Especially in northern countries, technical outdoor gear is becoming more and more popular. That’s why Ralph Lauren is launching a new heritage Polo
Ralph Lauren New Collection

Ralph Lauren announced its new Polo
It features reissues and reinterpretations of tried-and-true outdoor apparel. The main feature is a vintage poncho. With the Polo
Polo Sport Outdoors Vibes

The mountain inspiration is clear. What’s special about the collection is the return of the “Polo Sportsman” line. A collection that the brand launched 21 years ago and was born with a clear desire to dress nature lovers.
While the designs are those of technical garments, such as cargo pants, vests and fishermen’s hats, the prints and fabrics have turned towards a much cooler concept. In fact, we found the original Polo
Polo Sport Outdoors Collection
In addition to the poncho, the 11-pieces collection will also include an exclusive Polo Sports pair of hiking boots from the ’90s in a deep red and green suede material.
Army green surplus attire, including the Trek Vest, Observer Pants, backpack, and Booney Hat, will also be included in the reissued Polo Sport collection. This limited edition brings back the most adventurous spirit of Polo Ralph Lauren.
Moreover, the fabrics are Resistant and thick.. Take a closer look at the upcoming collection in the gallery just below!
Relase Date of the New Collection
The Polo