The packs are highly hierarchical. Hundreds of thousands of pangolins are poached and killed every year for their scales which are used in traditional chinese medicine. Facts about Endangered Species Common Wildlife in Ghana It’s a continent that is home to over 1,100 different species of mammals and over 2,600 species of birds. Tortoises are taken from the wild for the pet trade, killed for their decorative shells, and their eggs are also stolen for consumption. The African wild dog is the second most endangered canid in Africa after the Ethiopian wolf. They communicate with one another by a unique set of vocalizations (which can be heard up to 1.9 miles away), visual signals, smells and physical contact. Female lions are the main hunters, they do this while the males protect the pride’s territory and young. The West African slender-snouted crocodile population in the Obuasi Municipality is no exception – here crocodiles are threatened by increasing conflicts with fish farmers, who complain of crocodiles raiding their fish ponds, and kill them in retaliation. The Roloway monkey is one of the most endangered animals in Africa. These animals are only found in three brackish water estuarine environments, the Keurbooms and Swartvlei estuaries and the Knysna Lagoon. These vultures are able to soar amongst the thermals beautifully but are not good at flying on their own, they are just too heavy. The species is believed to have undergone rapid population decline throughout its range and, in Ghana, it is threatened by habitat destruction, prey reduction, and human-crocodile conflict. Their meat is however not the only thing people are after. Another important factor, is that elephants among many of the endangered animals in Africa are keystone species. These groups can consist of up to 30 individuals, depending on how much food and water are available. Most recently they have also been threatened by lethal diseases carried by domestic dogs, such as rabies and canine distemper. Unfortunately, Amur leopards are one of the world’s most endangered big cats. As of September 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 2493 critically endangered plant species, including 145 which are tagged as possibly extinct or possibly extinct in the wild. Many are critically endangered species! They actually use their lips to pluck little roots and plants from the ground. They live in a social hierarchy system, dominated by females. They use this vantage point to find carcasses which they sometimes fly long distances to find. support their work here and adopt a vulture, What is the goal of wildlife conservation, single colonies that had up to one million, Make Eco Bricks from your non-recyclables, most trafficked non-human mammal in the world, Vulpro is a dedicated Cape Vulture rehab centre, they have many programs assisting these wonderful birds. A rare species known as Wild Water Buffalo – Bubalus arnee has also been re-discovered in the Upper West Region of Ghana. In comparison, just 100 years ago there were single colonies that had up to one million individuals. You can find some of the world’s most endangered animals in Africa. The majority of a chimps day is spent high up in the treetops. Their groups are usually made up of 2 – 13 individuals. Scientists estimate that the population has declined by up to 50% since the 1990’s. By gna Listen to article. Discover Ghanaian animals you've never heard of, and learn amazing facts about the ones you have! Polar bears, mountain lions, and alligators are all predators brought into close contact with people as they lose their habitat to homes, farms, and businesses. They come in a multitude of different colors ranging from green to brown and purplish black. These animals live in close knit packs sometimes amounting to 18 individuals. Loss of Genetic Variation Up to 200 000 pangolins are estimated to be taken out of the wild in Africa and Asia every year, making them the most trafficked non-human mammal in the world. and features to Few other places on earth offer such unique opportunities to see such a diverse spectrum of wildlife and often in close proximity. // End --> Common Wildlife in Ghana. It is furthermore the most endangered carnivore in South Africa. The order Tubulidentata consists of a single species, the aardvark. These monkeys are suffering greatly due to the hands of humans, particularly in Ghana where 800 tons of bush meat is sold every year, ap art of which is Roloway monkey meat. In his spare time he kitesurfs with whales, gets attacked by jellyfish, SUP’s with great white sharks and rescues seals. So far 504 species of fish, 728 of birds, 225 of mammals, and 221 of amphibians and reptiles have been recorded in the country of Ghana. Note/Disclaimer: This list is made possible through a database keyword search/filtering process which may not be 100% accurate. Groups are led by the alpha male who often has … I think it’s extremely important that we learn about all the endangered animals in Africa, and what we can do to help them. Ghana is home to many wonderful animal species. Turtle meat and eggs are highly desirable in Ghana, threatening the lives of the reptiles. Tubulidentata are characterised by their teeth which lack a pulp cavity and form thin tubes which are continuously worn down and replaced. African lions in the wild are becoming more and more scarce. West African slender-snouted crocodile A small, but still effective effort is the United States’ Endangered Species Act of 1973, which outlines laws for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitats in which they are found.This law prohibits US citizens from taking endangered species out … Focus: Endangered Primates. Separate household garbage for easy recycling, Buy local rather than carbon-heavy imported goods. site = ""; user = "features"; It is believed that they will be extinct within 10 years. Lions are the only cats in the world to live in groups (known as prides). In the past, green sea turtles have nested on the beaches of Ghana, but recently they have disappeared. For comparison the lion has a measly 30% success rate. Scientific Name: Addax nasomaculatus. document.write(''); Also… The slender-snouted crocodile is the only member of its genus, and has been identified as a priority species by ZSL’s EDGE of Existence programme, meaning it is highly Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered. They tend to jump sideways whilst holding their arms up high. Black rhinos generally weigh 850-1,600 kg and in some exceptional cases, adult males can weigh close to 1,800 kg. All eight species of pangolin are assessed as threatened by the IUCN, while three are classified as critically endangered. Never litter and if you see any make sure to pick it up. Believe it or not they are also very hygenic birds, often gathering around waterholes to groom and bathe themselves. You will find them roaming in large nomadic herds, with between 5 to 20 individuals. The Centre, first of its kind in Africa, is solely devoted to breeding, studying, protecting land tortoise among other species. Kyle was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. Infact their numbers have dropped by 30 percent in the last 10 years. . Tortoise is among 154 reptile species in Ghana regarded as endangered. What can I do to help the Eastern Lowland Gorilla? As the world marks World Reptile day today, puts the spotlight on some rare endangered reptiles gradually fading away in Ghana. You can also support by donating to organizations like. But now that their numbers have been depleted, smugglers have turned to the African continent to continue their illegal trade. Oh and they drink alot too, a casual 150 to 250 liters a day. Defenders of Wildlife. The chimpanzee population, for instance, consists of a mere 200-300 individuals. A species is listed as “endangered” if it has lost 70 per cent of its population in the last 10 years. These monkeys are diurnal which means they are active during the day time. Endangered Animals in the Savanna. The Roloway monkey is one of the most endangered animals in Africa. When it comes to hunting these African canids have an incredibly high success rate, which sits at 80%. In 2006, the Ghana government proposed a large hydroelectric dam in the area which would severely alter all aspects of the Bandai Hills (Environmental Resources Management and SGS Environment 2006). Donkey. There are three principal types of vegetation from south to north occurring in the coastal savanna, in the forest zone, and in the northern savanna zone. Just confirm your email, we've just sent you one! Sadly much like the African elephant, black rhinos are being poached to extinction for their horns. Unbelievably a lion’s roar can be heard up to 8 kilometres away. Unfortunately, many of those species are endangered with extinction. Defenders of Wildlife works tirelessly both on the ground and in the courts to … Dog. In recent times it has been nearly impossible to get an accurate reading on population numbers due to all the violence experienced in the region. An endangered species is a population of animals which risks becoming extinct, because it is either low in numbers, or threatened by environmental or predation changing parameters. This species is only known from the original description, which reported it from the Bandai Hills in the Ashanti Region in southeastern Ghana They have terrible eyesight but make up for this by extremely good hearing (Daredevil where you at). Turtles Humans have also eaten tortoise meat for centuries. These beautiful animals are distinguished from their gorilla cousins by their stocky bodies, large hands and short muzzles. Have changed little in 200 million years! Worms. Teach kids about the importance of the pangolin and what makes them special. Their main threat in the wild is unorganized trophy hunting and habitat loss. Don’t consume products containing panolin (obviously) like pangolin wine. Groups are led by the alpha male who often has many females accompanying him with their offspring. Sadly, many of these precious animals in Africa are becoming endangered due to human induced threats, such as poaching, habitat loss and climate change. These monkeys are diurnal which means they are active during the day time. Smaller Mammals. Ghana - Ghana - Plant and animal life: Although soils and biotic factors (i.e., those pertaining to living organisms, including humans) are important, vegetation is primarily determined by precipitation. You can. While these processes are likely to represent threats to this population within the region, as it is known only from its original description and may consequently be more widespread, it is not known whether these represent major or localized threats to this worm lizard. The key to save endangered animals is to return a safe environment to them. This one’s obvious, but don’t EVER buy rhino products and inform everyone you know to do the same. Crocodile. Meanwhile, they have set up a conservation site for turtles to rescue such reptiles and the killing or capture of such animals is now punishable by law. document.write(user + '@' + site + ''); Even though the Addax are not nocturnal, you’ll find them sleeping throughout hottest parts of the day and foraging at night time. Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis) The black rhino is one of many of Africa’s endangered species. White rhinoIt is sad that, after successful conservation efforts increased their numbers dramatically … These threats are present in most other coastal communities in Ghana and on the West African coast, but a small number of communities do protect sea turtles, as some local religions worship the turtles as gods. What can I do to help the African Penguin? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The unique biodiversity of the Togo-Volta region makes it a priority conservation site for endemic plants and animals, including the Critically Endangered Togo Slippery Frog and the Endangered Ukami Reed Frog.