday, May 24, 2021) Supply List; TypingWeb - Instructions; Application: 6th Grade iPad Apple Classroom (Deadline for application - for returning students: May 21, 2021) (Deadline for application - for new students: June 13, 2021) 6th Grade iPad Apple Classroom - Information Sheet; ALL RISING 7th … Educators shared candid insights, including their sentiment towards and preparedness for the… B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger K. B. Compared to controls, SEL participants demonstrated significantly improved social and emotional skills, attitudes, behavior, and academic performance that reflected an 11-percentile-point gain in … By Lori Desautels. We recommend exploring Transforming Education’s trauma-informed SEL toolkit for resources and asset-based strategies to integrate into your classroom, school, or district! Strengthening students’ social and emotional competencies through the delivery of school-based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs has been suggested as one strategy for promoting positive development and preventing negative outcomes. Students need to feel comfortable in their classroom to engage in learning experiences, especially after rapid changes to their learning environments since March 2020. After an unplanned absence, students returning to school have been in different environments, with varying expectations for their behavior. On Thursday, April 1 two Selma High School students were arrested after a gun went off inside the school … SEL is a framework for helping students develop critical skills for how they interact with others, manage their own emotions and behaviors, and develop into confident, productive, and empathetic individuals. Postintervention social-emotional skill development was the strongest predictor of well-being at follow-up. emotional learning (SEL) will be critical to re-engaging students, supporting families, rebuilding relationships, and creating a foundation for academic learning. Have more positive relationships with students, contributing to their academic, social, and emotional development (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009 ) School and district leaders who engage in SEL practices can also improve their . For some students, going back to school can trigger different levels of anxiety. Here, too, SEL teams can play a leadership role in cultivating your school’s student and staff culture. emotional learning (SEL) will be critical to re-engaging students, supporting families, rebuilding relationships, and creating a foundation for academic learning. LEGEND Source: … To understand how we can best help educators, our team reached out to gather their top concerns about returning to school. Identify and Address the Stress, Trauma, and Social and Emotional Needs of Students Madeleine notes that while there are some initial bumps about returning to school, “most kids quickly come back to baseline." Strategies to support children’s social & emotional wellbeing on returning to school: SEL can be integrated into everyday teaching and classroom situations. Hence, a strong focus on re-teaching school behavior, re-engaging students in learning, maintaining a school culture where students can expect to see prosocial behavior from their peers will make the transition to the physical classroom easier. No One is the Same: Supporting Students’ Mental Health as We Return to School. As students are returning to in-person learning, we know that COVID-19 has had an impact on some children and families. Social emotional learning (SEL) programs can promote academic achievement and positive social behavior, and reduce conduct problems, substance abuse, and emotional distress. The sudden school shutdown left teachers exhausted and overwhelmed. Our educational stakeholders have experienced loss. Returning to School (with students)- Phase 2: Instruction and SEL Program: Excel Academy, DHH, VI (revised (7/30/20) Planning for 2020-21 Plan A: All Remote Plan B: H ybrid (alternating days with cohorts of students) *This template reflects AM/PM Daily Cohorts (T-F)at Excel Plan C: A ll on campus, with parent choice for remote Re-emphasizing the bonds between students and their peers, as well as between teachers, can ease the transition from remote to in-person instruction and create space for members of the school community to support one another in uncertain times. Suggested SEL strategies include: Developing a comprehensive system for monitoring student well-being. Building a culture of SEL in your school or district can help you offer yourself, your colleagues, and your students and their families this extra support, which can be critical in the weeks and months to come. The lessons are designed for students to experience on their own, or they can invite family members to learn and move along with them. With many students returning to in-person instruction and others choosing to remain home for part of the 2020-21 school year, districts continue to prioritize the social-emotional needs of students. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. SEL offers a powerful means to explore and express our emotions, build relationships, and support each other – children and adults alike. A strong social emotional learning plan can help your community feel confident returning to classrooms, ease the transition back to school, and help students and educators process the events of the past few months. States and # schooldistricts like yours are facing key decisions to address students' critical # academic and # socialemotional needs. Two particularly inspiring examples among many were created by Chatham (NJ) Public Schools and the STEAM Academy Middle School in the Ferguson-Florissant School District in St. Louis, Missouri. Weekly SEL Journeys [email protected] lessons, geared to K-5 students, explore SEL themes and guide students on a "global dance journey." This year, the first day of school looked very different for the tens of millions of students returning to class. Here are six ways educators can prioritize kids’ emotional well-being during the transition back to school buildings: 1. Provides on-demand, teacher-led lessons, videos and free resources for educators, students and families. Research suggests that high school students are more dependent on social interaction for well-being than any other age group. Equip leaders, classroom teachers, and students with the necessary tools for shared success. We know that trauma often impacts the young most profoundly. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a critical part of every child’s education and can be nurtured even when students are not in school. 75 Free Social Emotional Learning Activities. "SEL is the foundation, the heartbeat of the classroom," she says. Since school closures began, the district has continued engaging families and students in SEL as part of distance learning plans for elementary, middle, and high schools. SEL is important to rebuilding classroom community upon returning to in-person instruction. Here are some key recommendations for school and district leaders when planning in-person social learning during the pandemic. From evaluating reopening plans to identifying how to support students and staff, school leaders continue to grapple with uncertainties prompted by COVID-19. Educators shared candid insights, including their sentiment towards and preparedness for the… Learn research-backed, trauma-informed strategies to implement during the first six weeks back to school, setting the stage for a year of resilience and achievement. This time, there was a 55% response rate. Given the very different academic and social emotional learning opportunities during the pandemic, returning to face-to-face learning will require more support for social emotional knowledge and skills. For example, supporting students’ self-efficacy may help to boost their confidence in their ability to catch up on lost learning, and re-engage with learning. Staff Support & Coaching Page last reviewed: 04 March 2021 The Mental Health Foundation is part of the national mental health response during the coronavirus outbreak. It elicited extraordinary creations by students of all levels worldwide, who put their SEL skills to work and found the process helpful and gratifying. No specialist training is required. The Back to School Guide is an example of Aperture Education’s work to support educators, administrators, and parents in promoting social-emotional learning in classrooms and at home. SEL also contributes to a decline in students’ anxiety, behaviour problems & substance abuse (information from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, & Emotional Learning). Additional Strategies for Helping Students Going Back to School: Consider offering small group or one-on-one counseling sessions. Parents should plan to proactively check in about their child's mental health, even if it has never before come up as a concern. CASEL understands how important it is to attend to the social and emotional needs that arise during times like these. Give students the opportunity to reflect before returning to their learning environment. Being in school each day can be a big comfort, and educators don't have that right now, says Turner. SEL and school climate are ithin all settings and impact student-educator interactions, and influence students and teachers directly and indirectly.

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