The object of the day comes from a surprising collaboration between Crocs and PizzaSlime. Crocs is back and unveil a banana bag that takes the form of its iconic clog.
Crocs makes its return in a rather surprising form! The company is known for making clogs. Some people like them, some people hate them and consider them as a real blasphemy in the fashion world. Anyway, Crocs has obviously not said its last word as it is going for a complete renewal under the form of … a banana bag. This surprising variation was born from a collaboration with the young brand PizzaSlime and gives life to a collection of banana bags that take the form of the iconic clog.
Photos Credits : Crocs
The Crocs plastic shoe is transformed into a resealable bag thanks to a zipper. Available in two models: a flashy yellow and a neutral black for those who prefer traditional styles. You’ll have to “be quick” to get one of these models. They are for sale on the PizzaSlime website for 300$ each. Hurry up the yellow model is already SOLD OUT.

A creation that leaves us skeptical, but fashion is an art subject to controversy and different opinions. Nevertheless, we emphasize the audacity of the brand, which perseveres despite many criticisms. Its comeback on the market was certainly not expected.