We carefully searched the internet to find the top 5 best white sneakers you should buy to enhance your style. As you know, spring is coming, which means the end of dirty sidewalks. You will soon be able to pull out white shoes without worrying to destroy them.
#1 Nike Air Force 1 ’07

AF1s are definitely a smart purchase. First, because they fit well with literally everything. Second, because they stood the test of time better than any shoe.
#2 Nike Cortez

As for the AF1, Cortez are another classic from Nike. They are very versatile sneakers, which means they fit with everything as well.
#3 Vans Authentic

Vans authentics look incredible with high apparent socks! We highly recommend them for a first pair of white shoes. As they are pretty cheap, the pressure to keep to keep them super clean lowers considerably.
#4 Puma Cell Venom

With the chunky sneaker trend going on, Puma Cell Venoms are a great choice to enhance your style. Although they might be less versatile than the ones before, they’ll definitely drive more attention to your feet.
#5 Salomon S/Lab XT-6 Softground LT ADV

Last but not least, our favorite pick. This Salomon shoe is definitely one that will stand out as well as will give you the comfort that you’re looking for.